Shower after workout?



  • pandamars
    pandamars Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for all your replies (except the "idiot" part. It made me sad)

    I actually took a shower after my workout today :))
    I guess I'll wait to cool down for a few minutes but not an hour (it makes me itch) before taking a shower in respect to my mom's thoughtfulness.
  • hellakitties
    hellakitties Posts: 27 Member
    If you do not shower after working out you will breakout more. Ewwwwwwwww.

    Sorry but your mum is an idiot. No offense. Damn, what makes her think you have to wait an hour?

    It's a cultural idea of illness that's been prevalent for generations. Believing it makes someone wrong, but not necessarily an "idiot." I think that most people would have a difficult time breaking out of old beliefs that they've had since childhood. Perhaps even you.

    I think the only thing I was ever 'told' that was a belief was if you got pregnant outside marriage you HAD to get excuses. I never believed that one at all. I still thought the people telling me that were idiots.

    Congratulations on your amazing enlightenment, I guess. Maybe you could use your brilliant wisdom to avoid going around calling people's parents idiots without any consideration of cultural context or people's feelings. Oh, but of course you're "sorry" and meant "no offense." Uh huh.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    It's a cultural idea of illness that's been prevalent for generations. Believing it makes someone wrong, but not necessarily an "idiot." I think that most people would have a difficult time breaking out of old beliefs that they've had since childhood. Perhaps even you.

    I think the only thing I was ever 'told' that was a belief was if you got pregnant outside marriage you HAD to get excuses. I never believed that one at all. I still thought the people telling me that were idiots.

    That is the only thing you know of... Just like the OP's mother doesn't realize that not showering thing is not true. There's for example the 'you need to eat breakfast' which loads of people belief in, but isn't true. And like that there are hundreds of other things you get 'told' that are based on nothing.
  • pandamars
    pandamars Posts: 88 Member
    If you do not shower after working out you will breakout more. Ewwwwwwwww.

    Sorry but your mum is an idiot. No offense. Damn, what makes her think you have to wait an hour?

    It's a cultural idea of illness that's been prevalent for generations. Believing it makes someone wrong, but not necessarily an "idiot." I think that most people would have a difficult time breaking out of old beliefs that they've had since childhood. Perhaps even you.

    I think the only thing I was ever 'told' that was a belief was if you got pregnant outside marriage you HAD to get excuses. I never believed that one at all. I still thought the people telling me that were idiots.

    Congratulations on your amazing enlightenment, I guess. Maybe you could use your brilliant wisdom to avoid going around calling people's parents idiots without any consideration of cultural context or people's feelings. Oh, but of course you're "sorry" and meant "no offense." Uh huh.

    DearCatastrop, thanks for standing out for me.
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    If you do not shower after working out you will breakout more. Ewwwwwwwww.

    Sorry but your mum is an idiot. No offense. Damn, what makes her think you have to wait an hour?

    How DARE you call someone else's mother and idiot!? Who the hell do you think you are? She's asking for advice on a freaking shower not for people to judge her FAMILY. People grow up differently with different beliefs. That does not make them idiots.

    Anyway, I usually wait about 30 minutes because I drive to work after the gym and then shower there. I hate showering right after because I won't stop sweating for a while.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Wow, you guys must be doing some real stuff to keep sweating for so long afterwards! If you turn down the water temperature, could it stop you from sweating faster? I shower right after most days, on other days I have about a 15-20 minute drive back home, so I shower then.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Is this like the advice to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before you swim?
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I just get one of my gimps to lick the sweat off.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I think i am safe here as i take showers only at home. So by the time i reach home from gym, some time has already passed :smile:
    But, i have heard this too from my parents! They do not say anything now as i end up doing what i feel like anyway.
  • ellskiNZ
    ellskiNZ Posts: 32 Member
    I drive about 5 minutes home from the gym, take my shoes and sweaty gear off, and by then my heart rate has usually returned to normal and I have a cool shower.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Wow, you guys must be doing some real stuff to keep sweating for so long afterwards! If you turn down the water temperature, could it stop you from sweating faster? I shower right after most days, on other days I have about a 15-20 minute drive back home, so I shower then.
    Admittedly I don't work out that hard, just 30 minutes of alternating walking and jogging. My heart rate slows pretty well during my cool down, but as soon as I walk into my house the sweat comes back because it's much warmer inside than outside. I take a shower immediately after that's just a bit cooler than my normal shower temperature and that helps stop my sweating. I haven't died in the last three weeks, so I'm calling it safe under at least those circumstances.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I usually shower after a run as soon as I've had something to drink and taken my shoes off. If I don't the sweat starts to dry and I itch plus if I wait a bit longer I get so cold it takes me an hour to warm back up.
  • stryder2807
    stryder2807 Posts: 41 Member
    People do a lot of strange things just because they were told they should or it's just the way they have always done it. I include myself as well. People should question why they do things the way they do more often.
  • sisdunbar
    sisdunbar Posts: 36 Member
    I thought the same thing, there's no need for that and saying "no offence" doesn't make it any better. It is is offensive.
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    yeah long *kitten* hot relaxing shower :glasses:
  • Shreddingit84
    You do need to wait *at least* until you've "cooled down" (i.e. stopped generating more sweat), or else the shower is kinda useless. Some people do take longer than others to stop generating heat. Of course, if you have a proper cool-down routine after your primary workout, then it starts the process of cooling down, obviously.
  • sisdunbar
    sisdunbar Posts: 36 Member
    I have read that too, ice baths are popular with athletes apparently.
    For me personally, I couldn't think of anything worse!! Lol!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Seeing as how swimming is a big part of my fitness routine as well as walking, jogging, tae bo and yoga.. I don't see how getting in the shower when done is any problem. Why would you want to get sweat all over your furniture and not be able to get on with the rest of your day without being scummy. Your mom probably heard it somewhere and thought it was a good rule to go by but she has no data to back it up so yes by all means take a shower when dirty. IF she tells you this, just smile and nod and then do what you want. You will find that everyone is an "expert" on fitness and nutrition once they find out you are losing weight and working out but don't follow their own advice. You just got to learn to blow it off without being rude. Smile, nod and pretend to agree works for me so much more than debating with people. My husband thinks he knows what is best all the time as well. uggg
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If you do not shower after working out you will breakout more. Ewwwwwwwww.

    Sorry but your mum is an idiot. No offense. Damn, what makes her think you have to wait an hour?

    How DARE you call someone else's mother and idiot!? Who the hell do you think you are? She's asking for advice on a freaking shower not for people to judge her FAMILY. People grow up differently with different beliefs. That does not make them idiots.

    Anyway, I usually wait about 30 minutes because I drive to work after the gym and then shower there. I hate showering right after because I won't stop sweating for a while.

    that's ridiculous- you are way overreacting.

    Mom's are people too. and people are idiots which means plenty of people's moms are idiots. It happens. relax- it's not that serious. No one wants to admit it- but it's reality. "the how dare you's" is way melodramatic and un-needed.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    guese they would really hate it if you did followed up your cardio with laps in a pool. I am thinking its an old wives tale and is rooted from just having misinformation and what she was taught growing up. Just agree with her and then do what you want. I am sure she has the best intentions as far as she knows