Help!! Metformin and eating for PCOS

Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
I am about to increase my dose of Metformin again, and the problem is that it makes me so sick. For a lot of you that are on Metformin for PCOS, you understand. Previously when I was on this high of a dose I was not watching what I was eating and the only food I could actually keep in my system for a decent amount of time was fast food. Gross, I know. Now that I am watching what I am consuming, I am looking for healthier options that might not make me as sick. I know that any kind of vegetable and fruit makes me extremely sick. I am looking for any kind of advice or suggestions. I really appreciate it!

By the way, I am tying extended release so maybe that will help a little bit.


  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    fast food probably worked better because you were eating a higher dose of fat. i have found that my side effects from metformin are reduced if i eat under 100 grams of carbs a day and make up the rest with protein and fat. fat is brain food, so don't be afraid of it! good luck!

    *edit: extended release should help tummy issues a lot.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    High Protein Low Carb foods will help keep the side effects to a minimum.... Try keeping your carbs down to around 100 or less a day, that will help big time... and gets lots of protein in... Keep in mind when eating low carb your fat intake is generally going to be higher than MFP suggests.
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    I appreciate it! I always thought it was the carbs that were helping with the side effects I never even considered the fat! It makes complete sense though! Is it possible to keep it low calorie? I am not seeing how I am going to be able to eat high protein and stay under 1440 calories a day.
  • Hildabean
    Hildabean Posts: 71 Member
    I am on 1000mg twice a day for PCOS I do ok with it but find about every other day I get the case of living in the bathroom with bowl issues. I find if I take it with food I dont get sick. Food meaning a meal not a snack....Hope it gets better for you!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    By the way, I am tying extended release so maybe that will help a little bit.

    I am on the extended release and haven't had any issues. Recently my doc bumped my dose up from 500 to 1000mg and for about a week, I noticed a very slight difference in how it affected my tummy, but it was slight and it went away after a few days.

    I agree with the others - you gotta eat lower carb and higher protein/fat to not only help with the metformin issue, but also b/c people with PCOS should be eating that way. I try to eat less than 75-100g a day.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I appreciate it! I always thought it was the carbs that were helping with the side effects I never even considered the fat! It makes complete sense though! Is it possible to keep it low calorie? I am not seeing how I am going to be able to eat high protein and stay under 1440 calories a day.

    I hardly eat any carbs and eat tons of protein and I generally stay under 1200 calories a day. It can be done :)

    Choose low calorie proteins, like chicken, fish, etc. Eggs and other protein for breakfast. Remember, protein and fat fills you up WAY more, so you don't need to eat as much either! I even eat bacon and what not and it all fits into my diet :)
  • springfan
    springfan Posts: 39 Member
    I have been prescribed to take four ER 500MG Metformin pills a day. I also had quite a bit of problems in the beginning. The doctor told me to slowly increase my dose to the recommeded dose over time so the stomach upset would not be so bad (which I did). She also recommended that I follow a low GI diet lifestyle. I have been doing fantastic. I wish you luck.

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i eat 1330 calories (116 grams protein, 52 gram fat and 100 grams carbs). if i can eat high protein on less calories, you can do it on 1440.

    i usually do 2 slices of bacon and a string cheese each morning for breakfast. add a half of grapefruit with 1 tablespoon real sugar (that fake processed stuff is nasty!) and i'm good to go until lunch. if you need something more substantial, add an egg or two (hard-boiled, scrambled, over easy, omelet). a lot of people recommend oatmeal, but it causes me to go over my carb allowance.

    a high protein lunch might include a large salad with cheese, tuna/chicken and other veggies. add a hard boiled egg or black beans if you like. skip croutons, but have an oil-based dressing. add a greek yogurt (double the protein and tastes better without all the added sugar) and a handful of nuts.

    eat supper with a meat/bean main meal, two sides of veggies and a low glycemic fruit like blueberries. an apple with peanut butter is yum!

    add a glass of chocolate milk and half a banana after your workouts for recovery.

    also add a extra b vitamin supplement to your daily. women on metformin usually have low levels of b vitamin.
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    I am on 1500mg of Metformin ER nightly. As long as I stay clear of fatty foods and simple carbs I don't have any tummy issues. Not all carbs are bad. It's the simple carbs you find in sugar and white flour you want to stay away from. As long as I stay away from those things and I keep taking my pills I keep losing weight.
  • :smooched: Wish me Luck! I just started taking my Metformin (500 mg AM and 500 mg PM) with Spironlactone (100mg AM) again. I was sick for a month, then just never got back on my medication for ohhhh 6 months or so. (I know, horrible!) I had a cycle April 1, 2013 then had surgery (not related to PCOS or cycle) and did not have one until the end of August 2013. It lasted about 2 weeks. (Not complaining....I was used to nothing for months or bleeding for 90+ days)

