Need some exercise inspiration! Don't know what to do

I'm a university student and my uni is almost 2 hours away. That results in me coming back home late and tired without having done much exercise at all (the bus stop is a 15 minutes walk away).
I really want to improve my fitness. I have time 2x during the week and 2x during the weekend for some exercise, maybe more if it's a shorter routine.
I don't really know what to do. I don't have a lot of money, not enough for a gym subscription or expensive material. I have a yoga mat and a set of 6lbs dumbbells. Also i'd rather have an indoor activity that doesnt involve too much jumping (gets really noisy for my neighboors). I also don't like running :P
Anyone can help with some fun exercise routine? I can't even do one pushup x) I also did lunges once (30 or something) and I had painful cramps for a week... haha


  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47
    ive heard of people youtubing popular workouts and using that as their routine. if you have a laptop and wifi, this would be ideal.
  • TipTopMMR
    TipTopMMR Posts: 89 Member
    You are a perfect Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred candidate. Give it a try; I bet you will enjoy it! Short and effective and fun!
  • millionairesstv
    millionairesstv Posts: 55 Member
    The walk to the bus ,you could power walk and this would count as a part of your regular exercise at no cost to you.
    you could also do yoga and or pilates from you tube just type in the amount of time you have for it. e.g 20 mins yoga.

    p.s I hope this helps

    you could also do a crazy power shake dance to your fave music using your timer on phone to work out the mins
  • bumbambi
    bumbambi Posts: 11 Member
    I have about the same gear that you have, add a dusty hula hoop to that list, and y what workout types you said you liked and didn't like (running! the worst ever) maybe you'd enjoy Casseys workout from! There are a ton of workouts that are 15-20mins that you could squeeze in after Uni while watching some tv :)
  • daniconda
    daniconda Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! Its not a total wash if you're busy with school and there are definitely different things you can do. such as, take 10-15 minutes after waking up to do a quick morning yoga session to wake up your muscles using the youtube videos. The 30-day yoga challenge with Erin Motz videos are available online for free and they helped me jump start my fitness track. They might do you some good too. Once I felt more flexible and had more energy I upped my yoga sessions from 1 video to 2, then 3 or 4 - focusing on different body parts to get my body to wake up and get going. Breaking a sweat after an hour of yoga is mindblowing for me. Since then, I've since moved on to brisk walk and dancing my tush off. I walk 2-3 times a week starting off with a 1/4 mile in June (man, I was out of shape) and now 5 months later I'm walking 3 miles, no problem. With Uni, I found that doing a brisk walk to classes from the bus really helped to get my heart going. You can also use the gym changing rooms (without having a fitness class) to change into sweatpants and go for a mid-day walk anywhere you like on campus. It also helps to have a walking partner to distract you from feeling tired to help to keep going. When I was at Uni I would sign up for 1 physical fitness class worth 1 unit just to make sure it was in my weekly routine. If you like other activities, feel free to try out those too. Community classes for Zumba will burn a lot of calories, if you can loosen up your humility gauge. Schools and apartments sometimes have fitness centers for student use. You'd be surprised what is available if you poke around and research your options.

    The point is, if you have 20 minutes of any kind of movement per day, that's more than nothing. And a small start is better than no start at all. You can do it!
  • SkinnyMarni3
    SkinnyMarni3 Posts: 73 Member
    You are a perfect Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred candidate. Give it a try; I bet you will enjoy it! Short and effective and fun!

    I have tried it but I'm in bad shape and could only do 8 minutes of it or so. Might try again though!
  • SkinnyMarni3
    SkinnyMarni3 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you everyone for your answers, I will look up the yoga videos and the pop Pilates videos too :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You are a perfect Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred candidate. Give it a try; I bet you will enjoy it! Short and effective and fun!

    I have tried it but I'm in bad shape and could only do 8 minutes of it or so. Might try again though!

    so you want an exercise that you can already do without any effort...??