Your three top weight loss secrets



  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    1. Exercise. Make something in your workout your goal and then exceed it.

    2. Always have a small snack with so you arn't starving when it comes to meal time. I always eat way too much, and then feel too full after if I don't get a snack in before meals.

    3. It's ok if you didn't meet your goal for the day. Just eat a little less or exercise a little more the next day. We are training our minds and bodies. Accept failure today and then kick it in the *kitten* tomorrow.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Lots of good advice here. I'll think on it and come up with my three.
  • Wwannabe
    Wwannabe Posts: 10 Member
    Such great advice, how do you pick three? Uhh, lets see,

    1. Don't procrastinate on the exercise--do it today, and tomorrow, and the next day.

    2. Portion control. However healthy your diet, if you eat too much, you will gain weight.

    3. Try on your smaller clothes once in a while and admire your leaner body. (And treat yourself to a a new article of clothing once in a while.)

    I'm in this for the long term, for my health and longevity. The rest of my life is *right now*, so no procrastinating.

    Oh, and #4 is, ..., limit alcohol to a reasonable minimum--not only will you save calories, but you will give your liver a break.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    1. Exercise... don't stop. Let exercise fit into your life, don't need to make it your entire life- it has to be something that works for you. If you miss a day or a few, or even a month - don't give up forever!

    2. Don't assume you "cant" maintain a healthy eating lifestyle.... nobody is perfect, accept that you are not. You will have bad days and even weeks, but staying healthier will benefit you for the rest of your life.... again, don't just give up!

    3. Be aware of what you can live with - finding your happy weight and accepting that that number may be higher than your goal weight just happens sometimes. Same thing with eating, don't aim for perfection (unless you REALLY think you can eat like that forever) instead, focus on better choices and healthy portion sizes. Remember that your health, happiness and comfort are much more important than that number on the scale.... don't waste away your life just waiting to "get there" instead, try enjoying being exactly where you are RIGHT NOW!


    Persistence & a positive attitude are most important IMO.
  • NewMe80xoxo
    Well I'm just starting out...Been trying to lose weight for two years....and failed every year. But I'm so ready to do it this time! My tips are...

    1. Rewards: Reward your self for every 10 lbs or so you lose...It cans be money, clothes, workout things, etc.

    2. Remind youself you didn't gain all the weight over night and it aint gonna go away over night

    3. Don't nibble while cooking! You don't need to taste everything you cook before it makes it to the table!
  • natural8016
    Great subject, Thanks!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I'm of the school of thought that there's not "secret" to losing weight. It's as simple as keeping a negative balance of input vs output. Knowing that, the 3 things that I've REALLY had to focus on to keep me going are listed below.

    1. Screw the scale. Stay away from it and quit focusing on that stupid number. Set PHYSICAL goals instead of NUMERIC goals. (i.e. I'm going to walk 100 miles this month, I'm going to complete the C25K, I'm going to do the 100 push-up challenge) and then DO IT. If you fail you haven't lost because you're still farther than you were when you started.

    2. Pay attention to what you put in your face. You're in control of the fork. Our bodies weren't meant to deal with all the processed crap we fill them with so try to avoid them. Try eating whole and clean foods as much as possible but DON'T DEPRIVE YOURSELF! If you deprive yourself it's a losing battle. If you slip up with the food don't let it blow your whole day just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and make the necessary adjustments.

    3. Do it. Want it, Need it, Own it. Someone else said that overweight people are overweight because we did it to ourselves (barring medical conditions) and it's absolutely true. You're the only only one that can change it and you have to want to. You need to own the fact that you gained weight of your own accord and the only way it's coming off is by setting the fork down and moving more. There's no "magic cure" there's no special formula that's going to solve this over night except desire and motivation.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    It is amazing when you speak to people how many different tips you can pick up when trying to lose weight, so if you fancy sharing your top three tips or secrets, there might just be something we post that might help others who are struggling :-

    Here are my three:-

    1) Keeping an accurate food and exercise diary, and it can't be easier to do than on MFP - I am amazed at how few items I now have enter myself, as the database here is vast.

    2) Find an exercise you can do without too much inconvenience - my favourite is walking, I do some just about everyday, be it in my lunch break, or just making a point of walking to the shop or around my village. I also park my car furthest away in the car park at all times, whether going to a shop or my place of work.

    3) Keep eating the foods you like, and find some new ones too - using the food diary you soon realise that if you keep the portion size in moderation, you don't deny yourself anything.

    Looking forward to reading more things that work for others.