    I am not trying to get pregnant right now, just getting my cycles somewhat straight and assist with weight loss maybe?, but babies are something I want to try for in my future! Other than eating a better diet, any tips/tricks/assistance offered on how to not get super sick to my tummy and runny stool? By the way--after 10 days I am increasing Metformin to 1000mg AM and 1000mg PM (like my normal dosage given by Dr was.---but he said to start gradually again then amp up.)
  • larabenbow1
    larabenbow1 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been of Metformin since December 28, 2013 and I had a bit of tummy troubles at the beginning, but now every once in awhile I get really nauseated, I figured it had to do with what I was eating while on Metformin, but I would have never guessed it would be carbs, I also have no appetite, so I am having trouble find things that don't turn my stomach or just sound gross, before I was on metformin I liked the foods and I can't wrap my brian around them. I find myself buying out more because I don't like what I cook at home as much. I cooked a chicken breat last night and i couldn't eat it and I thought maybe I would have it for lunch and it is still turning my stomach. Has anyone else experienced this?
  • I been on metformin for some time now. I always take it with my breakfast in the morning regularly and I feel good no problems I am taking 1000mg everyday. I am taking it for pre diabetes so it has helped. I also diet and exercise everyday for an hour an a half. I stop drinking any kind of sugar drinks but I do have coke zero. I count carbs and eat better. I try and stay away from milk, bread, pasta, and rice. I lost 20lbs.
  • I read on I believe WebMD that we should mix Metformin with citrus fruit, the citrus deters the effectiveness of the Metformin.
  • uchube
    uchube Posts: 44
    i've been on 500mg 3x a day for four years and never had issues, i second that its probably the grease/fat content that coated your stomach that eased the nausea. i really recommend, from my own experimentation over the years, moderate protein, high fat and low carb/keto if you can manage it
  • I have been on Metformin since March 2014. I am currently taking 1500 mg 3x a day. No tummy troubles unless I eat extremely greasy food.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am on 1000mg twice a day for PCOS I do ok with it but find about every other day I get the case of living in the bathroom with bowl issues. I find if I take it with food I dont get sick. Food meaning a meal not a snack....Hope it gets better for you!

    You take the same dosage as my daughter (18 yrs old). Took a lot of tinkering to find that she had to eat a full meal to take her meds or she'd be sick as well. We also learned a trick, especially if you can't eat a full meal at the time you take the meds, take immodium. It doesn't affect the metformin at all. It stops the bathroom visits and doesn't interfere with normal bathroom functions.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I have been of Metformin since December 28, 2013 and I had a bit of tummy troubles at the beginning, but now every once in awhile I get really nauseated, I figured it had to do with what I was eating while on Metformin, but I would have never guessed it would be carbs, I also have no appetite, so I am having trouble find things that don't turn my stomach or just sound gross, before I was on metformin I liked the foods and I can't wrap my brian around them. I find myself buying out more because I don't like what I cook at home as much. I cooked a chicken breat last night and i couldn't eat it and I thought maybe I would have it for lunch and it is still turning my stomach. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Thanks for posting this. My daughter is experiencing exactly the same thing. She started metformin in April, and at this time she really is off her food. All she really wants is fruit and veg...anything else makes her nauseous. She has a blood disorder that makes her permanently anemic so I'm at a loss as to what to have her eat. Have you asked your doctor about the food turnoff?
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I appreciate it! I always thought it was the carbs that were helping with the side effects I never even considered the fat! It makes complete sense though! Is it possible to keep it low calorie? I am not seeing how I am going to be able to eat high protein and stay under 1440 calories a day.

    Take a look at the keto or paleo groups on here for recipes, or google around for recipes. They follow a low carb high fat way of eating that goes very well with PCOS and metformin. It's definitely possible to eat this way on a deficit.
  • black_cats
    black_cats Posts: 29 Member
    I had my PCOS diagnosis confirmed yesterday and have been prescribed 500mg of metformin xr
    I'm to try this for a month and then go back to the doctor to tinker with the dosages. I've not had any real side effects yet so fingers crossed it stays that way
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