Health on the line.


My Name is Joanna. Since I was thirteen, I struggled with weight issues. My health go so bad, I had 5 doctors refer me for gastric bypass. In 2007, I got the bypass and lost 128lbs. One day, I was motivated to "follow my dream". Big mistake. I found out the hard way that what I thought I wanted, wasn't right for me at all. I was down, and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life... Being depressed, I regained 72lbs. I've been out of good habits for over a year now, placing me back at square one; with 105lbs to lose. Regaining weight after gastric bypass is dangerous and my blood pressure is crazy high. I need to get my life back on track if I dont want to lose it.

I am always open to suggestions and Ideas. I welcome your support and information.


  • goldilocks007
    Welcome! you will find a lot of support and motivation along the way with MFP. Feel free to add me as a frind if you want
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    The old fashioned "hard" way is what I'm doing. I've only lost 17 lbs in the last 11 months, but I'm being realistic about it. I want to keep it up 5, 10, 15 years from now. I eat, a lot on most days (over my cals usually) but I exercise - I mix up my routines between Yoga, Tai-Chi, Aerobics, calisthenics, kick-boxing, etc. I have toned & firmed what I never was able to before & have a butt now (instead of the back falls into thighs look!:tongue: ).

    If you would like, add me as a friend: motivation and support are also keys: I don't think I could have stuck it out for this long without my MFP's and I'm at the point that this is now a solid lifestyle for me, not a diet or "try" to change. I know this is a very difficult journey, especially after having that surgery: I know you can do this. I'm doing it now, and it took patience, persistance and consistence :flowerforyou:
    You have come to the right place. I have only been on here 1 day and have had mad support and encouragement. My advice is to contact you doctor prior to doing any exercise since you had gastric bypass. I do not know enough about the risks but I would be safe than sorry. As for losing weight, it is difficult but you have to start somewhere. You have the ability to do it, you just needto find out who or where you are in your life. It took me 41 years and I have still not completely figured it out, but i am alot better today than i was yesterday!!! let me know what we can do to help!!!!:happy:
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Welcome to MFP. I hope that you're serious about losing weight because you've already spent large amounts of money trying to lose weight. If you're able to stay within your calorie limits, and don't eat your deficit, you can lose the weight with no problem. Don't let anybody or anything keep you from being as healthy as possible. I'm cheering for you!!!
  • fun_mom
    Welcome! I'm so sorry for all you have been through. My advice is to treat today as a new day. The past no longer exists and the future is insignificant. All that matters right now is today. Live in the now and do the best you can do TODAY and realize that if you make a mistake, which you will, you'll put it behind you and get back to it. This is a great site and I think your going to find plenty of support and some really great tools to help you get where you need and want to be. Your too young to be sick, you have many wonderful things ahead of you and this is just a small road block that you will get past. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as friend if you'd like some extra support. You can do this, you just need to believe in yourself.