Beachbody coaches



  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Not that I totally disagree with you, but Mark Brigss did a webinar on nutrition. Barbie Decker and Josh Spencer do blog posts about fitness and nutrition all the time. People can and do make money who aren't founding coaches. I have been burned by MLM's in the past and this is the least like any of them I have ever been in. I was in Primerica at one time, talk about a sham....
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Not that I totally disagree with you, but Mark Brigss did a webinar on nutrition. Barbie Decker and Josh Spencer do blog posts about fitness and nutrition all the time. People can and do make money who aren't founding coaches. I have been burned by MLM's in the past and this is the least like any of them I have ever been in. I was in Primerica at one time, talk about a sham....

    I wasn't necessarily talking about other coaches doing the teaching...that's totally cool and I like it. (By the way, you mentioned founding coaches there...)

    What I meant was the training for coaches directly from Beachbody. I learned a great deal from other coaches, but not the company itself aside from what comes from the programs I have. There are all those Game Plan seminars all the time that talk about how to grow the business. I think they should have more about how to keep customers healthy and fit like what the coaches do. Coaches need to learn as well, and it's a tad aggravating that we don't get that kind of thing from the company. If you don't have a great upline, you have to look elsewhere. My sponsoring coach ignores my emails and questions, and I have to go around him all the time to get things done. He's just one of those "I want the discount only" kinds of people which hurts the rest of us.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I for one never not return my customer's e-mails. LOL, in fact I e-mail them about 3 times a month checking up on them. I host contests, too.

    I do agree with a lot that was said, though.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I for one never not return my customer's e-mails. LOL, in fact I e-mail them about 3 times a month checking up on them. I host contests, too.

    I do agree with a lot that was said, though.

    Yeah, me too. I think it's a fun way to introduce people to do the programs and the support group by having contests. Mine used to be on the message boards over there, but lately they just don't have the traffic they used to. But home parties are fun, though.

    And I email mine as much as possible. They ask me a question on Monday at 3, I try to answer on Monday soon after...cause I can't stand my questions to not get answered, so I think they feel the same way. We are in this together, and it just irks me how some coaches don't communicate with people.
  • Chickabittie
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I for one never not return my customer's e-mails. LOL, in fact I e-mail them about 3 times a month checking up on them. I host contests, too.

    I do agree with a lot that was said, though.

    Yeah, me too. I think it's a fun way to introduce people to do the programs and the support group by having contests. Mine used to be on the message boards over there, but lately they just don't have the traffic they used to. But home parties are fun, though.

    And I email mine as much as possible. They ask me a question on Monday at 3, I try to answer on Monday soon after...cause I can't stand my questions to not get answered, so I think they feel the same way. We are in this together, and it just irks me how some coaches don't communicate with people.

    Yep, agreed. A lot do it for the discount though or just to make some money and not truly care about helping others.

    My coach is awesome--love her. She definitely helped me through the beginning and if I didn't have her motivation and support then I probably wouldn't have even continued longer than a week or two. This is why coaches are great, as long as they actually care to HELP. We talk every day even if I am a coach now.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I think what we're seeing a lot of, especially on social networking sites such as Facebook, are 'true' coaches and those who abuse the coach status and then drag the true coaches down along with them. I can't tell you how many Facebook posts I see that promise you to "Make tons of money while you lose weight" and the like. It's ALL they post on their FB status, and I personally find it nauseating. Do these coaches really think that they're going to build their business by spamming people? Do people really respond to that? The kicker is that oftentimes, I've fun into people who could use a good coach, but they're so turned off by another Beachbody Coach that they think all of us are money grubbing a**holes.

    I've been coaching for about a year and a half. I've been a product of the product for two years...P90X, P90X+, Insanity, CLX, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, etc. My goal as a coach is to help others on their journey. Period. If I make some money along the way, that's awesome. However, I agree with a lot of the same things that many of you have stated above.

