New here and looking for friends!

Hi everyone! I am new to this board. I have used it on and off for months but never really gotten serious with it. I really need support and some friends to help keep me motivated. I am 37 years old, mother of 3 and I would love to lose 40-50 lbs. Honestly, I am pretty lazy. I work full time so after I get home I really want to change into my sweats and just relax. That usually involves eating and sitting on my bum in front of the TV! I hate exercising but I really want to change the way I think!! I want to do this to set a good example for my family. Of course I want to look good but I am more concerned about being healthy and making good choices.


  • angiepangie97
    angiepangie97 Posts: 8 Member
    Same boat trying to make better choices for myself and my kids.(the tight jeans would just be an added bonus lol) All the support helps. You or Anybody feel free to add me :)
  • TriDanimal
    TriDanimal Posts: 8 Member
    I think you need to change the way you view exercising. I like to think of my workouts (10-12 workouts a week during season and 6-8 during the off-season) as a way of earning a guilt free cheat meal for the week. YES, ONLY ONE CHEAT MEAL PER WEEK. The biggest thing for me is to not view the workout as a chore but as something fun and good for myself.

    You could simply start off with a walk around the block as a way of watching some guilt free tv this evening. Take the dog and stroller with you or let one of the older kids hold the dog leash. Or you could be like me and, use this time as alone time to decompress and unwind. Either way will work just fine.

    Believe it or not within two weeks you will be looking forward to the daily walks as it is a time for you will find them relaxing and energizing and stress relieving.

    If you need anything please feel free to ask.