Combat muscle soreness?

So, I'm back! I fell off the wagon like a boulder off a cliff when I went back to work in Alaska. I'm back now, looking for another job that allows for a healthier lifestyle, and until something comes up, filling my time with exercise, hobbies, and job applications. I started T25 again yesterday, and WOW, I am soooo SORE today! Does anybody have any good tips other than taking ibuprofen? I am planning to start a couch to 5k tomorrow in addition to T25, and can't see it going well hobbling around as I am!

Thank you!!



  • mktrobinson2
    mktrobinson2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Rachel,
    I don't know what T25 is, but I can tell you that having protein after a workout will help repair your muscles and minimize the soreness. Sometimes I'll have a protein shake or eat something high in protein. Best of luck with couch to 5k - I know a lot of people who have used it with great success. Good luck with the job search too!
    All the best,
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I find a warm bath, some physical activity and TIME help. I don't see the point of taking meds for this, it will pass.
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    It is more a motivation thing. I'm afraid if I stop moving, I will lose motivation like I have in the past! I lost a lot of the fitness I had from 1.5 months ago doing the same program. I didn't really expect to be THIS sore!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I understand what you mean.. But the soreness has a function too. You shouldn't go from 0-100 too fast.. Your muscles need to recuperate. I'm not saying be a couch potato, in fact some light exercise will help as I mentioned. But if a workout leaves you almost unable to walk (as has happened to me haha) you shouldn't do the same exercise at the same intensity the next day. It'll be counterproductive. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
  • jahneva
    jahneva Posts: 9 Member
    Weird, I was just talking to my husband about how I restarted T25 today and though it kicked my butt I was NOT sore! I used Results and Recovery formula and even though ppl had told me that it would help with soreness, I did not believe it!