Need help!!

hey guys, I was just wondering If you guys had any ideas of how I can spice up my food lifestyle. Like I feel bored with what I eat and I don't want to go back to eating the way I ate in the past. Do you guys have any ideas of what I can buy or eat!! Please help!

Add me as a friend if you guys want!


  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    You can eat pretty much anything. It just matters how you prepare it. Look up lighter recipes of your favorite dishes for ideas.
  • ebean
    ebean Posts: 12
    Hop down to the supermarket and take a peek at some of the snack foods available to you. I'm constantly surprised by what I -can- have, even if they're not the 'cleanest' choices. Adding a special snack into my day can often bump me out of the diet rut I also feel I can get into. Variety is great to keep you motivated, and educating yourself about the possibilities is a good thing to do. :)
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    You can add different spices to your meals.Try Curry powder, Turmeric, Garlic,Rosemary Bay leaves things like that. nd you try adding different fruits , Veggies and Nuts that you have not tasted before. Add lemons and different oils to your salads.Try new things and see if that helps.
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    I was running into the same situation so I got a weight watchers cookbooks and started learning to cook. I also started mixing up with a few lean cuisine meals a week. Its not the cleanest way to go but they do have some meals that help break up the same old stuff I eat all the time.
  • leah33
    leah33 Posts: 16
    I think this totally depends on your personal taste and how much you like to cook. I am a cookaholic, so I make something different everyday...but it seems like I spend a LOT of time in the kitchen. If that's not your bag, it makes my solution different than yours. If you cook minimally, the Body for Life cookbook is great. It has really simple meals (seriously...minimal effort), and best of all, it has a whole section devoted to desserts and quick snacks, and they are things I wouldn't normally think of.

    If you do like to cook, I would always love to share recipes! Just tell me a little about what kinds of things you like to eat. If you are looking for pre-made snacks to bring you out of the rut:
    1. I LOVE weight watchers sundae cups with pecans, caramel, and chocolate with vanilla ice cream. Minimal calories, wonderful treat!
    2. surprisingly, sometimes when I am feeling I need chocolate, I have a slim fast, or better yet a small skinny mocha frapp from sb, and it curbs my chocolate craving.
    3. a handful of almonds will keep you full longer than a handful of mini-cookies. I love the energy nut mix by planters (it has some dark chocolate in it)
    4. Love love love kashi vegetable crackers with athenos roasted red pepper hummus. It's my new junkfood when I need junkfood.
    5. For lunch, I love to have a morningstar farms spicy black bean burger on one slice of dave's killer good seed bread, with a little lowfat ranch, alfalfa sprouts, and maybe an ounce of cheese. YUM.
    6. Another quick meal I have is I take a spinach wrap and spread it with the roasted red pepper hummus. I top it with fresh spinach, alfalfa sprouts, a couple slices of cucumber, a few black olives, some cut up tomato, and a little lite ranch. It is soooo good!
    7. Every couple weeks, I make a really easy vegetable soup that is only 90 calories per bowl!! It's filling, and it's comfort food. I would be happy to share that recipe too if you are interested. It goes well with a turkey pastrami reuben! (rye is the best dieters bread anyway).

    Hope this helps!