Toned legs - Wondering if i will ever have them!

Hey All,
I joined MFP a year ago and i had a smaller goal to meet which i did.
what it is that can help get toned legs. what has worked for you guys?
Can you all please help.



  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Toned legs (or arms, or anything) depend on two things:

    1. underlying muscle tone
    2. overlaying fat layer

    If you have a layer of fat that covers your legs then you will not see the muscle beneath it. The muscle is what gives a leg (or arm) it's nice toned shape, but that means the muscle itself also needs to be big enough to have that shape rather than being flat. Now this doesn't mean you need to be a bodybuilder but you shouldn't be a stick figure also.

    So you need to either: 1. lose fat or 2. gain muscle. Losing fat is mostly diet, building muscle is exercise. I'm guessing you can figure out by looking at your legs which of the two needs to be done, or both.
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    Walking & swimming has worked for me !
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Heavy lifting
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    Squats, deadlifts and lunges are what you need to be doing.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Toned legs (or arms, or anything) depend on two things:

    1. underlying muscle tone
    2. overlaying fat layer

    If you have a layer of fat that covers your legs then you will not see the muscle beneath it. The muscle is what gives a leg (or arm) it's nice toned shape, but that means the muscle itself also needs to be big enough to have that shape rather than being flat. Now this doesn't mean you need to be a bodybuilder but you shouldn't be a stick figure also.

    So you need to either: 1. lose fat or 2. gain muscle. Losing fat is mostly diet, building muscle is exercise. I'm guessing you can figure out by looking at your legs which of the two needs to be done, or both.

    Building muscle is as much diet as it is exercise, and is very difficult. A beginner may have some noob gains, but on top of that it's really tough to build substantial muscle, and it takes both paints taking hours in the gym and eating at or above maintenance.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Toned legs (or arms, or anything) depend on two things:

    1. underlying muscle tone
    2. overlaying fat layer

    If you have a layer of fat that covers your legs then you will not see the muscle beneath it. The muscle is what gives a leg (or arm) it's nice toned shape, but that means the muscle itself also needs to be big enough to have that shape rather than being flat. Now this doesn't mean you need to be a bodybuilder but you shouldn't be a stick figure also.

    So you need to either: 1. lose fat or 2. gain muscle. Losing fat is mostly diet, building muscle is exercise. I'm guessing you can figure out by looking at your legs which of the two needs to be done, or both.

    Building muscle is as much diet as it is exercise, and is very difficult. A beginner may have some noob gains, but on top of that it's really tough to build substantial muscle, and it takes both paints taking hours in the gym and eating at or above maintenance.

    Yes, but as the topic starter is female she'll most likely want the 'toned' and not the 'bulky' look. Which is a lot easier to achieve.
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you all for your response.
    I had to mention that i am a 30 year old female.
    I would defnitely want my legs to look toned and not bulky.
    I am just about to Start Jillian's Killer Thighs and Buns.
    Has that worked for any one?
  • mrsmaslin
    mrsmaslin Posts: 11 Member
    lifting heavy DOES NOT MAKE WOMEN BULKY

    cupcakes make women bulky

    Gaining muscle by lifting heavy weights is the only way that will make you 'toned', not hours of endless cardio