Newbie me....

gumdrop2 Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! Call me Dot, please. About three decades ago, after the murder of my sister, I put myself on a diet and lost almost 40 pounds. Going from 155 pds to 117 made a remarkable difference in not only my appearance but my life as well. I kept that weight off, stabling out at 125 -127 pds, for about four years....until the sudden, unexpected death of a very dear friend. At that point I said "What the hell (excuse me)! If life ends so suddenly, as I am very well aware, then I am going out with the sweet smell of chocolate on my breath!!!".....Now almost three decades later that 'sweet smell of chocolate'....and any other thing I deemed delectable.... has turned my original 155 pds into a "wish I was 155 pds again" morphed, never-see-me-naked individual. For months my ex-sister-in-law has invited me to Zumba...only to hear..."can't" over and over again. FINALLY I decided to take that one small step and off to Zumba ONCE....only once... weekly I went. Then she mentioned she came over last night ...(did I say 'newbie'?).... and walked me through this site. I do believe, Houston, we have lift off!!! Maybe, just maybe, this is another small step taken....NO, IT IS....toward the beginnings of a healthier, livlier, more focused beautiful me :)


  • Welcome aboard:) We all know it's small steps that take us further on this journey, so congrats to you for making them. Feel free to add me as your friend.
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    Hi Dot. I'm Lynn. Welcome to MFP. It is so user friendly. All you have to do is click and add and it keeps a tally for you. How easy is that?! I'm sorry to hear about the losses in your life. That has to be tough. But, I'm happy that you're beginning a whole new journey. The best part about MFP is having moral support from friends you collect. Please feel free to request me as a friend by clicking on my user name and requesting me. I want to try Zumba. I've heard such great things about it. I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey.
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    Welcome to MFP, my dear friend! I am so glad you are here!
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    Wow, it seams that you have had a roller coaster of emotions after losing those close to you.I cant imagine going through so much pain. It seems to me that you have a good support and this friend of yours is definitely trying to push you in the right direction. Zumba is a great first step, it is fun and the time by goes by fast, before you know it the class is over!! This website is also great, there are so much information regarding diet and exercise and not to mention the support from the MFP community.

    Good luck in your Journey!!

    "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou: Trust me some day you will be so glad that you took this little step :)
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