Changes during weight loss!

So my girl friend and I were chatting this weekend about some changes we've noticed in our bodies (we have been dieting together since April through MFP) since we have lost about 30 pounds each and were curious if anyone else has experienced these 3 things if you have other things you'd like to share or compare.

*Cold all the time
*Hair growing back after shaving rapidly (which we thought might be tied in with the "being cold all the time") but this is by far the strangest!
*My engagment ring and wedding band fall off my hand at least 2x a day (but I obviously know that's just from losing weight) but I have tiny hands and really didn't think there was room to lose weight in my fingers, not going to get it sized however until I reach my ultimate goal weight.


  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    Cold all the time is the biggest one.

    After loosing 60 lbs I came home and got into the driver's seat of my mother's SUV and thought that the seat felt huge. Then I realized it wasn't that the seats had gotten bigger.
  • Buccinator
    I've only lost ten pounds so far and I've already noticed the first two. I already suffered from being cold all the time, so now I'm going to be even worse. And now I have all this energy so I shave my legs every day. (The boyfriend loves that one!) But there is no smooth legs in between the shave! I have a promise ring, but I have two autoimmune diseases that cause joint pain, so I tend to take my ring off a lot and forget to put it back on. Maybe I should try it on. :happy:

    I guess they're good problems to have though, so I'll try to cope with them. Best of luck! More sweaters, more razors, and wrap some yarn around that ring!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member

    *Hair growing back after shaving rapidly (which we thought might be tied in with the "being cold all the time") but this is by far the strangest!

    Weird. I've only lost 20 lbs, but I noticed the same thing. I used to be able to go 5-6 days without shaving my legs (luckily they are platinum blonde hairs, so not such a big deal). Now 2 days later I'm needing a full shave again. I thought it was just my wacky body!
  • stringcheeze
    *Cold all the time
    Yep, you're reducing your natural insulation (ie, the fat on your body). Occasionally a fired-up metabolism helps to keep you warmer, but you can always resort to layers if not.
    *Hair growing back after shaving rapidly (which we thought might be tied in with the "being cold all the time") but this is by far the strangest!
    More likely the result of eating a healthier diet than your body trying to hold onto body heat. Is your complexion/hair healthier than before?
    *My engagment ring and wedding band fall off my hand at least 2x a day (but I obviously know that's just from losing weight) but I have tiny hands and really didn't think there was room to lose weight in my fingers, not going to get it sized however until I reach my ultimate goal weight.
    Which goes to show that you can't ever "spot" reduce fat, just wait for your body to decide where it wants to shrink. I've had to swap fingers around on the two rings that I always wear just because of this. If it's really bad (as in you're afraid you're going to lose them) buy the little resizer bands you can fit to your rings.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Yep! I have to agree on being cold and my rings sliding off. Not sure about hair growing back fast, haven't noticed that one. But I always have to keep a sweater at work for when I get cold, and I can't wearing my graduation ring or class ring anymore. I need to get them sized as well, but I'll do it when I'm closer to my goal. I don't want to pay to size it twice.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I feel the cold a lot more now that I am losing weight. I guess I have less extra padding now........
  • Buccinator
    Uhm, also, this one is kinda super gross. And you KNOW, I'm asking for a "friend" of mine. But I, oh, I mean, my FRIEND used to apply deodorant once a day, but now I totally need to apply twice a day, even if I haven't been working out yet. What's up with that? I'm going to blame it on increased metabolism or something fancy like that until one of you smarter people give me a better answer. Thanks. :happy:
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    As you loose weight your body hormone levels fluctuate. This is the cause for hair growth/loss, sweating and any changes you may or may not experience with your TOM.

    EDITED: Because I can't spell with wet nails.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Cold all the time is the biggest one.

    After loosing 60 lbs I came home and got into the driver's seat of my mother's SUV and thought that the seat felt huge. Then I realized it wasn't that the seats had gotten bigger.

    Awe, what a good feeling. Congrats to you :)
  • xDeannaGarciax

    *Hair growing back after shaving rapidly (which we thought might be tied in with the "being cold all the time") but this is by far the strangest!

    Weird. I've only lost 20 lbs, but I noticed the same thing. I used to be able to go 5-6 days without shaving my legs (luckily they are platinum blonde hairs, so not such a big deal). Now 2 days later I'm needing a full shave again. I thought it was just my wacky body!

    Haha we thought the same thing. We were in her pool and I was like eeesh I already have to shave my leg's again, and I had just shaved the day before. Lucky for us their blonde too (my g/f reminded me of that) so we were just curious if anyone else experienced these things too, lol! Guess it is the losing weight that causes these things to happen, how funny:laugh:
  • xDeannaGarciax
    *Cold all the time
    Yep, you're reducing your natural insulation (ie, the fat on your body). Occasionally a fired-up metabolism helps to keep you warmer, but you can always resort to layers if not.
    *Hair growing back after shaving rapidly (which we thought might be tied in with the "being cold all the time") but this is by far the strangest!
    More likely the result of eating a healthier diet than your body trying to hold onto body heat. Is your complexion/hair healthier than before?
    *My engagment ring and wedding band fall off my hand at least 2x a day (but I obviously know that's just from losing weight) but I have tiny hands and really didn't think there was room to lose weight in my fingers, not going to get it sized however until I reach my ultimate goal weight.
    Which goes to show that you can't ever "spot" reduce fat, just wait for your body to decide where it wants to shrink. I've had to swap fingers around on the two rings that I always wear just because of this. If it's really bad (as in you're afraid you're going to lose them) buy the little resizer bands you can fit to your rings.

    The top part makes perfect sense and so does the second (hair growing back faster) never have had complexion problems but I guess their could be worse things then my hairgrowing back quickly, lol.

    My mom gave me some of those resizer bands and they irritate me so bad. I've just been wearing it when I leave the house and keeping it in it's box when I'm doing things because one day last week it dropped into my sink and was spinning to go down the drain, but luckily I caught it, dropped it in my washer too, lol. Luckily those two incidents scared me enough to just leave it off unless I'm leaving and although my wedding band is loose too it doesn't fall off as often as my engagment ring so when I head out I just wear the two backwords now:laugh:
  • xDeannaGarciax
    As you loose weight your body hormone levels fluctuate. This is the cause for hair growth/loss, sweating and any changes you may or may not experience with your TOM.

    EDITED: Because I can't spell with wet nails.

    HAHAHA love it! Thank you for posting, makes perfect sense. I sweat more often now too, and I hate it. Guess I'd rather be sweaty and skinney then fat and dry though, lmao!!!!!!
  • JustBeckyV
    Cold Cold Cold!!!
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    cold all the time for sure...i was always hot all the time before so this is a big adjustment.
    The hair thing haven't experienced that.
    The rings falling off yep...I've gone from a 10 fitting to my Xring which was 8 1/4 size in 1999 which is getting really loose. So I will get that sized when I reach goal. I get an 8 in fashion rings now. I didn't think my fingers could lose wt either.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    All of the above!! Also, shoes are loose! My tennis shoes are loose enough that I slide around inside them and cause blisters. owwie! My sandals are loose enough to walk out of.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Acne..... but I'm looking forward to being cold!
  • ridelikeagirl616
    ridelikeagirl616 Posts: 48 Member
    As you loose weight your body hormone levels fluctuate. This is the cause for hair growth/loss, sweating and any changes you may or may not experience with your TOM.

    EDITED: Because I can't spell with wet nails.

    HAHAHA love it! Thank you for posting, makes perfect sense. I sweat more often now too, and I hate it. Guess I'd rather be sweaty and skinney then fat and dry though, lmao!!!!!!

    Yup!! I've lost 23ish pounds since Feb and have noticed a lot of the same too. Glad to know it's not just me :smile:
    The hair growing back is NOT cool.

    As for the cold all the time... I find I'm warm more than I used to be?? Friends used to pick on me for being cold always but now I'm generally comfortable and it's my girlfriend complaining she's cold!

    And haven't seen TOM in probably 6 months... Anyone else in the same boat?
