245lb and really need some supportive friends!

Well, my subject says it all.
I am 56 years old and have always been overweight.
However, over the past three years I've really put on weight and am now desperately in need of losing weight.
My first goal is 19lbs - hopefully by Christmas.
My mid way goal is 42lbs more.
I know that I will still need to lose more, but I can't cope with more than that at the moment.
I'd really love to have a few online friends to support me - and I hope that I can encourage some of you too.
I know that I am really in a bad place health wise so I must make losing weight a priority in my life - a way of life, not a quick fix.
Help! Please...


  • Hello There,
    I'm new to this and was looking for some support and I came across your post. I am 38 and weight 316. I have been over weight for 15 years. I gain weight when I was pregnant and lost my daughter Faith. I was only 6 months pregnant with her. Seven months later I was told we could try again so we did. I got pregnant again. At 6 and a half months I lost my daughter Dasieè. So I than went in to depression and eat and eat. Sorry for rambling on but I would love to have you as a friend and support each other..
    Take care and Have a great day
  • Tuili
    Tuili Posts: 34 Member
    Hi there. I'm 50 years old and looking to lose 50 - 60 lbs. I too am losing weight to help with health issues. I would love to cut down or eliminate diabetic medications as well as improve my knees and hips which, due to osteoarthritis, are giving me a hard time too early in life. Feel free to send a friend request as I'd love to support you. Take care!
  • Hi again BeeGee7,

    First things first, never look how far you have to go, its always going to seem a massive uphill struggle that way. Break it down into small chunks, say 7-10 pounds to each goal and then give yourself a little treat which doesn't have to be edible. If you have retired, it doesn't always follow that you have plenty of time for the things you want or need to do. As the saying goes, if you want anything done, ask a busy person. So whilst its a good idea to have a plan, and especially planning ahead what you want to eat at certain mealtimes, don't make it so inflexible that at the first hurdle you're ready to pack it in. Its all about consistency and determination. Everyone makes mistakes, or just falls by the wayside now and then, but its always best to draw a line under it and start again. I have found it useful thanks to another friend here to borrow some calories from another day when necessary, but only borrow what you can pay back. You don't want to be eating a week's food in a couple of days, a recipe for disaster. Losing weight is well worth the effort. Keep going, you know you can do it.
  • MrsJGatsby
    MrsJGatsby Posts: 25 Member

    I'm a bit younger than you at 27 but my starting weight was 246 on May 1st. I'm at 224 now. I slacked off at the end of August so I'm trying to get back on the wagon myself. I needed to lose the weight for health reasons, and because no 27 year old should be 246lbs!

    I understand the depression side of things too, though I never had to deal with losses like you did. :cry: But exercise is great for helping you when you're in a dark space. It's hard to be motivated at first but it really does help.

    I'm a terror for logging my food, I'm mainly here for the community, but feel free to add me. :happy:
  • _andreamarie
    _andreamarie Posts: 48 Member
    I started at 240 and am now 213. I'll add you :)
  • determined2run
    determined2run Posts: 31 Member
    You can add me if you would like :happy:
  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
    You can add me, I'm just starting out. Started at 246 and current am 239 and trying to get to 120 :)
  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
    I started at 240 and am now 213. I'll add you :)
    Do you mind me asking how long this took you? You started the same weight I am currently :)
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I started at 263 and am 227 now. I've moved very slowly on purpose but have gone from 245 to 227 in the last 12 weeks. Feel free to add.
  • . I am here because I would like to get pregnant. I weigh 250 pounds and I was told today I am insulin Resistant. I was told to start eating low carb which is hard i have tried it and not lost anything. I would love to be here to help you so we could help each other.
  • add me if you like. i am at maintenance...but love to give motivation.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Hi there,

    I am 55 and also needed to lose weight because I was having a host of health problems. I started on MFP in the high 200's. It's great to have friends on here in our age group because we have some different challenges at our age. It can be done! Feel free to add me if you'd like. :flowerforyou:
  • malyndad
    malyndad Posts: 30 Member
    I am 53, I started at 270 down to 245...I have type 2 diabetes and am losing to stay off insulin. I try to get on and encourage every day (not perfect though). I follow a low carb lifestyle but know it's important to do whatever your body is most comfortable with. Add me if you would like :)
  • MacroMiranda
    MacroMiranda Posts: 78 Member
    Hi! I'm no expert, but I can definitely offer support and feedback if you want to add me. I started close to you at 235, currently about 195.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Hi! I am 55 years old.

    Last November, I went to the doctor and weighed in at my highest weight ever - 256.6 pounds. I was so depressed! But he changed my medicines around (I'm diebetic) and sent me to a dietitian, who I saw on December 27th of last year, now weighing 253 pounds. She put me on a balanced eating plan that I knew I could follow, but I seriously doubted it would work. A month later, I went back - now I weighed 243! I was going to do it this time! But the amount I had to lose was so much, the mountain so high, the journey so long...I felt overwelmed. So I said to myself, let's give this a year. How much can you accomplish in a year? A year - that's only 12 months...take it one month at a time...

