Diet Madness (Help!)

Hey guys. I've been shadowing the forums for a few weeks now, scouring information, reading and rereading the IPOARM links, stuff about TDEE, metabolisms, diets and exercises. Well now that I've done all that, I've worked myself into a frenzy about being unsure if I'm doing it right after all! I was hoping someone might give me some pointers. I'm terribly sorry in advance about the super long post but I could really use your help.

So, I guess I'll start with the basics.
I'm 26 years old, turning 27 in December.
I've been overweight most of my life.
About 6 years ago, I took up going for walks with my husband and dogs.
But through those 6 years, I never really logged what I ate or paid much mind to anything.
I guess I kind of hoped that if I walked enough, I'd lose weight regardless of what I put in my mouth.
Fast forward 6 years and I realized what a silly, stupid concept that was and really buckled down roughly 3 weeks ago when I got on the scale and saw the biggest number I've seen in my whole life, 267.8 lbs.

So on the 9th of October, I tried just "eating how a smaller person would eat," and dropped my calorie intake to 1,500. I wasn't really hungry but I ate whatever I wanted as long as the total at the end of my day was around 1,500. I felt great, I was enthused and I lost what I guess was a lot of water weight in the first week, which was roughly 8 lbs!

I was so happy and so I kept it up. I've steadily lost another 3 lbs for a total of 11 lbs since starting this on Oct. 9th. The scale goes up and down but I don't take it to heart as I've read enough of the threads here to realize weight loss isn't linear and it can go up and down but overall, it'll go down on the whole.

But then I started to really read stuff on the internet. (I think you could compare it to how when you have the sniffles and you ask Web MD what it could be and they tell you it might be a possible terminal illness and no matter how silly it is, you've decided you must be going to die lol.)

I read about metabolisms slowing down, I read about TDEEs, BMRs, stuff like that. I tried finding the information on a bunch of sites and a lot of them give me pretty different numbers so I started getting scared. (I've been on medication before for anxiety so a lot of the time I try to tell myself I'm being ridiculous but it doesn't always help or work.)

So then I was worried that I was slowing my metabolism down with too little food since some sites said my BMR was 1,700,1,900, 2,200, etc. and I was only eating 1,500! I also noticed my period was late. My husband and I use condoms and there's been no broken mishaps lately so I was just keeping an eye on it. I ended up having pretty bad cramps and I thought surely it was coming soon. Then about a week after, it was late but it showed up. Thing is, it showed up for like, 1-2 days, tops. And it was so very, very light. My usuals are pretty heavy so this whole event was new and different. (And therefore unsettling!)

My period's always been odd, in that it doesn't show up on time but it at least shows up monthly and also stays for the full week. So I was stunned at the 2 day period and then it vanishing without a trace. Then that propelled me even further in fear when I googled THAT and found people coming back with amenorrhea because of malnutrition and too-low calorie diets. I read things about bone density, lots of stuff.

So it was roughly 18 days of me on a 1,500 calorie diet.

So I tried finding my BMR and somehow stumbled around to it being near-ish to 2,200-2,300. So I tried a 20% deficit to that and ended up at 1,869 calories and have been sticking to that religiously. I feel good, no hunger pangs, no grumpy panda! But my period didn't come back or fix, and I'm not even sure it's supposed to! Or if I need to wait til later this month to see if it "fixes."

Then I started to read about losing muscle if you diet and don't strength train. (I know, I'm just batting a thousand, aren't I? Some people *like me!* should not be allowed to google things, lol.) So I tried to do a push up. That was awful and would have been humiliating if anyone had been there to see that! I hadn't really done any arm exercises since high school years ago so I found I could try planking and I tried that, crunches, squats and lunges and a few arm exercises with these resistance bands we had lying around from another failed weight loss attempt.

So I did these exercises for 30 mins, twice in one week. And oh boy, was I sore! I was hurting in places I didn't know existed. I'd waddle down the hallway whispering "Ow, ow, ow." Lol, but when I recovered, I felt great! The second time I did them, I felt like the reps were easier even! I'm not sure if muscle really works that way or if it's just all in my head so, yeah, there's that, haha.

I was now fitting into pants that had previously been off limits because stuffing myself in them felt like I was suffocating! So in one hand, I was thrilled something was working, but in the other, unsure if I was crash coursing and doing myself harm somehow because of the weird period.

