Things you never knew about food

Hello. I wanted to share some of the things I have learned in the past month about the food that we all eat regularly... If you have real energy problems along with your weight loss problems please check out some of the links below. This research changed my life in less than two weeks.

My name is Andrea and I had half my thyroid removed 6 months ago due to a golf ball size benign tumor. We all know that the thyroid is the control box for the body's metabolism so you can guess that I have had some issues loosing weight. In the last few months, though, I was unable to keep myself going for a full day. I had to take naps to function and keeping up with my kids was leaving me totally wiped out. I tried to exercise regularly but motivation was a big issue for me. I could hardly get out of bed in the morning to get my kids to school much less getting up early to run!

Finally I was given a tip that led me to weeks of research and a life changing diet change. The tip was; check out coconut oil. I urge you all to check out coconut oil then throw away all other cooking oil and you will feel almost instantly more energetic. Coconut oil helps to stimulate the thyroid which ups you metabolism. High metabolism is connected with lower risks of high blood pressure, cancer, degenerative aging diseases and much more including more energy and a healthy weight. Don't take my word for it because I am not a nutritionist. here are some links to look at for yourself.

But wait there are foods that you are eating that are sabotaging your thyroid right now. the three main goitrogen foods are Soy, Corn, and Peanuts in all their forms. Goitrogen is a substance present naturally in certain foods. It is a chemical (natural chemical) that can cause difficulty for the thyroid gland to produce hormones.

So here is what I did:
I stopped eating any foods that are found on any goitrogen list which includes corn but I couldn't find that article again. These foods are not just in their pure form. Peanut oil and peanut butter are in thousands of food products. Soy and soy oil and many other soy products are in thousands of others. And Corn is in everything just watch "King Corn" for that evidence. It wasn't easy but I read labels and started eating mostly fresh fruits and Veggies. I make things from scratch using coconut oil instead of vegetable oil or butter. I sauté veggies in coconut oil pretty much every day and I drink coconut pineapple juice every morning. this isn't the easy living that you get from jenny craig or weight watchers but I am loosing weight, I haven't needed a nap in the middle of the day since I started the new diet. I have started running and I plan on running a half marathon in May.

My life is totally different today than it was a month ago. I am no longer depressed, tired and hopeless. I keep a journal of healthy recipes that fit with the foods I will eat and I obsess over labels. I am happy now. I have energy. I run every day. I play with my kids every day.

You may think you cannot afford this way of eating. I am not rich. My husband and I are raising two kids on $32,000 a year and we struggle to make ends meet every month. It is just a matter of priorities. our health and the health of our kids is number one and there is nothing that effects your health more than what you eat.


  • kdeaner
    kdeaner Posts: 11 Member
    Oh no! I love peanut butter and I am hypothyroid.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    thank you for the info. I am glad it is working for you and I will diffinately try it. I have hypothyroid, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and though I have been doing pretty good losing weight since starting on this site. I find that I am constantly exhausted.
  • rileygsd
    More than anything this diet has helped me with fatigue. (which makes it all worth it)

    I understand. I love peanut butter too. I switched to almond butter which is pretty good but I still miss peanut butter.