5k tonight...

I am running my second 5k tonight! Although, I'm not sure it is so much of a race as it is a "fun run" ... I'm going to try to get towards the front of the pack at the starting line so I don't get stuck behind the joggers. I'm really excited because I just made my best mile time ever the other day when I was training (9:05). It's the Electric Run at the OC Fairgrounds.

I'm a little worried because I seem to have come down with some sort of knee issues over the last week (I don't *think* I've been overtraining...just running 2-4 miles every other day, with a few 20-second high-speed intervals at the end). The back of my right knee/leg/thigh is bugging me. I made it worse yesterday when I sprinted out to my car to grab my wallet and forgot to take it easy and immediately felt the pain. Anyway, I've been "RICE-ing" it since yesterday.

Any tips for getting through this 5k tonight with a knee "injury"?


  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    Take a slow, your body will tell you what to do!

    Good luck. =)
  • Just listen to your body. If your knee starts to feel funny, slow up a little and see if you can access whether it's pain or discomfort.

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Don't overdo it. Sounds like a tight IT band to me. Look up some IT band stretches online and get a foam roller if you don't already have one.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    My knee and ankle have been bugging me since I started running outside because I run in the street and it slopes. Could that be your problem? Otherwise, just run your 5k unless something starts to feel bad again. You might want to take a break for a few days afterwards and see if the problem fixes itself.
  • itsCheek
    itsCheek Posts: 104
    My knee and ankle have been bugging me since I started running outside because I run in the street and it slopes. Could that be your problem? Otherwise, just run your 5k unless something starts to feel bad again. You might want to take a break for a few days afterwards and see if the problem fixes itself.

    Yes - I run in the street on the side of the road and I know it slopes down a bit on the right. I can't run on sidewalks because of the driveway slopes. I try to run in the middle of the street but sometimes I can't because of cars (I wear a blinky light belt because I always run at night...but you never know if someone is texting and not paying attention). I just can't bear to run on a Dreadmill, and there isn't too many running trails by my house unless I want to get in my car and drive to the beach!
  • itsCheek
    itsCheek Posts: 104
    Is it okay to take Ibuprofen before a race?