Not losing weight/ improving body comp.

Hello, Im a 19 yr. old male, 5'9 170 pounds. Im the definition of skinny fat. Smallish arms and legs but have lots of chest/belly fat. Ive been trying to cut but its not working. I've maintained my weight of 170 pounds since a couple of months ago. I'm lifting heavy, eating healthy, getting adequate protein, and doing cardio . I started eating at around ~1900 calories but wasn't losing any fat. So slowly ive reduced my cal intake to 1600 but still no change in body comp./weight. I fear to reduce it any lower because I don't want to lose what muscle I do have. I don't know what im doing wrong. Am I missing something here?


  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    how often do you eat out? do you weigh all your food? do you take cheat days? how confident are you that you know exactly how much of every thing is going in your mouth?
  • hardly ever eat out. have no cheat days. im pretty confident what I eat because I count everything I eat.
  • Myca_
    Myca_ Posts: 1 Member
    What is the percentage of fat in your diet. I find I can eat a lot of calories if I keep the fat low.
  • 45 protein 40 fat 15 carbs
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    There is a group on here called Eat, Train, Progress. Read all the stickies, especially SideSteel's. They are pretty busy in that forum for answering personal requests, but you will be able to find all the information you are likely to need there.

    Good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    A small calorie deficit is best for fat loss - I'm older, shorter and female and I've had my best success at losing the fat while eating 1800-2000 cals a day, with macros set at 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein.

    I'm thinking you should be eating more than 1600.

    You mentioned cardio - do you do any form of resistance/strength training or have access to weights? This can make a huge difference in body composition, especially coupled with the small deficit and proper fueling. Even body weight exercises if you don't have access to a gym or weights will help. Push ups, pull ups, planks, lunges, squats, etc.

    Great info here:

    And for workouts, check out You Are Your Own Gym - Google it - there's a book, website, YouTube vids, and an app for it. I've never done it myself, but it comes highly recommended from other pals here.

    Edited to add: And what QuietBloom said too - that is a great group! :bigsmile:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    How well are you tracking and weighing food?
    What is your estimated TDEE?
    What is your bf%?
    Describe your lifting program, frequency and intensity?
    Any medical condition?
    How active are you on a daily basis?
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Yes don't lower calories, eat a little more like 1800.

    Just stay at it longer. Like another month at least. Kickstart your metabolism with some high intensity cardio if you can. But do eat back the exercise calories..

    You will start losing weight. It is inevitable.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Hello, Im a 19 yr. old male, 5'9 170 pounds. Im the definition of skinny fat. Smallish arms and legs but have lots of chest/belly fat. Ive been trying to cut but its not working. I've maintained my weight of 170 pounds since a couple of months ago. I'm lifting heavy, eating healthy, getting adequate protein, and doing cardio . I started eating at around ~1900 calories but wasn't losing any fat. So slowly ive reduced my cal intake to 1600 but still no change in body comp./weight. I fear to reduce it any lower because I don't want to lose what muscle I do have. I don't know what im doing wrong. Am I missing something here?

    What is your actual aim, lifting heavy/building muscle, reducing bf%
    reducing calories and doing cardio to lose weight?

    If you reduce calories anymore you will probably increase bf% and burn muscle, I know because I did this a couple of months back on 1200 cals. I am now on 1600 cals and alternating weights and cardio days, but my aim is definitely muscle gain and fat loss, NOT weight loss.

    I have same trouble, fat collects around my belly and is very difficult to shift. Cant spot reduce it. All the research I have done suggests lifting, increasing muscle to burn the fat away, seems to be working, although it is not a fast fix, but I definitely see a small improvement over a month, still same weight.

    If you are heavy lifting you need to up to up your protein, a lot, 45g is not going to repair those muscles. From what I have read, 1g protein per llb body weight. I am no expert, but I love google :laugh: