What vitamins do you take?



  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just take a Fiber supplement and melatonin at night.
  • Charlie001
    I take

    Green tea extract
    Nutrasea + d
    Maxx Essential MCT coconut oil
    L- Carnitine

    Just started Fusion SUB-Q

    On the muscle side

    Optimim nutrition protein
    Purple K creatine
    Precision ZMA
  • lindsay1888
    lindsay1888 Posts: 8 Member
    I take Magnesium, B2 and Coenzyme Q10 because my neurologist advised me that this combination could help reduce the frequency of my migraines (though after a little over a month I haven't noticed much improvement there). I also take Biotin (just recently started but I'm trying to get my nails to grow out), Super B Complex (metabolism support), Feverfew extract (also for migraines) and Valerian extract at bedtime to help with anxiety/relaxation.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    One a Day womens 1x per day
    calcium with D 2x day and 2 twice a day when PMS
    magnesium 1x day

    I figure the multi vitamin can't hurt, anything your body doesn't need it will eliminate.

    I take the calcium with D because as you know the D helps with absorption AND many studies have shown that the effects of PMS, cramping mood swings etc can be curbed with calcium and after some trial and error I have found that it works for me so I take the recommended double dose for 7-10 days before TOM.

    I take the magnesium because I was having some energy problems, feeling lethargic etc and after some research and talking with my doc I found out that most women do not get enough iron or magnesium which leads to feelings of fatigue and lethargy and it has taken about 2 weeks of taking them consistently but I think it has helped, at least I don't have trouble waking up and I don't want to take a nap everyday anymore. I don't take extra iron because it is easy to overdose on iron and a multi vitamin has enough iron in it along with food sources and I show no signs of anemia so for now I wont take it.
  • Luv2bme
    Luv2bme Posts: 58
    I totally want to look into that Stress B pill! It sounds like something I need. I just get the vitamin B12 shot and B-100, used to take prenatals for MANY years. I'll probably start taking those 1 a day Woman's vitamins soon..
  • greenetea08
    I take:

    - B complex
    - Vitamin C
    - Ginkgo Bilboa

    The B and C are for added energy and the ginkgo is for focus and brain function. They seem to work I've noticed a difference since I've started taking them. I don't have to drink as much coffee and my memory is a lot better than it was.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member

    I used to take a daily mulit-vitamin, but I really don't think I NEEDED it... my diet is pretty healthy and I seem to be doing just fine without it.
  • AmandaR910
    I take an adult gummy vitamin and an iron supplement. I've been thinking about adding some calcium but I find I usually get that in my diet (same with fiber).
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    I take a number of things. Fish oil for a number of reasons & with the Dr. recomendation. B12, Vitamins C, D, E. along with a womens one a day multi vitamin, calcium w/ D as well as garlic and cinnamon. I am hypo thyroid and the cinnamon helps with metabolism. I feel like a new person since I have lost so much weight and have been taking these suppliments.
