How do YOU "carry over" your earned calories?

katbass Posts: 351 Member
Ive searched for this topic a few different ways, but havent found any real answers. Hoping some of you can help me out!

I am shooting for 1575 calories per day.
I exercise/burn/earn an extra 550-750 calories at least 4 days a week and, on the advice of my trainer, I am choosing to eat back at least half of those earned calories.
A 6pm boot camp and an 8pm run make it difficult to guarantee I can eat all of those earned calories back, but I can usually eat some peanut butter or something to get half of them consumed on the day they are "earned". But what about those extra 200-ish calories my body needs?
Is there a way to sort of carry over those earned calories in the MFP app?

So if I earn 600 extra calories on a boot camp day, but cant/dont eat all of them before midnight, is there is a smart way to track them to another day? I think Im making this more difficult than it needs to be, but I had success losing weight on Weight Watchers using their "weekly" points and wish there was a way for MFP to track exercise/earned calories over the week, rather than just day by day. Yes, I could just plan to eat 2100 calories throughout the day on a bootcamp or running day, but then what happens when I cant get to boot camp or my run doesnt happen? Guilt!

Im thinking I could just add any leftover calories to the next day as "exercise" calories but not sure if there is already a way to track exercise calories and spread them out over a week rather than just using them each day.
Thanks in advance!


  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    On the app, from the "Home" page, click "Weekly" and it will show you how many net calories you have consumed and how many you have left for the week.

    If you are IGNORING that weekly total, entire yesterday's leftover calories as a custom exercise to add them to today to increase your daily goal. If you went over one day and want to balance it out, add yesterday's overage as quick added calories to reduce your daily goal. A lot of people track weekly though, and this will mess that up, so pick one or the other.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Thank you so much for the speedy reply! I think I will try adding the earned calories to the next day. Thanks again! :)
  • Whissy
    Whissy Posts: 40
    Holy crap i am 3000 under my weekly net goal :| i know i didnt track properly saturday but...damn. No wonder i am hungry