Why Wont this weight go away.



  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    You have to eat according to your needs. How did you come up with 1200 calories? That's way too little for an active young woman. If all you do is cardio, and starve yourself (not intake enough calories to keep your body functioning efficiently) - you will not loose weight. Look at it as the equivalent of being a hamster in a wheel. I was stuck in this cycle for almost two years, before I realized that I was going nowhere. You need to set a goal, calculate what your BMR is with your activity level and what you need to maintain your current weight. Then reduce that 5-15% and eat well balanced meals of carbs/proteins/fats. Start lifting weights to make your body more efficient. Straight cardio will keep you at the same weight, but your body fat % is either going to stay the same, or you'll slowly gain more, especially if you're eating some arbitrary number of calories with no rhyme or reason.

    I have a desk job, would adding calories still apply if my activity level during the day is just sitting at the computer?
    i understand fully what your telling me, I 'm just scared to be honest. I wold like to add calories, just wasn't sure that was right. I got 1200 from wanting to lose weight, and having a low activity level during the day. according to MFP.,.,

    Don't reduce from your BMR - that's what you need just to breathe, etc!!! You need to reduce from your TDEE. (My BMR is 1275/day, but my TDEE is close to 2300 and I eat between 2100 and 2300.) I was scared to eat more, too, but I was more frustrated with the plateaus to NOT try. This calculator has been the most accurate for me: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    You can set it up with your activity level as "desk job" and then eat your exercise calories back, or you can set it up with your exercise level and then don't bother tracking your burns. (I do this - I like eating the same amount everyday, and worrying about one less number is a good thing! lol) If you have a little to lose, choose 5%. The closer you are to your goal, the closer to maintainence you should be eating.

    And lift heavy things - it'll change your life. :)

    Best of luck!
  • Idka81
    Idka81 Posts: 42
    You have to eat according to your needs. How did you come up with 1200 calories? That's way too little for an active young woman. If all you do is cardio, and starve yourself (not intake enough calories to keep your body functioning efficiently) - you will not loose weight. Look at it as the equivalent of being a hamster in a wheel. I was stuck in this cycle for almost two years, before I realized that I was going nowhere. You need to set a goal, calculate what your BMR is with your activity level and what you need to maintain your current weight. Then reduce that 5-15% and eat well balanced meals of carbs/proteins/fats. Start lifting weights to make your body more efficient. Straight cardio will keep you at the same weight, but your body fat % is either going to stay the same, or you'll slowly gain more, especially if you're eating some arbitrary number of calories with no rhyme or reason.

    I have a desk job, would adding calories still apply if my activity level during the day is just sitting at the computer?
    i understand fully what your telling me, I 'm just scared to be honest. I wold like to add calories, just wasn't sure that was right. I got 1200 from wanting to lose weight, and having a low activity level during the day. according to MFP.,.,

    Don't reduce from your BMR - that's what you need just to breathe, etc!!! You need to reduce from your TDEE. (My BMR is 1275/day, but my TDEE is close to 2300 and I eat between 2100 and 2300.) I was scared to eat more, too, but I was more frustrated with the plateaus to NOT try. This calculator has been the most accurate for me: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    You can set it up with your activity level as "desk job" and then eat your exercise calories back, or you can set it up with your exercise level and then don't bother tracking your burns. (I do this - I like eating the same amount everyday, and worrying about one less number is a good thing! lol) If you have a little to lose, choose 5%. The closer you are to your goal, the closer to maintainence you should be eating.

    And lift heavy things - it'll change your life. :)

    Best of luck!

    I love Scooby! He brought me to my senses. I will never look back. :D
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
  • IanBee93
    IanBee93 Posts: 237
    Maybe you're eating more than you think.
  • GInterrupted
    GInterrupted Posts: 4 Member
    It occurs to me that you've reached your set weight. Everyone has a rough number that their body naturally likes, I guess our bodies like to have a fat reserve in case the going gets tough and we need to fight our way out of something/ may be stranded without food. I know from example (and from my many eating disordered friends) when you push your body below it's set weight it usually won't budge until you do something drastic. As your BMR has lowered with your overall weightloss your body has reached a happy equilibrium of calories burned and calories consumed, and the lack of weightloss is an indication that you are where your meant to be. Why do you want to lose those last couple lbs? You're at a healthy weight and you eat a healthy diet, maybe you should be happy with that and not try to go lower?

    Some people find their natural weight at a BMI of 21, some at a BMI of 18, listen to your body. If those last few lbs aren't budging, there's a reason and you don't have to force your body into losing them.