Just starting out..tips/advice?

Hi everyone! I joined last week and went shopping today for some stuff to begin my new lifestyle!

I was thinking of eating salads for lunch. Grilled chicken in, with some balsamic vinegarette dressing!

I love green yogurt so was going to eat this and fruit for snacks.

Breakfast was going to do some special k or a special K breakfast shake! Dinner would be anything I would make that night, healthy of course.

Is this a good start?! I need some tips on exercises I can do while starting out? Thanks everyone!


  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member

    Read this^^ It's a wonderful place to start for anyone.

    I recommend a digital food scale, being 100% honest about your diary and not eating too little.

    My favorite exercises are strength training, walking and games for my wii u. :) Just remember to be patient and diligent. Good luck!
  • rosanna88_
    rosanna88_ Posts: 32 Member
    This is a great start…just take one step at a time and set realistic expectations. Good luck!
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    Find out how many calories your body burns in a day doing the things you currently do.
    Eat a little less than this.
    Plan your meals in advance and try to eat a balance of protein, fat and carbs. Try to make those carbs not be 100% simple sugar to begin with.
    Walk a little, run a little. Spend some time picking up things that are too heavy to lift with one hand. Do this a few days a week.

    Don't get crazy trying to micromanage every little thing. Eat less of the foods you like, rather than a bunch of food you don't, because you think it's good for you. You're improving your life, not losing weight. Be sustainable.

    I don't mean to be snarky or flippant but that's pretty much all there is to it