    Dragging people in as coaches just to get more people coaching isn't the way to accomplish the goal of fighting obesity. You truly do need people who CARE about that aspect, and who are actually willing to coach their 'coachees' towards those goals. I see a trend with Beachbody that's pushing two aspects: Coaching and Shakeology. While I think both are great things (seriously, I LOVE my Shakeology and it really has improved many aspects of my health), but Beachbody has to be more than that, and I do think that coaches who really do coach should be rewarded for that aspect, rather than by how many coaches they sign or how many people get Shakeology on HD.

    I currently have a customer base of about 280 'coachees.' I have personally sent 'welcome' e-mails to each of them, I friend them on Facebook, I check in regularly, I chat on FB, etc. Many of these people have become people whom I truly care about...they're people that I would consider to be my friends. I know their life frustrations, their current injuries, the names of their kids. They also know that when they're discouraged or frustrated or overjoyed with their progress, I'm someone they can share it with. That, to me, is what makes the entire coaching thing worthwhile.
  • agb06d
    agb06d Posts: 3
    I just recently signed up. Met with my upline and had someone sign up under me already.
    The support that has poured out in just a few days has been awesome and surprising! I wasn't expecting it.
    I am not in it to necessarily make diamond or whatever. But I am nutritional educator and therapist. I love working out and
    figure I should do something to give back and have fun all the same time!
    I think there is more good in the Beachbody system than bad. And of course the higher ups are always going to get richer. But if that is all I care about, then I have bigger issues than weightloss and fitness. I love the discount and it will make me more likely to buy the other programs. I do the P90x Lean system, the shakeology and the cleanse. Its an amazing program to be a part of. And I can't wait to see how far I can go on my personal fitness journey!

  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I've been on the fence about becoming a coach - I love helping people, and if I can make money on the side that would be great (have a kid going off to college in another year, so extra money is always welcome) - but I'm concerned that I might lose money instead. If I understand the system correctly, you have to pay each month to be a coach and if you want to be assigned people to coach, then you have to remain 'active' by purchasing a certain amount of product each month - hence the potential to lose money. I keep hearing that the discount is worth it, followed by a plug for purchasing Shakeology HD as my required monthly purchase, however I don't use Shakeology and certainly don't want to spend $100 month just to be able to help people? Can anyone clear this up for me?

    I love BB products - we own and use five of their workout systems and I love being able to help folks, but I just don't think I can be a coach if I have to pay to do it!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I've been on the fence about becoming a coach - I love helping people, and if I can make money on the side that would be great (have a kid going off to college in another year, so extra money is always welcome) - but I'm concerned that I might lose money instead. If I understand the system correctly, you have to pay each month to be a coach and if you want to be assigned people to coach, then you have to remain 'active' by purchasing a certain amount of product each month - hence the potential to lose money. I keep hearing that the discount is worth it, followed by a plug for purchasing Shakeology HD as my required monthly purchase, however I don't use Shakeology and certainly don't want to spend $100 month just to be able to help people? Can anyone clear this up for me?

    I love BB products - we own and use five of their workout systems and I love being able to help folks, but I just don't think I can be a coach if I have to pay to do it!

    To stay active, you have to purchase or sell 50PVs of product every 5 week period. So, if you are able to sell a P90X, ChaLean Extreme, or combination of products that equal 50+PV, you will have made a commission of $30 and gotten 90 PVs. Hope that makes sense.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    So, that's assuming you make the sale - if not, you have to purchase yourself to stay active. Which means that essentially you do have to pay to be assigned people to coach. Doesn't that seem off to you?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    So, that's assuming you make the sale - if not, you have to purchase yourself to stay active. Which means that essentially you do have to pay to be assigned people to coach. Doesn't that seem off to you?

    That's one of my complaints. It does seem off to me, because they are always talking about the low startup fee and the low monthly fee to be a coach, but if nobody buys anything, then you are right...YOU have to pay more money for something you might not need if you want to stay active that month. This is an huge problem for the people low on the totem pole (coach, Emerald coach) because you can't get new customers assigned to you unless you are I can see where you assume you are paying for the customers at first which defeats the purpose of "customers" who buy from you...

