help getting motivated

Hi I am really struggling right now. We suddenly moved due to flood disaster....I went from being on my feet all day at work to being unemployed, displaced and basically sitting around all day snacking. I found a scale today at our rental and was shocked to find out I have gained 10 lbs in a little over a month.....I did not even know that wad possible. I feel fat all my clothes are tight to say the least yet I feel like what is the point I don't know anyone here I don't go anywhere anyway. I am afraid I will just keep gaining and when we get back into our house my friends won't reconize me.


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Set some goals, make a plan and get started. Stop sitting around and get up and get moving. You don't even need to go to a gym, just get out and go for walks or runs and do body weight stuff at home like sit-ups, planks, leg lifts, etc. Heck, you can even run in place if it's too cold outside. There are tons of different options online, just start searching for at home workouts and you'll come up with a bunch of ideas.

    Ultimately though, losing weight is about making sure you have a calorie deficit. Set a reasonalbe goal of 1/2 a pound per week and log consistently and honestly and as accurately (measure/weigh food) as you can. Use the tools on this website.

    There's also a good chance at least a few of those pounds are water weight so once you start eating a bit better and get moving it'll come off quickly. Drink lots of water!
  • fatmichie123
    Thank you! I think you have some hear tips I did try out the calorie tracker Wow I have never really tallied calories I have definately been taking in way more than needed. I is get off my butt today and worked out alittle. I went and purchased the Jillian Michaels work out and a case of bottled water. Thanks again and wish me luck!
  • cseaglass19
    cseaglass19 Posts: 9 Member
    Are you in Colorado? I'm sure there a lot of people in your area who are also displaced. I wonder if you can get out and meet someone where you are? A walking buddy? Are your kids in school? Hang out before or after and try to meet another mom. Can you find a place to volunteer? A shelter or food pantry? Good luck
  • hecdevore
    I think one thing you should try to remember during this change in your life is that your health is still something you can control! Take charge and try to keep busy with constructive things. Good luck!
  • fatmichie123
    Yes I am in Colorado and my kids are in school I should definately try to meet someone until then I Am loving the support from this sight. Thank you!
  • fatmichie123
    Thank you! :smile:
  • lambchoplewis
    Hi I am really struggling right now. We suddenly moved due to flood disaster....I went from being on my feet all day at work to being unemployed, displaced and basically sitting around all day snacking. I found a scale today at our rental and was shocked to find out I have gained 10 lbs in a little over a month.....I did not even know that wad possible. I feel fat all my clothes are tight to say the least yet I feel like what is the point I don't know anyone here I don't go anywhere anyway. I am afraid I will just keep gaining and when we get back into our house my friends won't reconize me.

    OMG - this is me!!! I don't have the flood issues but have gained 10 lbs over the last few months helping others with major health issues. My clothes don't fit and I feel fat. I am so pissed at myself for letting this happen. I started to drink wine to calm down after hospital visits and here I am with extra 10 lbs. Well, I have decided to stop it today. We are in this together.
  • fatmichie123
    Hi lambchoplewis,

    Your profile pic is cute. I to was drinking everynight. I am trying to drink tea instead of alcohol to calm me. I also just started the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. I am also trying to be kinder to myself I find that if I look in the mirror with loving eyes I see curves instead of fat.

    I'm sorry you are having to go through hard times. Try to remember to take care of yourself aswell as your loved ones, you deserve it! Good luck! We ARE IN this together......keep your chin up :)
  • kipp3152
    I sent you a request for friend. Take one day at a time. You can do it.
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm sorry you are going through a tough time right now.

    Today is day 2 of me starting back tracking. I have a lot more weight to lose than you, but I know I can use all the support I can get!

    You can do this, good luck!

    (PS I also have jillians 30 day shred. I hope you like it! I'll probably do it tonight after work)
  • pommychic
    pommychic Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I am really struggling right now. We suddenly moved due to flood disaster....I went from being on my feet all day at work to being unemployed, displaced and basically sitting around all day snacking. I found a scale today at our rental and was shocked to find out I have gained 10 lbs in a little over a month.....I did not even know that wad possible. I feel fat all my clothes are tight to say the least yet I feel like what is the point I don't know anyone here I don't go anywhere anyway. I am afraid I will just keep gaining and when we get back into our house my friends won't reconize me.

    Sorry to hear you are going through a hard time. I think you should tackle this and the demotivation by taking one day at a time and visit this website as much as you can. I have been playing around with tracking for a while but this is the first time I have been logging every day and using this community I can't believe how encouraging it is and has really ramped up my motivation. And seeing everyone's tickers is living proof that this method of shifting the pounds really works.

    Also regarding the weight that you think you put put on ten pounds in a month does seem a lot unless you have TOTALLY opened the flood gates food wise. Remember you have stepped on a different set of scales. How do you know they are accurate?

    Stay strong!
  • fatmichie123
    Thank you! I went and bought a new scale because I did not believe the number I was seeing. It was actually a month and a half. I went from being on my feet working 8 hours not stopping for lunch most days to living like I am on vacation.......that stopped yesterday. I am now mentally and pysically ready to get off my tush and make a change no more excuses! I welcome any support and tips I can get:-).

    We can do this!