Need Support


Ive just joined, and this is my first post. Firstly just wanted to say that everybody here seems so motivated and I just hope that once I start posting and getting to know people that I will become just as motivated as everybody else.

So my goals are

1. Lose Weight - go from 144lbs - 120lbs
2. Along the way gain some fitness
3. Take part in a charity event e.g a run, climb etc.

But first I need to lose the weight and feel a bit lighter and bouncier.

I have joined a gym and I am starting to get into it slowly. Im meeting with a fitness coach tomorrow in the gym and he/she is going to make out my routine for me to hopefully lose 10lbs by christmas. Fingers crossed!! :smile:

Meanwhile I thought that this would be a good place to share my experience and hopefully get and maybe give some support. I've been tracking my calories lately and Im finding it impossible to stick to my goals on the days I have no excercise:mad: Im am gettin really annoyed with myself, but trying to stay calm.

So anyway if anybody would be interested in becoming buddies that would be great, Id prefer to have somebody with similar goals and possibly be of a similar weight also (5ft2" 144lbs female)


  • TheNewJessieMae
    Hello!!! I love new friends!!! Send me an add and we'll motivate each other!
  • KristenElise3
    KristenElise3 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I am the same age as you and my starting weight was 157 and I am now 125, aiming for 120. Losing 10 pounds by Christmas is totally doable and I think it is great that you are on here for support and motivation!

    The best advice I can give to you as you are just starting out is: Don't cheat yourself. Be honest about calorie intake and exercise, even if that means going over or not exercising one day. Good Luck!
  • Janice6331
    Hello, i've just joined fitness pal yesterday. So i havent lost anything but cant believe how well people doing on here. Everyone is losing weight and becoming fitter in the best possible way.
    I'd like a friend to motivate and do this with. I havent got used to site yet. I have just had my 3rd (and final) baby who is 6 weeks old. I have a 9 year old and a 2 year old as well. So i need to get back into my jeans. I was 133lbs before and have to lose 46 lbs to get back to that.
    I want to be sensible about it too because i've just had a baby and my friend has lost weight using this website.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    hey and welcome :)
    i love doing charity events - hopefully next year I'll be able to run my 5k Race for Life instead of walking it!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great tool to help you.
  • gemsicles86
    Thanks everybody for the quick reply and hi to all!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Welcome! I've found this site to be extremely motivating. I hope you do too. :)
  • jsheph1
    jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
    I am looking for pals to support too. I am sending you a friend request.
  • pro42
    pro42 Posts: 3
    I started MFP , July 1st,2010 and have lost 40 pounds in 4 months.. (220 to 180 lbs.) Send me a friend request and I will help you on your journey!

  • Yaya0485
    We are here all to support each other i love this site omg i wish i knew about it before...anyway add me i love new friends...yayyyy we gonna do it..
  • dldmar01
    Hi. I've been on this site for a while along with my best friend but we haven't talked to anybody regarding our goals and I think the more the support we have the better. She has been doing great and her will power has taken over...... I had 2 surgeries within a year and a half and have not been able get myself back to themindset I used to have. I've now put on 20 pounds and feel awful. I am tired, always hungry and giving into the cravings of food that long ago I'd never think twice about. Working out has suddenly become a chore when it had once been 2nd nature and I am ready to fit back into my clothes and feel as good as I used to.