Supporters and friends needed!!!!

I'm the heaviest I have ever been. I cannot stand the bpoated feeling and recent acid reflux. I'm a mom and teacher and constantly feel stressed and the tension in my neck and shoulders. I do not have the money to join a gym but need to lose at least 100 pounds. I need budget friendly food tips and have been trying to do a little walking in my neighborhood. I'll be 40 in January and want my 40s to be fabulous and it's time to love me again. My weight came on when we lost our daughter 14 years ago. It has come and gone ever since. I'm a stress eater and think I'm addicted to food. My family is half way supportive. Thank you for being a zupport link for me and I for you.


  • Sobeone
    Sorry to hear about your Daughter. You need to put everything behind you, pick yourself up and throw away any excuses. You are here now so lets get this thing going. You don't need no Gym or exercise equipment. Walking is a great great way to exercise. if you cant walk 1 mile outside then go to youtube and watch a 1 mile cardio workout and walk in place in front of the tv. Log your food and that's all there is to it. If you want a friend send me a friends invite and I will help keep you motivated. Remember no excuses and log your food and you can do it.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss.. I can't even imagine. I sent you a friend request.
  • Jaydec70
    Jaydec70 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. And ill send a request of my own. I've always been heavy, but I gained 100 lbs in college, 20+ years ago now?!?! And much was due to some some traumas and losses in my life, that were profound, though not so profound as yours I imagine. I was able to really talk and heal from it only recently, and have cared more about wellness since. I've got two kids, and one is Autistic, barely verbal and getting big, and a stress inducing job too that caused me to stress eat for years (I lead a program to end homelessness in a mid sized US city including a shelter and several hundred first step housing units). Oh, and I've got type 2 diabetes too, which was uncontrolled for over 10 years until recently...
  • aoea2013
    aoea2013 Posts: 21 Member
    You can do this! :wink:
  • miz_ppyn
    miz_ppyn Posts: 118 Member
    sorry to hear about your daughter. You can do this, and mfp is a good place to start. there's lots of people in the same boat im one of them that need to lose over 100lbs so the support is here. feel free to add me if you want. and good on you for taking the first step to lose weight n get back into shape
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    I'm the heaviest I have ever been. I cannot stand the bpoated feeling and recent acid reflux. I'm a mom and teacher and constantly feel stressed and the tension in my neck and shoulders. I do not have the money to join a gym but need to lose at least 100 pounds. I need budget friendly food tips and have been trying to do a little walking in my neighborhood. I'll be 40 in January and want my 40s to be fabulous and it's time to love me again. My weight came on when we lost our daughter 14 years ago. It has come and gone ever since. I'm a stress eater and think I'm addicted to food. My family is half way supportive. Thank you for being a zupport link for me and I for you.

    I'm sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine how that is, so I can't offer advice in that area.

    I understand emotional eating, keeping a food budget and not being able to afford gym fees (or the gas to drive TO a gym as walking is out of the question for several reasons!)

    Walking in your neighborhood is great exercise. I started MFP in 2011 thinking about my upcoming venture into my 30s determined to be fabulous in my 30s and having recently turned 30 I can say I haven't reached my goal but I am WELL on my way.

    Also, I've had severe acid reflux forever (literally since infancy) and have at times been on prescription medication. Since losing 100-pounds I've experienced severe episodes only twice. I've learned eating smaller portions (this INCLUDES beverages) really is my best bet.
  • Chris_B62
    Chris_B62 Posts: 63 Member
    I am very sorry to hear about your loss. The pain must be imaginable. I would be honored to be a part of your support system. Sending a friends request your way.
  • ymlewicki1
    ymlewicki1 Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me! I would love to share ideas and recipes!
  • Chris_B62
    Chris_B62 Posts: 63 Member
    The pain must be imaginable.

    That was supposed to be UN-imaginable.