Ladies only please

Maybe this is the wrong forum to post this, but I am wondering if anyone else notices this with your own body. Why is it when I am standing my belly is flat, but when I sit I have a pot belly!? I'm in shape- 125 pounds, 5"4 frame. I feel so fat when I sit and look down at my stomach. Is it because I'm bloated? I bloat so's frustrating. Any insight?


  • minky_r
    minky_r Posts: 95 Member
    Hello whisper....I bloat easily as well. After a meal, drinking water, and especially when I am menstruating. I look totally different when I sit !! That’s why I never sit in pics. I always admire the ladies that can sit and still be flat.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Thats normal dear..just the way the skin folds and the intestines kind of shift and the muscles rest. It's normal. You maybe have a little bloating, but I would bet that its just how the abdomen rests. If you are looking at flat bellies on magazines or video remember those can all be altered to look flat.


    see how it kind of folds and the lower abdomen sticks out a bit. This girl is thin, but because of how her body is shaped it causes that natural little pot belly.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    There's always going to be a way to sit, or stand that make you look bigger than you are (or that you think makes you look bigger than you are). Even though I've lost 80 lbs I'm not at goal weight and I'm still tugging at my clothes to cover my tummy if someone is looking. All that does is draw attention to it.
    If you're in shape, just sit whichever way is comfortable for you and be confident that you look amazing regardless! It's confidence that carries an outfit, how you sit or stand says a lot about you. If you're nervous about how you look sitting, you're likely hunched or trying to hide the area that's bothering you. Sit tall, smile at everyone you see and know that you're gorgeous, no matter what!
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Do you think you might have an eating disorder? This can cause you to see yourself as fat when you're not.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I love the way my stomach and thigh look when I'm sitting.

    -- said no woman ever
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's not just women and if you sit up really straight with good posture it isn't as bad but if you think about it when you bend anything at a 90 degree angle the stuff on the small side has to go somewhere! Just that same as if you stand and stretch your arms way over your head you can actually have abs and perky boobs.
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member

    I weigh something like 105lbs, and I still have a lil beer belly and thunder thighs when I sit down. It's biology I'm afraid my darling.
  • nataliejulie
    >>Do you think you might have an eating disorder? This can cause you to see yourself as fat when you're not.

    There have been studies that show Body Dysmorphic Disorder and anorexia (or other EDs) may have some things in common, but BDD doesn't equal an eating disorder. BDD is just suffering from a negative body image of one's self. BDD is actually categorized under depression and anxiety disorders.
  • guroprincess
    >>Do you think you might have an eating disorder? This can cause you to see yourself as fat when you're not.

    There have been studies that show Body Dysmorphic Disorder and anorexia (or other EDs) may have some things in common, but BDD doesn't equal an eating disorder. BDD is just suffering from a negative body image of one's self. BDD is actually categorized under depression and anxiety disorders.

    Yep this. I have BDD/depression/anxiety but nowhere near having an eating disorder.
  • whisperwhitley
    I do have anxiety and depression yes, and low self esteem so I guess the way I see myself could be wrong.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    It might be worth talking to someone about that. Depression can definitely distort the way you see things.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    It's not just women and if you sit up really straight with good posture it isn't as bad but if you think about it when you bend anything at a 90 degree angle the stuff on the small side has to go somewhere! Just that same as if you stand and stretch your arms way over your head you can actually have abs and perky boobs.

    May have to make it a habit to walk around with my arms over my head then lol
    I've had two children and although only have a few kg's to lose, I bloat after eating almost anything, which adds to the baby belly a bit more... Though as far as I'm aware of, most women have this (and men, although it sits in different places on men sometimes). Good posture is probably a good thing to practice too :)