Is it really all about calories????

Can I lose weight on eating a low calorie diet even if it's only donuts and ice cream? And can I gain weight on a diet of only carrot sticks??? I keep hearing that low carb is the way to go, but what about the calories? Don't they "count" when low carbing?


  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    Its all about calories in and calories out. Burn more than you take in, you lose weight. Opposite applies too. Your calories could come from vodka and twinkies or boiled kale... doesnt matter. A calories is a calorie.

    That being said, its easier to lose weight eating 'good' foods (by and large) because they are generally more filling and when you feel full you are less likely to binge... but ultimately, if you stay under your calorie goal you will lose weight.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Calorie deficit rules weight loss but nutrition is important for your body. Meeting your macronutrients is important for health. It just doesn't matter where it comes from. I've lost weight this way. Haven't cut anything I didn't already eat before. I just eat less of it.
  • Calorie deficit rules weight loss but nutrition is important for your body. Meeting your macronutrients is important for health. It just doesn't matter where it comes from. I've lost weight this way. Haven't cut anything I didn't already eat before. I just eat less of it.

    i have lost weight this way as well.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Its all about calories in and calories out. Burn more than you take in, you lose weight. Opposite applies too. Your calories could come from vodka and twinkies or boiled kale... doesnt matter. A calories is a calorie.

    That being said, its easier to lose weight eating 'good' foods (by and large) because they are generally more filling and when you feel full you are less likely to binge... but ultimately, if you stay under your calorie goal you will lose weight.

    I'll go along with that.

    You don't need to low carb unless you have a diagnosed medical reason to do so. Some people find they are less hungry and snacky when they reduce the carbs so it can be a tool to use if this is a problem.

    No need to demonise anything ... hit your target, take some exercise and adjust to suit results will work for most IMO.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I tried a modified Atkins at one point to see if it would help with cravings.

    My results were:

    1. Massive headaches.
    2. Digestion problems.
    3. Crazy mood swings.
    4. Increased cravings for carbs

    All of these were still happening several weeks into it. I decided it was more trouble than it was worth.

    And I just loved the little note in the book that basically said "Oh, and you should still watch what you eat because you'll still gain weight if you eat too much food."
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    How you look and feel is not all about calories.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Ditto the above. The reason that low carb works for a lot of people is that

    1) you drop water weight fast - of course as soon as you eat more carbs, it piles right back on
    2) fats and proteins are very satiating. Most people don't eat as many calories on low carb because they're not as hungry - but again, when you move back to a higher carb diet then you're eating less satiating foods again and are likely to eat more calories and potentially gain back the weight
    3) of course calories count (see above). This is why there are some people that gain weight on low carb - they move to a high fat and low protein diet and fat has the most calories per gram of any macro. So, some people actually increase their calorie intake on a low-carb diet and gain weight. This seems to be pretty rare though since fats fill most people up really fast and leave them satiated for a long time.

    Basically, you can do the same thing with a diet of moderation and teach yourself portion control. Then when you move to maintenance the transition isn't terribly difficult - you just eat a bit more and quit losing weight.

    Or, you can do low carb and commit to that for life - no transition there, either, it's just harder to maintain a more strict diet. Or, you can low carb and choose a long process of oh-so-gradually introducing carbs back into your diet until you're where you'd be at maintenance after the diet of moderation. But, you'll have missed out on some yummy food along the way ...
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    1. Can I lose weight on eating a low calorie diet even if it's only donuts and ice cream?
    2. And can I gain weight on a diet of only carrot sticks???
    3. I keep hearing that low carb is the way to go, but what about the calories?
    4. Don't they "count" when low carbing?

    1. Probably - might not feel so great though.

    2. Probably - but you also wouldn't feel so great.

    3. For some people it is - personally I have found it works really well for me.

    4. I do low carb and log everything. I count carbs, not calories.

    I have done Atkins (high protein, moderate fat, low carb) in the past but felt terrible. I was eating mostly lean protein and felt pretty deprived, sluggish and weak.