    But I also believe that if you are a good coach and can attract people to Beachbody by doing more than selling and trying to convince them to be coaches, then you will be successful.

    My coaches became coaches because they were attracted to the idea of helping people, not because they wanted to get rich and sell Shakeology doing it.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I think what we're seeing a lot of, especially on social networking sites such as Facebook, are 'true' coaches and those who abuse the coach status and then drag the true coaches down along with them. I can't tell you how many Facebook posts I see that promise you to "Make tons of money while you lose weight" and the like. It's ALL they post on their FB status, and I personally find it nauseating. Do these coaches really think that they're going to build their business by spamming people? Do people really respond to that? The kicker is that oftentimes, I've fun into people who could use a good coach, but they're so turned off by another Beachbody Coach that they think all of us are money grubbing a**holes.

    I've been coaching for about a year and a half. I've been a product of the product for two years...P90X, P90X+, Insanity, CLX, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, etc. My goal as a coach is to help others on their journey. Period. If I make some money along the way, that's awesome. However, I agree with a lot of the same things that many of you have stated above.

    Dragging people in as coaches just to get more people coaching isn't the way to accomplish the goal of fighting obesity. You truly do need people who CARE about that aspect, and who are actually willing to coach their 'coachees' towards those goals. I see a trend with Beachbody that's pushing two aspects: Coaching and Shakeology. While I think both are great things (seriously, I LOVE my Shakeology and it really has improved many aspects of my health), but Beachbody has to be more than that, and I do think that coaches who really do coach should be rewarded for that aspect, rather than by how many coaches they sign or how many people get Shakeology on HD.

    I currently have a customer base of about 280 'coachees.' I have personally sent 'welcome' e-mails to each of them, I friend them on Facebook, I check in regularly, I chat on FB, etc. Many of these people have become people whom I truly care about...they're people that I would consider to be my friends. I know their life frustrations, their current injuries, the names of their kids. They also know that when they're discouraged or frustrated or overjoyed with their progress, I'm someone they can share it with. That, to me, is what makes the entire coaching thing worthwhile.

    Are you my twin? :flowerforyou:

    I agree with everything you said.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    So, that's assuming you make the sale - if not, you have to purchase yourself to stay active. Which means that essentially you do have to pay to be assigned people to coach. Doesn't that seem off to you?

    That's one of my complaints. It does seem off to me, because they are always talking about the low startup fee and the low monthly fee to be a coach, but if nobody buys anything, then you are right...YOU have to pay more money for something you might not need if you want to stay active that month. This is an huge problem for the people low on the totem pole (coach, Emerald coach) because you can't get new customers assigned to you unless you are I can see where you assume you are paying for the customers at first which defeats the purpose of "customers" who buy from you...

    But I also believe that if you are a good coach and can attract people to Beachbody by doing more than selling and trying to convince them to be coaches, then you will be successful.

    My coaches became coaches because they were attracted to the idea of helping people, not because they wanted to get rich and sell Shakeology doing it.

    Please don't misunderstand - I am looking at coaching simply because I am always helping people with diet and exercise, in addition to the BeachBody products. I'm just very reluctant to join a system that will make me pay for helping people! A small monthly fee is pretty negligible, in my opinion, but a required sale of 50 PV or you pay the difference is just wrong. If you don't make your monthly PV, and are there fore considered 'inactive', are your customers re-assigned to another coach?

    I've never ever heard from my assigned coach - couldn't even tell you her name - and I've owned and purchased BB products for the last four years, at least! Wouldn't it make a lot more sense for Beachbody to reward coaches based on the customer's satisfaction? I would think that a four star rating from the customers of a particular coach should bear much more weight than a four diamond status for selling more people to coaching and Shakeology. (sorry - guess that's really kind of a rant, isn't it?)
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    So, that's assuming you make the sale - if not, you have to purchase yourself to stay active. Which means that essentially you do have to pay to be assigned people to coach. Doesn't that seem off to you?

