Where does weight loss show first?



  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
  • osram34
    Try to remember when you first gained it the firt part of u to gain weight is that last part that will go away :S pisses me off LOL
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I have the feeling it kinda depends how you're built. I think you lose fat all over, but in the places there was less of it, the change is noticeable first. If I lose a cm of fat all over, my face will reflect that more noticeably than my waist, because that's where my body likes to put my fat. I think this is also why it is hard to notice the loss at first, because you kind of keep the same shape as your shrink, so while everything is getting smaller, it still seems to have the same proportions, so it can be easy to overlook. I couldn't see the change on myself till I passed 20 lbs, and nobody really said anything until I got to about 25-30lbs lost.
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    my neck and my feet. the last time i lost weight i went down a shoe size before a dress size!
  • SherryLynn82
    SherryLynn82 Posts: 69 Member
    I think I'm just an oddball. I've lost over 12 pounds now, and most people still haven't noticed. I can't see a difference, but all of a sudden the legs of my jeans are really lose. I'm apparently losing thighs first! This could be very awkward (and funny to see) if it doesn't even out soon, since my friends tease me about my huge hiney! (Not in a mean way, in the "can I sit my drink here" way...)
  • marinaxmarisol
    My face usually shows first along with the waist line .. would you mind messaging me the program youre using ? it would be awesome
  • tfrancis21
    tfrancis21 Posts: 4 Member
    Depends on where you started gaining it first.....where you gained the weight first is the last to go!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I first noticed it in my wrists and hands because the watch I had got too big for me and my rings no longer were tight. In fact the ring I had to get sized up I'm soon going to need it sized back to its original size for it to stay on my finger. My ankles were first too since I used to have very swollen ankles.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    For me it was my legs and oddly, my toes, face, then chest (oh how I miss it. lol), then everything else. I seem to lose one inch for each pound I lose. Almost 40lbs and inches lost so far. :)
  • suzismurf75
    suzismurf75 Posts: 14 Member
    It is very true that it is different for each individual. For me, I am noticing it in my face and my hips this time around. Also, I never lost any of my chest volume even when losing 90lbs in the past....just went from a 38 to a 36 :-)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I really don't know anymore, lol. I've lost 12lbs and NOBODY has noticed :(
    and im not that big to start with, i'm 5'11 and 183lbs, came down from 195
    I can't see the loss at all, and apparently neither can anyone else : (

    yeah. 5'11 too. I'd say from 190 to 160 no one even had a clue. Around 155 people started saying "wow, you look great" or "wow, you are so skinny". But before no one said a thing. I'm 147 (most comfortable around this weight).
  • spaceyplum
    spaceyplum Posts: 54 Member
    I imagine it's different for everyone but I was curious myself. I'm lucky in that I lose pretty evenly although I notice it most in my waist and my boobs because my bra gets looser. I think the most stubborn parts for me are the tummy and thighs, that's where I'm slower to lose. I have noticed that my cousin and aunt loose in the face though. My cousin lost weight for her wedding, I think she went from a 16 down to either a 10 or a 12 which isn't super skinny yet her face looked gaunt.
  • spaceyplum
    spaceyplum Posts: 54 Member
    I really don't know anymore, lol. I've lost 12lbs and NOBODY has noticed :(
    and im not that big to start with, i'm 5'11 and 183lbs, came down from 195
    I can't see the loss at all, and apparently neither can anyone else : (

    yeah. 5'11 too. I'd say from 190 to 160 no one even had a clue. Around 155 people started saying "wow, you look great" or "wow, you are so skinny". But before no one said a thing. I'm 147 (most comfortable around this weight).

    Perhaps you guys lost the weight pretty evenly so people didn't notice, especially since you're tall and carry weight a lot better than those of us of shorter stature. My mom actually has a friend (I use the term loosely) who hadn't seen her in a while and told her she looked huge even though she'd lost 20lbs! She's totally inappropriate but it just goes to show how oblivious some individuals can be.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    mine is thighs lol my stomach will be last.... always is...
  • Kris_Marx
    My boobs!! :( ive lost 24 lbs, and i pretty sure half of that was in my boobs. I can hardly tell a difference anywhere else.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    On the scale. :drinker:

    I gain and lose weight pretty evenly everywhere. I don't really notice one area reducing faster than others.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I guess it varies from person to person, my excess weight dropped from my legs first, the stomach was the last to go...typical
  • holliesangel
    holliesangel Posts: 31 Member
    This time around the first thing I noticed was, oddly enough, that my pants were looser at the knees. A little after that came the great gap in the backs of all my pants. Then my sports bra got so big as to be unusable (not that my boobs got small because 26 lbs in I'm still like a D). And then the only pants that fit were my mothers size 6's. Its been interesting. A lot of people I know claim that they notice either waist or hips first but I've basically had the same body proportions since puberty so its easier to see the change in other areas.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    My weight comes off my behind first. It's shrinking!!