looking for regular motivation support (girls only)

hey I've been in a slump and part of the problem is none of my friends cheer me on. so looking for two or three ladies who want the same thing, log everyday, have similar goals, and comment on peoples posts.

location: Muskoka, Ontario, Canada
age: 29
Current weight:195
mini goal 7: loose 5+lbs in November
big goal: 185lbs by end of year 2013
big goal: 165-160lbs by 30th birthday (Feb 14)
Final Goal: 150-145lbs goal weight.


  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Hey there! I am in a slump too and just you commenting on my ten logged days in a row really made me feel accountable and like people CARE! Very nice.
    Location: Whitby, Ontario, Canada
    age: 27
    Current Weight- 180.8
    Height: 5'5"
    mini goal- lose 5lbs in November so to 175
    Big goal- lose 20lbs by Valentines Day so to 155
    Big goal- figure out if I am happy or want to lose another 20
    = Goal weight as 135lbs

    HEY just realized your Bday is Valentines! Nice! How do you feel about turning 30??
  • Denise_Valentine
    Denise_Valentine Posts: 93 Member
    thanks Tara, I know the little things help a lot that's why I do comment on the small stuff, and will keep doing just that.! I comment on the big things too! i'm a little nervous about turning thirty and a little "who gives a ****" I mean it's just a number but society makes it a big deal. the point is I don't feel thirty.
  • mixon2
    mixon2 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Girls Happy Sunday!

    I must say losing weight is a constant battle for me. Let alone to eat healthier, track food, exercise, work a full time job, stay focused, calorie count etc. can all be a challenge. We have to remain FOCUSED. Begin with one day at a time and not worry about tomorrow until it comes. Start setting and implementing small attainable goals to reach and reach them. When you feel like your battling your self within your self take charge and fight back with your inner self and SAY I AM HEALTHIER, I AM LOSING FAT WEEKLY, I AM TRACKING MY FOOD, I AM EXERCISING DAILY, I CAN DO IT, I AM DOING IT !
  • mixon2
    mixon2 Posts: 10 Member
    Location: Buffalo, NY
    Age: 33
    Current Weight- 189
    Height: 5'4
    Mini goal- lose 1-2 pound every week in November, track my food, and stay within calories daily
    Big goal- lose 20 pounds by Feb. 2014
    Goal weight is 135lbs
  • H_Jack
    H_Jack Posts: 48 Member
    I'd love some support, too! It's gotten a little quiet on my newsfeed for the last few months and it's always so much easier to make good choices with a good support system! Here's my info:

    Just celebrated 85 days of consistent logging. :)

    Location: Duluth, MN (mixon2, I'm originally from Buffalo, NY!)
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3"
    Current weight: 139
    Start weight: 165
    Christmas goal weight: 130-129
    Ultimate goal weight: 125

    I plan to stick around on MFP after I hit my goal weight so I can log my maintenance calories. There's no slacking on this journey! Healthy choices are a forever commitment!
  • You're around the same weight as me and have the same goals! We should be friends haha :)

    Location: Michigan, United States
    Age: 23
    Current Weight: 194
    Height: 5'2"
    Mini goal 1: 185 by end of 2013
    Mini goal 2: 160 by my 24th birthday (June 2014)
    Big goal: 130 by February 2015
  • Hello! I've been in a slump for awhile but got back on track yesterday. Always looking for friends to help with motivation and accountability so feel free to add me. I don't log food as much but I will try to.
    Location: Grand Junction, CO
    Age: 25
    Weight 121.4 (varies between 125-127 but ive been sick)
    Height 5'4
    Goal: I just want to tone up for my wedding May 31st :) and for life! My problem is focusing on the scale and muscle weighs more than fat. I hope to take measurements and focus on what I see there and in the mirror. We'll see how that goes I've been trying for years
  • mixon2
    mixon2 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey H_Jack just added you as friend. I am committed to a new body, mind, soul transformation for a life time of good health!
  • mixon2
    mixon2 Posts: 10 Member
    What a week for me! to be honest it was a ruff week. I craved and craved food and more food. I was actually battling with my self to not give into way too much of the wrong foods and high calorie foods filedl with nothing but sweetness (hehehe... but it taste so good the marble cake and sweet butter cream frosting). I over came the battle within me and over ate on the good foods and indulge somewhat with self control. I must admit it was not a easy thing to do. The food evil demons( LMBO) was trying to lure me with no boundaries to lose control.... I don't think so # I AM LOSING WEIGHT WEEKLY!
  • lizzyrose418
    lizzyrose418 Posts: 19 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! It's always easier to have people cheering you on, and I've found that my newsfeed is pretty slow.

    Location: Bay Area, CA
    Starting Weight: 199.8
    Current Weight: 179.4
    Goal Weight: 130
    Mini Goal: To hit 160 before New Years :)

    I would love to be able to offer support to you guys, as well as receive it! It is so much easier when you have others that are on the same journey and understand the struggles.

    Please feel free to add me :) We can do this together! :)
  • angrodriguez92
    angrodriguez92 Posts: 193 Member
    Location: West Virginia
    Height: 5 ft
    Hw: 160
    Cw: 110
    Goal: 100
    Mini Goal: To keep my diet clean/healthy and get to the gym 3x a week.

    I think I'm a pretty good mfp buddy if anyone wants to add me :) I love giving support and advice to anyone during their journey and I hope everyone finds what they need here at mfp :)
  • pandamars
    pandamars Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! I also need friends who'll support me here since I tend to get committed for a month but then lose track and start all over again :( (Also the problem with my ultra-mega sweet tooth cravings </3)
    location: Manila, Philippines
    age: 17
    Height : 5'3"
    Current weight: 150
    mini goal : lose 5 lbs before Dec 20
    big goal: weigh 134 lbs on May 8 (18th bday)
    big goal: 124 lbs before the end of 2013 :)
    Final Goal: 120-124 lbs and MAINTAIN that :D
  • mixon2
    mixon2 Posts: 10 Member

    Happy MONDAY, any body that would like to participate in the "GET FIT" goal for today here is what you have to do.

    1. Do 30 mintues of Cardiovascular Exercise today
    2. Track food intake and exercise in your dairy
    > be honest with yourself :)
    3. Don't go over your calorie goal today
    >I am focused :)
    4. Post on this message board duration of exercise and type of exercise i.e. 5:30am-6:00am Eliptical
  • mixon2
    mixon2 Posts: 10 Member
    5:30am-6:00am Elliptical :noway: Indeed I was up this early ...lol