    That's one of my complaints. It does seem off to me, because they are always talking about the low startup fee and the low monthly fee to be a coach, but if nobody buys anything, then you are right...YOU have to pay more money for something you might not need if you want to stay active that month. This is an huge problem for the people low on the totem pole (coach, Emerald coach) because you can't get new customers assigned to you unless you are I can see where you assume you are paying for the customers at first which defeats the purpose of "customers" who buy from you...

    But I also believe that if you are a good coach and can attract people to Beachbody by doing more than selling and trying to convince them to be coaches, then you will be successful.

    My coaches became coaches because they were attracted to the idea of helping people, not because they wanted to get rich and sell Shakeology doing it.

    Please don't misunderstand - I am looking at coaching simply because I am always helping people with diet and exercise, in addition to the BeachBody products. I'm just very reluctant to join a system that will make me pay for helping people! A small monthly fee is pretty negligible, in my opinion, but a required sale of 50 PV or you pay the difference is just wrong. If you don't make your monthly PV, and are there fore considered 'inactive', are your customers re-assigned to another coach?

    I've never ever heard from my assigned coach - couldn't even tell you her name - and I've owned and purchased BB products for the last four years, at least! Wouldn't it make a lot more sense for Beachbody to reward coaches based on the customer's satisfaction? I would think that a four star rating from the customers of a particular coach should bear much more weight than a four diamond status for selling more people to coaching and Shakeology. (sorry - guess that's really kind of a rant, isn't it?)

    It's really ashame that you never heard from your coach. If you do decide to become a coach I would not reward them by becoming a coach under them. You can ask to have your coach switched to another person. I think the reason why they ask coaches to have the 50 pv is partially for that very reason. If someone isn't active they shouldn't make money from your sale. Also one of their philosophies is to be a product of the product. The coaches who don't or haven't used the products usually become inactive.

    Me personally I am building a slow business. I have been a coach since early 2008 and only became emerald 3 or 4 months ago. I only wanted people on my team who were going to actually coach. I feel if you don't have time to communicate with me, I don't need you on my team. Of course I want to build a big business, but my main purpose is to help people achieve their goals no matter what they are.

    All the best,
  • turboandrea
    I'd like to thank all the coaches who contributed to this post. It's really made me re-evaluate my life as a Beachbody coach. So much of the business is about signing up coaches quickly to climb the ladder, etc. Even my own 4-star diamond upline coach is guilty of posting on Facebook about how you can make tons of money, etc. She is a founding coach as well. She even used Christine Dwyer, I think still the highest-ranked coach in the system, as an example. I know personally it's been impossible for me to sign up coaches. The few people I think would be amazing at helping others aren't interested.

    I remain active because I do drink Shakeology every month. It's been something I look forward to so I can't say I begrudge them the 50 PV. If I hadn't been on Shakeology, that'd be a different story.

    I just feel so sad that we can't change Beachbody back into the business it seemed to be in the beginning. These new coaching promotions drive me insane. Twitter and Facebook are clogged with posts about becoming coaches. Make money, for free! Etc, etc. There are so many irresponsible people who have become coaches that the system is flooded with horrible examples. Compare that with an ill-prepared customer service team, and people everywhere dislike Beachbody.

    I'm really going to use these discussions to change my business. I'll no longer target people for discounts; only for coaching. When I was assigned a coach, he never messaged me or contacted me. I switched over to my boyfriend, who became a coach this January, and the results speak for themselves. I think I'll focus more on teaching fitness classes and trying to just make all of this a side business to complement both my personal fitness goals and paying job. I don't want to *kitten* out my friends just to be successful, financially, as a coach.