  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    1: Exercise with INTENSITY. I just left the gym and at least five people were on the treadmill going at 2.0mph at a slow walk. What a waste of time!

    2: Portion control. Knowing what ONE serving really looks like. Using smaller plates.

    3: Cinnamon capsules. Many people here are going through major sugar withdrawals. Cinnamon capsules help regulate your blood sugar.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Remember that your health, happiness and comfort are much more important than that number on the scale.... don't waste away your life just waiting to "get there" instead, try enjoying being exactly where you are RIGHT NOW!

    Well said! And I have to admit I really have trouble with that, but I'm going to pin this sentence to my fridge!
  • Jinji
    Jinji Posts: 20 Member
    One, find substitutes for your weak spots. I substitute tea and coffee for soda and snacks, and that's helped me.

    Two, I like to keep cut-up veggies around for snacks. If I have veggies prepared then I can snack when I want while sticking to the plan. I'll be eating carrots, celery, peppers, bok choy, etc.

    Three, savor the thought of the meal you just had. This helps emotional eaters (like myself) to focus on the feeling of satiety. Rather than thinking, "wow I'm bored and I really want a spoonful of peanut butter," I think about the amazing apple I just ate, how good it tasted, and how good my stomach feels.
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    Plenty of good info here. I needed to read these today. I've binged.....badly.

    Need to quit that!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    I'm of the school of thought that there's not "secret" to losing weight. It's as simple as keeping a negative balance of input vs output. Knowing that, the 3 things that I've REALLY had to focus on to keep me going are listed below.

    1. Screw the scale. Stay away from it and quit focusing on that stupid number. Set PHYSICAL goals instead of NUMERIC goals. (i.e. I'm going to walk 100 miles this month, I'm going to complete the C25K, I'm going to do the 100 push-up challenge) and then DO IT. If you fail you haven't lost because you're still farther than you were when you started.

    2. Pay attention to what you put in your face. You're in control of the fork. Our bodies weren't meant to deal with all the processed crap we fill them with so try to avoid them. Try eating whole and clean foods as much as possible but DON'T DEPRIVE YOURSELF! If you deprive yourself it's a losing battle. If you slip up with the food don't let it blow your whole day just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and make the necessary adjustments.

    3. Do it. Want it, Need it, Own it. Someone else said that overweight people are overweight because we did it to ourselves (barring medical conditions) and it's absolutely true. You're the only only one that can change it and you have to want to. You need to own the fact that you gained weight of your own accord and the only way it's coming off is by setting the fork down and moving more. There's no "magic cure" there's no special formula that's going to solve this over night except desire and motivation.

    Do it. Want it, Need it, Own it.

    I love it!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    I noticed many of you dealt with the phyical things needed. I agree with most of them but would like to add the 3 mental secrets needed to reach weight loss goals or a healthy weight.

    1.) Perseverance - Never giving up on our health and self.

    2.) Patience - unhealthy habits will take time to overcome, so do not beat yourself if it takes time and many relapses to
    overcome them.

    3. ) Positive - thinking and attitudes. Belief that you can do this. No negative stinking thinking.

    Thanks for great input, ideas and facts....:flowerforyou:
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    bump, great advise here.:bigsmile:
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    Love this post!

    1. I bought a HRM and good pair of sneakers to get an intensive aerobic workout 4x's a week... strength train 3x's a week.
    2. Eat lots of goal 100-120 grams a day!
    3. Keep my food diary!
  • crosedonahue
    crosedonahue Posts: 21 Member
    1. Excercise- but vary what you do- never let yourself get bored exercising and plan out the days you will do it. I committed to 3 days per week for at least 250 calories per work out.
    2. Eat varied foods that are good for you and have fun finding out and trying new receipes. Treat yourself to a treat (I'd say even a few times a week) as long as you are within your calorie counts.
    3. Celebrate your successes with a non-food reward (Ex: A new outfit, new running shoes, a trip to the nail salon, etc.) Each step is a success. I can't believe I'm 11 lbs lighter!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    1 - Do not obsess. Ever. Not over exercise, not over food, not over the number on the scale.

    2 - Spoil your appetite. Eat a huge salad before going out to eat with friends and family, before that holiday/birthday party, before your anniversary dinner out with your husband, before you sit down to Thanksgiving Dinner. You will make WAY better choices and end up eating WAY fewer calories of the more indulgent foods.

    3 - Throw it away. Obviously trashing food isn't ideal, but waste is waste. I'd rather have that waste in the garbage can than on my body. Leftover cookies/cake/dip/chips/ice cream...WHATEVER. Throw it away.
