30 Day Shred - Starting 10/24

lizziamber Posts: 22
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm new on here and already I know that there are about 1000 30DS posts! But I'm serious about giving it a try startig tomorrow, 10/24 - anyone with me on this?

I'll be postig my measurements and weight tomorrow on my very first blog!


  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    I have been doing the 30DS for about a week now. Its a great workout. The first time I did it, it kicked my butt. And my legs and thighs were so sore the day after I had to take a break for that day. I was still in pain the 2nd day after but I did the 30DS again and just pushed through the pain. My legs were atill a little sore after but i've continued to do it on a daily basis and now my legs only hurt after the work out and it wears off after an hour or so of walking around. Don't over do it! And definitely take a break if you need to. Jillian Michaels is INTENSE, but i've had many tell me they saw results once they finished. Good luck to you!!
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    yes! I'm a shredder, too!
    well....i wanna be a shredder :D

    This is the workout I did when I was on track and I just dusted it off this morning!

    I'm so with you! Look for my "i hate jillian michaels' status updates starting Monday - LOL!
  • I would like to be a part of this challenge
  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    I will do it since my other strength training dvd isn't working. Only problem is days 28 and probably 29 I will be on the road (making a 20 hour trip with 2 kids a dog and a cat..fun). We will see though. I might be able to do it in the hotel room before we head off for the day :)
  • Hi! I'm new here too ^^ I have been doing it, this week. yay ^^ It's fun :)
    I'm trying to add it to my exercise diary but I don't know how ... (any help?)
    soooo I'm in ^^
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I started last week as well. It has been good. It totally kicked my butt the first couple days and now I can breathe through the exercises and my endurance is a hundred times better already. We had been on holidays right before I started the 30DS and this week I lost ALL 5 pounds that I gained on holidays. YAY! I have already seen inches (or parts thereof) being lost on my waist, hips, and arms.
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I am going to start my second round of 30DS tomorrow too! My first round I managed it every day for over 30 days and it was brilliant at shaping up my body!

    This time around I will be doing it along side my Lean month of Chalean Extreme so hoping for some amazing results!

    Good luck ladies! :)
  • kat_b
    kat_b Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join. I just actually got the dvd and have only used once so far...
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    How was the first day for everyone? I did mine first thing after breakfast so I wouldn't make any excuses not to get it done.
    It was a quick reminder how out of shape I am but the hurt afterwards is so worth it. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

    Great job to all of us that started today!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I just saw this post and would love to join in as of tomorrow - I could definitely use a bit of a change with my workouts (or lack of workouts!!). At least the 30 Day Shred leaves me no excuses about not having enough time to do it.
  • First day went well! You know...I was talking all big and bad in my blog about how it didn't hurt that bad - well, my legs are already starting to feel the soreness, yikes! Thank goodness I have off tomorrow to re-cooperate!
  • Started mine today! :)
  • Ooh, I was just searching the community to see if anyone wanted to do a 30DS challenge starting this week! I have just about 30 days before I leave for the Carribean and could reeeeeaaallly use the help shaping up, especially since I'm leaving the day after Thanksgiving! I'm going to go by the store and pick up a DVD tonight, then I'll be right here with you!
  • KeKe10
    KeKe10 Posts: 3
    I'm also new to this. I also know that I am a day late, but I want to be apart of this 30 day shred :smile:
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in! A few of my friends from another site are starting it up as well-- hopefully starting tonight or tomorrow at the latest! We can do this, ladies!!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I started this today. But I'm curious as to how you're tracking it for exercise.
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    I started this today. But I'm curious as to how you're tracking it for exercise.
    I put it under circuit training, general
  • Question - do you all do other cardio/ST in addition to the 30DS? I noticed that 20 mins of "circuit training, general" burns about 120 calories (for me). Which, 7 days a week isn't too shabby, but I like to burn a little more than that. But I keep hearing that everyone is so sore and can barely move, let alone do more exercise.

    Thoughts from those of you who have started?
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I do 10-20 minutes of kick boxing and the first level of the 30DS
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    Question - do you all do other cardio/ST in addition to the 30DS? I noticed that 20 mins of "circuit training, general" burns about 120 calories (for me). Which, 7 days a week isn't too shabby, but I like to burn a little more than that. But I keep hearing that everyone is so sore and can barely move, let alone do more exercise.

    Thoughts from those of you who have started?
    i am super sore on my 2nd day, but plan to also do some classes at the gym to get more burn in :)
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