    So again, thank you to everyone. I feel really at peace now that I've come to this decision.
  • Spydor
    Spydor Posts: 6 Member
    Please don't misunderstand - I am looking at coaching simply because I am always helping people with diet and exercise, in addition to the BeachBody products. I'm just very reluctant to join a system that will make me pay for helping people! A small monthly fee is pretty negligible, in my opinion, but a required sale of 50 PV or you pay the difference is just wrong. If you don't make your monthly PV, and are there fore considered 'inactive', are your customers re-assigned to another coach?
    If you just want to help people with diet and exercise, you don't have to pay anything. You don't even have to be a "coach" for that. All you do is help. I know a few people who do that. They're more experienced with the programs than most the coaches I know. To be given customers, yes, you have to be an active emerald coach. But that's to have customers GIVEN to you, ones you didn't find on your own. I'm not sure if any other MLM or business does that, gives you customers.

    If you want to do it as a business, then yes, business expenses come into play. If you become inactive, no, you don't lose your customers. But, customers can change their coach at any time. So if a customer is assigned a coach who isn't able to help them, it's easy to search the message boards for someone who perhaps has done the program they need help with.

    Is someone who's done the program necessarily a better coach, no. What about someone who's already lost all the weight, again, no. They can be, but having completed a program doesn't necessarily make them a better coach. And if it did, should you have completed every program, and used every supplement, before you can coach someone one that program, or recommend for or against a supplement?

    Someone mentioned that if a customer returns a product, you lose your commission, and that's more money in Carl's pocket. Not sure how that calculates out, or why you would expect to keep the money from a sale that basically didn't occur. If they customer gets there money back, there's no money in anyone's pocket, except the customer's.

    It seems like some of the "coaches" are frustrated with the route other coaches are taking their business, or how they are doing it. If spamming FB is bad for their business, let them fail their own businesses. Build your own reputation the way you want it to be. And if helping people is all you really want to do, get out in your local community. There are thousands of people there who need help, and many of them probably have never heard of Beachbody coaches, so don't have the "bad impression" of what coaches are.

    We can either be part of the problem, or part of the solution.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I am a new coach and haven't really started reaching out to others. The products and the discount is what encouraged me to sign up. I'm not in it to make money but to help others. I purchase the products and then share with my coworkers. I keep my dvd's at work so we can all workout together. I know they are motivated when they workout with other people so every program I've purchased stays at work.

    The business side of Beachbody I haven't really looked into. I see tons of people promoting themselves and letting others know about signing up. That's great for them if they have the time to run their business and treat the people right.

    I love the fact that Beachbody's products are worth their money so if someone is promoting it and making money off it, that's cool. At least I trust what they are selling.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,753 Member
    Well, this thread got me to doing a lot of thinking too. It's been a while since I was proactive with my customers. I would never ignore an e-mail from one of them, but I haven't checked in on them in quite a while. A big part of the reason is that most of the e-mails bounce back anyway, but not all do, so that's not a very good excuse.

    I just sent an e-mail to all of my customers letting them know I am here for them. I hope it gets through to them and that I am able to help someone as a result. I feel pretty good about this.

    Thanks for inspiring me!
  • edwards11509
    I just signed up as a beachbody coach and let me tell you.. I am so EXCITED! I am looking forward to motivating people and helping them reach their fitness goals! I think that helping others stay motivated that will keep me motivated as well! I am more interested in helping people and getting them fit than anything else so that way they can be happy. I use to always wish I was someone else and now after working out with P90X I am starting to like who I am. :)

    I am currently in my first round of P90X, I am on my 6th week. I am currently doing the classic version and after I complete this round I am thinking about doing the Brazil Butt Lift or Turbo Fire maybe even the ChaLEAN. Today I just received my first order of shakeology and OMG, it's amazing! It's the best stuff I have ever tried. I am mailing this box over to my husband who is currently deployed in Afghanistan. So I am going to have to order some for me! :)

    Like I said I am new as a beachbody coach, but I am 100% devoted to helping people!!