    Keto (high fat, moderate protein, low carb) makes me feel GREAT. Much more energetic, not bloated, no cravings and really satisfied. I can eat more calories and still lose weight so long as I keep the carbs down. If I up the carbs and lower the calories I put on weight (and feel bloated, pudgy, hungry, tired and get cravings).
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Weight loss is all about the calories. Even when low carbing, you need to count. Feeling good, not being hungry or malnourished is about the Macros.(Carbs/Protein/Fat) Keeping LBM(lean body mass-muscle) is about eating protein and exercise.
  • inferiormeatsack
    inferiormeatsack Posts: 28 Member
    I cannot agree more. I just started keto so maybe I am not an expert, but the weight is falling off and maybe it is water weight. However I have also lost about 6 inches and I am consistently over my calories. With that said I do not want to steer anyone in the wrong direction. I run a lot and never eat back my calories from running (or I do but it just puts me over my daily calorie limit). I have heard the best diet is one that you can stick to, for me keto is helping a lot.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    If you think you can't lose weight while eating fast food and junk food, take a look at my food diary. I go to McDonald's for breakfast virtually every morning. I have either Taco Bell or Wendy's for dinner more than half the time. I don't cook jack s___. Been losing weight steadily for two months! :drinker:

    I also don't exercise. It's all about math. Get the math right, and you're golden. :smokin:
  • Healthy foods are more filling? I didn't know carrots were more filling than a big mac? All these diets that are around had to work for some people. You can do the low carb thing, lose weight and then slowly reintroduce more carbs into your diet. That doesn't mean go 6 months eating 50 grams of carbs a day and then randomly start eating 200 again. Clearly you will gain it back that way, you have to slowly eat more carbs and it will work.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    People who watch things other than calories are in for a rude awakening. At some point the calorie deficit they are creating as a by-product of watching some other macro will evaporate, their weight loss will stall, and they'll be so bewildered as to why they aren't losing weight. Consider this a pre-emptive "I told you so". :drinker:
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Stop thinking of a "diet". Engage on a healthy lifestyle. Do what you can do forever.

    This is why Atkins and WW will always fail in the long term. Don't think of an end where you can return to the old ways.

    This isn't a "journey" but a lifestyle change.
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    I lost more weight watching my fat intake. I didn't go above 40 grams of fat and only 5 grams of Saturated fat per day. I ate a lot of food, but it was also clean eating. My cholesterol was high and I overhauled my diet and started walking to lower my cholesterol.
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    Stop thinking of a "diet". Engage on a healthy lifestyle. Do what you can do forever.

    This is why Atkins and WW will always fail in the long term. Don't think of an end where you can return to the old ways.

    This isn't a "journey" but a lifestyle change.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Healthy foods are more filling? I didn't know carrots were more filling than a big mac? All these diets that are around had to work for some people. You can do the low carb thing, lose weight and then slowly reintroduce more carbs into your diet. That doesn't mean go 6 months eating 50 grams of carbs a day and then randomly start eating 200 again. Clearly you will gain it back that way, you have to slowly eat more carbs and it will work.

    Try eating 350 calories of carrots... that's a LOT of carrots. And you'll be stuffed. So yes, healthy foods are more filling, usually.

    I admire people who really eat what they want within their calories though. I can't. I get hungry. I try to eat at least 70% 'healthy' foods.
  • Healthy foods are more filling? I didn't know carrots were more filling than a big mac? All these diets that are around had to work for some people. You can do the low carb thing, lose weight and then slowly reintroduce more carbs into your diet. That doesn't mean go 6 months eating 50 grams of carbs a day and then randomly start eating 200 again. Clearly you will gain it back that way, you have to slowly eat more carbs and it will work.

    Try eating 350 calories of carrots... that's a LOT of carrots. And you'll be stuffed. So yes, healthy foods are more filling, usually.

    I admire people who really eat what they want within their calories though. I can't. I get hungry. I try to eat at least 70% 'healthy' foods.

    Why admire them? I could go to McDonald twice and day and get full while eating within my calories. But what the hell is that really teaching me about healthy eating in the long run? Fast, quick, artificial foods because I am too lazy to spend 10 min cooking at home doesn't sound pleasant for the rest of my life.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!