Insanity progress

Hopefully I'll stick to insanity, and try and update this thread as often as possible, if not every day, then definitely every week. ANYWAYS, to start off.

Hello, I'm 18, 5"10 and weight 200lb. Don't get me wrong, I have always been a big guy. When I was born, I weighed around 10.5 lb, and I've stayed heavy ever since. Until I was 15, I ate badly, I mean really badly. I weighed as much as I do now, 200lb. Thankfully, I've grown a bit and i don't look as fat. I've maintained my waist: 36. Its 2013, and by April 2014 I want to try and have a very healthy lifestyle. To kick things off, I've started to do insanity.

I just finished day 6 of insanity, and my God what a week. In the buildup to insanity, I had done the alpha phase of t25 and ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill every day, as well as sports at school(I weighed 95kgs and and brought it down to 90 in a month). When insanity arrived on Monday, I couldn't wait to start, and so I began my insanity journey. Anyone who's done insanity, please give me some tips, and anyone who's thinking or doing insanity right now, please post on this thread about your experiences and why/why not you aren't going to buy insanity.