    I had tried MFP before, but didn't use it again until mid January, after I had already lost some of that weight, so my ticker doesn't accurately show my actual weight loss. I was too embarrassed to record that 256.6 number! This time I started reading the forums and posting replies, and suddenly I started getting friendship requests. I never realized the value of MFP friends! So, if you would like to add me as a friend, I AM HERE! :happy:

    Today I weigh 180 lbs. Yes, I am still classified as obese. Yes, I still have a long way to go to reach my ultimate goal. But I feel so much better and I look so much better. And during this journey I have discovered NSVs...

    As you travel this journey, you will discover little treasures along the way - things will happen that you don't anticipate. Non Scale Victories - NSVs. The first one for me was this: I have an issue with my shoulder (the rotater cup) and it would hurt like heck to put my bra on every morning. I mean, the most painful part of my day was reaching my arm around to hook those clasps. And then one day I realized it didn't hurt anymore. Today, I can reach that arm all the way across my back! So, look for those weight loss gifts, because they will come. It isn't all about reaching that elusive goal - the one that seems so far away. Every little bit that you lose is a victory, and you will be rewarded for it.

    I remember thinking I could never do it. I remember feeling trapped in my body. I remember feeling so unhappy and worthless and unlovable and depressed. I no longer feel that way. And soon, you won't feel that way either. This is a journey of empowerment. It is in your hands. We got this! YOU GOT THIS! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck!!
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    You can add me! I started at around 220 (5'1 so thats huge for my height) and I am down 45 pounds now! You can do this!
  • janeann58
    janeann58 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ! I am 55 years old, 5 feet tall and have had a weight problem all of my life (well, since I was 12). At age twelve, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease and therefore resulted in my immune system being compromised causing me to pick up every possible infection floating around in the air. Being in pain and sick a lot of the time caused me to turn to food for comfort. I have probably lost and gained a few thousand pounds during the past 40+ years, over and over and over...........

    A friend of mine from high school introduced me to "myfitnesspal" a little over a year ago and I officially joined on 11-01-12, weighing in at 236. My all time high weight was 255 and I lost those first 19 pounds on another program before joining mfp. Although I have had several lapses and struggles over the past year, I have managed to lose 33 pounds and feel much more hopeful about my future. I know my weight loss may seem slow and/or discouraging to others, but I feel good about it as this is the lowest my weight has been in over 15 years.

    I have had to have my right knee replaced twice as the first one came loose. My left knee is now in need of replacement as well, but the doctor will not do the surgery until I lose 13 more pounds. I am thankful he is making me lose this weight as it has also served as a motivator.

    Please feel free to send me a friend request. I would love to help encourage you and soon you will be encouraging all the friends you make here. :flowerforyou: Jane
  • Hello :) anyone can add me! I love giving motivation and.support. I have 40 pounds to go to.get to my first goal then give or take 20 more. Good Luck to you :)
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Hello and welcome, please feel free to check out my profile and add me if you would like. This goes for anyone else who would like to add me. I am 56, 203 lbs and in very poor health too. We CAN DO THIS!!! I have been off of here for awhile but am back and determined to lose this weight.

  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    You have taken the first steps by logging into MyFitnessPal.
    Now introduce healthier foods into your diet, keep away from the ready meals, cook from scratch when you can.
    Walk more.
    Keep alcohol for special occasions only - there are a lot of empty calories in alcohol.
    Look at the community message boards when things get tough and befriend other members of interest to you.
    Aim to lose between 1-2lb weekly so you are not left with saggy skin - don't worry if your weight loss is small - its still a loss.

    I wish you success in your dieting.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I started at 241 and am now just under 200 and am losing by counting calories and moving every day. You can do this!
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    I just started here - I'm 38 and I'm at 270. Feel free to add me.
  • Bbwinpr
    Bbwinpr Posts: 21 Member
    i 31 230lb and looking for friends to help support each other in our journey
  • Bbwinpr
    Bbwinpr Posts: 21 Member
    Hello There,
    I'm new to this and was looking for some support and I came across your post. I am 38 and weight 316. I have been over weight for 15 years. I gain weight when I was pregnant and lost my daughter Faith. I was only 6 months pregnant with her. Seven months later I was told we could try again so we did. I got pregnant again. At 6 and a half months I lost my daughter Dasieè. So I than went in to depression and eat and eat. Sorry for rambling on but I would love to have you as a friend and support each other..
    Take care and Have a great day

    i understand ur situation i got preg n lost my baby n now to be able to get preg i need to lose weight to regulate my cycle i would love to have u as a friend to be able to help each other
  • Amber_lee_81
    Amber_lee_81 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there! I am just shy of 32 and know your weight issues all too well!! I would love for you or any of you that have commented on this post to add me. I started at 329 and currently at 295 with lots to still go of course. I love to give motivation and always can use more support . We can do this everyone!!