But right after the first work out session was when I finally noticed my period had indeed up and left early. So then I was worried I was taxing my body too much. Now I'm considering trying to eat my maintenance calories or not, or if I'm even supposed to.

I'm also a housewife and I don't do too much so I always put sedentary in most of the calculators as I only do a little exercise and the usual house things, like cook, clean, vacuum.

Basically, I feel like I'm groping around in the dark in unexplored areas when I should really be looking to people who've gone through it who could illuminate my mistakes with advice.

So, here's the basics.

I'm 5'3''

I'm 26 years old.

Currently weigh 256.6, down from 267.8

I've been at this since Oct. 9th.

I go for 20 minute walks 7 times a week for 1 mile each night. I walk at a pace where I can hold conversation with my husband easily.

I eat 1,869 calories a day but I don't watch what I eat. Like I'll eat pudding, apples or icecream one day and then grilled chicken and peppers, peas and corn the next. It's really sporadic but still around the 1,869.

I do rather difficult strength training like squats, lunges, crunches for 30 minutes with roughly 5 minutes for warm up and cool down each. Each exercise is 12 reps, 3 sets. The strength training is rather new so I really can't even hold a conversation during it, it's pretty intense for me.

I intend to do the strength training 3 times a week, 30 minutes each. I haven't been eating my calories back as I'm not even sure how much it burns. Should I be eating them back? Should I just hold off on strength training until my period and stuff go back to normal? Is this all okay? Should I keep putting sedentary or light activity for my modifier?

Basically just need someone who knows more than me to give me any advice or point out anything I might be doing wrong. This is my first time being very serious about weight loss without doing fad diets or anything. So please, any help would be appreciated. And again, terribly sorry this is so long.

Thanks in advance!


  • anwylyd_un
    anwylyd_un Posts: 164 Member
    If you were happy at 1500 keep at that.

    Stay away from Google.

    Accept that this month's period was a light one and don't worry about it - you have to be seriously underweight for periods to stop because nature prizes passing on the genes above all else, she only shuts down your reproductive system when you are skeletal.

    Light exercise for now, cardio is probably best (walking, swimming) until your body has had a chance to get used to the change. Then start with light strength training.

    Stay away from Google.

    I know I repeated that, but just because something is on the internet doesn't mean it's true. Any more than Dr Oz saying something does :D

    Just log all you eat, and all you burn, and enjoy the fact that you have lost 11 lbs over 3 1/2 weeks, which is a nice safe level of 2-3lbs a week - perfect!
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    Good luck on your journey! Keep at matter what! And STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE!!!!! ;-)
    You will find lots of supportive people and good advice here - watch out for the judgmental, negative people - they will bring you down. Keep going!!!
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    oh. Complicated. Yes, it can get that way for us information junkies. lol. I am the same. I too, have started second guessing my plan. But what I have been doing has worked for ME. I think we are all different and we need to find a plan. What works for us. Your period should be of concern, see a doctor. There could be other things going on not related to your diet. As far as your diet goes, have you heard of KISS (keep it simple stupid) and no I am not calling you stupid by anymeans :) I just try to remember this mantra when I get in the mood to be an information junkie. lol. I follow MFP guidelines for calories, carbs, sugar etc. But sometimes go over or under. I upped my protein because it works for me. Try not to put to much yucky stuff in my mouth and workout about 30-60 minutes a day. I take rest days when my body tells me too. I try to walk 10,000 steps a day using my pedometer that I wear all the time. I do jillian michaels videos because i ENJOY them and have started running because i ENJOY it. Find something you like. Find what works for you! :)
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    I LOVE the sensible response from the above poster anwy...or something like thst :-) might think of doing a pregnancy test, although I agree with the above poster your light period is probably just a normal fluctuation. As for the calorie what you are comfortable with and at the amount where you are losing :-)

    edited to try and clarify who I meant by the "above poster" :-)
  • If you are happy and losing on 1,869 then stay on that. You may have to lower it as you lose weight anyway. Stick with your walking and your strength training if you like it! If your period doesn't go back to normal go to the doctor, but it's unlikely to be from dieting as you were eating plenty of calories before.

    MOST IMPORTANT! Please try to stop worrying! (Easier said than done, I know). Try to stop second guessing yourself. Burn more than you take in and you will lose weight!

