HELP! Birth control for the breastfeeding mom and weight los

* TMI alert * I'm trying to decide on what type of birth control to use. So far we've been using condoms and the pull and pray method. And that's getting a little old and I'd like something more reliable. My 7 month old daughter is breastfed so I know my options are IUD, mini pill, or the depo shot.

I've heard about women gaining weight while on the shot and I was just looking for your opinions on it. My doctor says it will not affect my weight loss. So I was wondering if anyone here has been on the depo shot while trying to lose weight? How has it affected your weight loss?

I'm strongly considering the mini pill. Does anyone here have experience with the mini pill (progesterone only) while trying to lose weight? What about any other side effects from these medications?

I'm not considering an IUD (Mirena) at this point. I just don't like the idea of something being left inside me for that long and I'm afraid of some of the possible serious side effects.

Thanks for any help that you can offer.



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I use Nuvaring & haven't noticed it hindering my weight loss at all.
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    I've been on the depo for three months and it hasn't affected my weight loss, but it has made me spot the entire time! And my doc said an IUD would most likely have the same effects. So, I switched to the pill until I'm sure I'm done having kids.
    I researched the shot before I got it, and most of the people said that the reason for weight gain is because their appetite is increased. So I think if you decide to go with that, if you keep logging and eating right, then you should still lose weight. And if you find yourself gaining, then you know that it's the shot and can figure out a different birth control.
  • gperry227
    I know you said that you are not considering the Mirena, but I had that put it right after my second son. It has been great! I hae had no problems with it and it has made my monthly cycle soooo light (panty liner only light)....... I just couldnt remember to take a pill everyday at the same time.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I've had the Mirena almost 4 years and LOVE it. It definitely hasn't hindered my weight loss at all. It's also one of the most effective forms of birth control out there :D I'll be getting a new one when the 5 years is up and we're DONE having kids. It's just so easy, plus the lack of periods (or SUPER light spotting sometimes) is totally worth it.

    If you choose either IUD though be prepared for up to 6 months of irregular bleeding or spotting, most women don't have it that long (I had about 6 weeks) but some can. You have to be willing to stick it out.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    I'm currently breastfeeding and taking the mini pill. I haven't had to experience that TOM since I had my daughter in April, and I haven't noticed any side effects from the pill. My doctor just said to be extra careful with it since it isn't as effective if not taken at the same time every day.

    As for weight gain - I'm losing while on the pill, but I'm sure everyone's bodies are different. . .but like someone else said just keep tracking your calories and you should be able to control that. And if not, then talk to your doctor about switching you to something else.

    Best of luck to you!
  • pixelsmith73
    pixelsmith73 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I tried the mini pill a few years ago and hated it, but only because I am total flake. You need to take it the same time every day or you can spot or bleed and boy did I. I felt like I had my period for three months straight. Ugh. I did not notice any adverse effects on my weight but I was in my twenties and didn't really need to watch my weight back then.
  • melodymartinez
    I was on Depo for a year and bled every single day. But I didn't gain any weight. I'm on the mini pill now (2 months PP) and I'm bleeding at random days/times. I have an appt to get the Mirena next month but I'm undecided. I'm going to stick to the mini pill.