starting 10 pound fat loss plan today

I am new to this website. I just thought that I would share my unusual plan. I am doing a 28 day plan that will include fruit/veggie juice and individual protein supplement drinks from Costco as well as Quest bars from Gnc. I am also drinking a lot of water, diet green tea, and some diet soda for caffeine. I am focusing more on my diet than on exercise since I believe that diet is 75% of the weight loss. Exercise does not really do much for me unless I am very careful with my diet. I gain weight even if I exercise but do not eat right however I lose weight even if I do not exercise when I eat right. I will do cardio and strength training for my exercise after I have mastered the diet. I do not think that I will lose any muscle or bone with this plan. I will weigh myself a couple of times a week. I know that my body if very efficient as losing weight when I am consistent.


  • rolemodel69
    Hello and welcome ! I understand your thought about nutrition and not exercicing but honestly even if nutrition is 80% of the results, exercice is important in weight loss.

    Doing the right exercice rev up your metabolism and you are burning fat even hours after you are done with your workout. Exercices also makes you gain muscle mass while burning fat , its improve your fitness level and can help you get rid of some pain you had prior. I am a huge fan of working out and i just can't see myself starving and not moving to lose weight.

    That is obviously your choice but i just think everybody look better with a lean toned body than a skinny body without any muscle.
  • guroprincess
    Ignore rolemodel69; exercise is technically NOT important in weight loss. It's all about burning more than you eat. Exercise comes in when you want fitness. (Also lol why add that you think everyone looks better with a lean toned body? How is that relevant at all???)

    If you are only comfortable with diet right now, then that's what your goal should be. Like you said, you can always add in exercise later if you so wish. Don't try to take on too much at once and fall off the bandwagon.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I promise you you'll be so much happier just eating regular food in moderation. I have no issue with supplemental things like protein shakes/bars, etc., but they're just that: supplemental.
  • aysesungur
    Thank you for your advice Maria, Princess, and Model.
    Maria I agree that a variety of normal foods is best however I find that with too much variety in my diet it makes it more difficult to resist all of the food. At this time I am not there however I will get there on my own or with professional help sometime in the near future.
    Model I also believe cardio and weight lifting is beneficial for fat loss. I am sure that as I lose weight through diet and feel better about myself through pampering I will most definitely pick up weight lifting and cardio once again. However in the beginning I need to put as much energy and focus as I can to not increasing my appetite, and keeping my food choices in check. Not eating the right things has been my downfall lately. Exercise has never really been a problem for me thankfully nor do I believe it ever will be.
    Princess, I think you know how I feel about this topic.
    I will not starve. If I start finding myself hungry I will start including exercise in my routine again so that I can increase my ability to burn more calories so that I will be able to eat just a little bit more.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    If you want to be HEALTHY, please exercise. If you view this as a "drop 10 pounds and then I'm done" kind of thing, you are setting yourself up for failure. If it's not sustainable in the long run, then you'll just end up right where you started. I lost 60 pounds finally balancing diet and exercise. But before I was a lot like you. I attacked weight loss with a game plan, a time frame, and I always always ended up gaining back whatever I lost.
  • ichibanmom
    ichibanmom Posts: 10 Member
    I think you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. In the long run wouldn't you be happier eating clean "real" food rather than supplements, bars and juices?

    At the end of August I weighed 111 pounds, I cleaned up my diet: I eliminated all processed foods, diet soda and complex carbs and cut alcohol to two or three drinks on the weekends only. I eat bountiful salads, eggs, lean protein, vegetables, I drink my weight in water and I only work out 60 minutes a day. I don't feel deprived, angry or hungry.

    I stepped on the scale on Wednesday morning and I'm 104.3 pounds....two months of clean eating and this is my reward. And it didn't hurt at all.
  • aysesungur
    Gypsy I have decided to start exercising again in a day or two. Thank you for the advice. I am very strong on this plan so I feel that I will be able to add the exercise in without eating more food.
    Mom your diet is very healthy. I plan to add in some more variety into my diet every week that I do good. Definitely some big salads.
    I guess I am starting out this way because I feel a little desperate to get weight off a little faster than normal.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Oh's not a race. Just eat at a deficit, and you will lose weight. It's that simple.