    Good luck! :wink:
  • proof
    proof Posts: 5 Member
    First off, awesome job at being so proactive!

    I'd also say youre okay at 1500 if its working for you.

    The loss of period isn't associated with osteoporosis unless you have really really low body fat or have been dieting and exercising heavily for an extended period of time, your fat cells actually protect your bones in a way.
    It might be caused by low estrogen
    With your weight and your irregular periods you may want to talk to your doctor about Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It causes weight gain (especially around the middle), irregular periods and can interfere with weight loss efforts. you can read a bit more about iPCOS here:
    if you look at the symptoms section and it sounds like you, I would definitely get it checked out!

    There are also some other hormonal abnormalities that can cause irregular periods, and will interfere with your weight loss, so it might be worthwhile to get an appointment for that irregular period, at least so you can stop worrying about it!

    They might also refer you to a dietician, who would answer all your calorie questions and give you some good websites to direct your googling at:P

    Good luck!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Going for walks and doing some body strength exercises likely isn't what made your period short. Take a pregnancy test. If you're not pregnant then go to the doc for your irregular periods. I agree with the other poster that you may want to look into PCOS.
    If 1500 was working for you you might want to try it again. But you can give yourself some time with your increased cals to see if you lose with that as well. It's normal to feel sore after starting a new routine, just keep with it good luck.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    at your current weight and calorie intake level, it's highly unlikely that the light period was caused by inadequate nutrition. It's a risk when you go below 18% body fat, or if you eat a very low fat diet or totally starve yourself.

    BTW a very light period (i.e. much lighter than usual) can be a sign of pregnancy. You'd know if this is a possibility or not but I thought I'd mention it just in case
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Keep doing what you're doing (at 1500 or 1869, whichever you prefer). Keep exercising. Take a pregnancy test because condoms aren't 100% or even 95% effective. If your period continues to be a problem/worry, see your doctor. Nothing you described sounds like it should be creating a major nutritional or hormonal problem, but it's possible your cycle is just freaking out a little in response to new diet and increase in physical activity. Periods are fickle things and a ton of stuff can affect them. Heck, the stress of worrying about all this stuff could be enough to mess with your cycle.

    Great job so far! Keep it up!
  • lannabelle
    lannabelle Posts: 85 Member
    It sounds like you're generally on the right track OP :smile: If you're having issues with your monthly cycle, you should consult your doctor. I doubt going down to 1500 cals per day would affect your period. If you were feeling satisfied at that number, there should not be a problem.

    And, as the above posters said, please stay away from Google - you'll just scare yourself with all of the conflicting information.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    Pick one method to follow, and stick with it for minimum 3 weeks then reassess and see if you want to change it. If you are following the 1500 calorie goal, and MFP recommendations, then you should eat back your exercise calories, if you are following TDEE calorie goal, then exercise is already factored in, so no need to eat back calories in that case. Pick whichever method makes more sense to you. There are a million and one ways to go about losing weight, but to keep it simple you want to eat above your BMR and below your TDEE. If you know those 2 numbers you will be fine. If you are concerned about your period, then see your doctor. Stop over complicating things and I agree with the above poster...stay away from google:)
  • Gkfrkv
    Gkfrkv Posts: 120
    I had the exact same thing happen! My first period after I started eating healthier my period was almost not there, at least I didn't notice it and I panicked and googled and soon enough I thought I had either hit menopause (I'm 28) or had cancer.

    Then I realized I went to the bathroom every 30 min because I was drinking 8 cups of water a day instead of 2. And then I gave up the obsessing over drinking enough and next month everything was back to normal.

    If it works for you, it works for you. If you keep your 1500 calorie diet, do so with the knowledge that if you feel hungry you have quite a way up to maintenance calories.
  • Thanks so much for all the advice, guys! I feel a bit better already!

    If my period is still wonky this month, I will have to set up an appointment for the doctor. I would go straight away but we have no insurance and the doctor I see costs $100+ per visit alone. When I had my gallbladder pains last year and tried to get seen at a low cost and pay scale clinic, I arrived in the AM and there was a line. They only took the first 24 people and let the others sign up on a waiting list that I'm still supposedly waiting on, a whole year later!

    Hopefully we can get some insurance soon with the new laws and what not.

    I'll keep at this. Again, thanks for the encouragement and I'll keep my fingers crossed. Good luck to the rest of you guys too!