I only have 2.6lbs left to lose, 1/2 a pound a week?

I only have a estimated 3lbs left to lose before going into maintaining mode. Should I switch to 1/2 lbs a week instead of 1 lbs. I workout 4-5 times a week and burn around 300 calories. I am now eating 1280 calories a day before exercise, I net over 1200 evey day. Should I switch my settings?


  • CristinaAnne192
  • CristinaAnne192
    One more time...
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Yes, 0.5lbs/week and high protein or you could lose too much lean muscle.
  • ravenasaurus
    I would up your calories, most people seem to switch into 1/2lb a week when they're within 5-10lbs of their goal
    that being said, up them reasonably slowly - maybe by a hundred or so for a few days and a few more after that. Especially when you move up to actual maintenance so you can figure out how much you actually need to maintain your goal

    Good luck! :)