JawBone UP vs FItBit Force

I am trying to decide which device to get for myself, and I can look at website reviews all day long but I would really like to know what people who own one have to say about it.

How easy is your Wrist device to program and use?
How user friendly is the corresponding app?
Is it comfortable? Waterproof?
Does it sync well to MFP?

Do you have a different wrist device you use other than one of these? How do you like it?


  • yayjay
    yayjay Posts: 84 Member
    Hey :)

    I can only give you a review on the jawbone up from an iphone user point of view. I got one when my best friend got a fitbit. We are both trying to loose weight and motivate eachother.

    5 months after buying them i use mine everyday because its small and easy to use - she has stopped using hers. She has said this is mainly because she now wants something that will tell her her heart rate,

    Mine tracks steps, i can log workout, and sleep (for me was very inmportant) and it;s pretty accurate. It logs food and workouts FROM mfp but not TO mfp.

    Ive been extremely happy with the up.

    Good luck!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Is it difficult getting information from MFP to your Jawbone, or is the Sync automatic? Is your Jawbone Up waterproof?

    I am an android user, so if anyone with an android would like to talk about ease of interface use, I would love to hear about your experience.
  • Elpaw4mbv
    Elpaw4mbv Posts: 43 Member
    Depending on what Android phone you have - the UP and the FitBit devices may not sync with your phone. Especially if you have a Motorola phone. I originally bought the UP thinking it would sync with my phone (Motorola MAXX). It didn't and when I called the support line, they weren't optimistic about that changing anytime soon. So I switched to the FitBit - which also doesn't sync to my phone but does through my computer and from that to MFP.

    I like the Fibit Flex a lot. Since getting it about a month ago, I have lost a little bit of weight but the main thing it is doing is helping me get control of my activity levels. I wish it had a heart rate monitor and I wish it had some of the sleep monitoring functionality with the UP, but overall - I have to say it was a good purchase.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    GAH I have a Motorola Photon.... But I can upgrade to the Galexy S4 at Christmas. So that wont be too bad of a wait. Good things to know though for when I get my phone I guess.
  • yayjay
    yayjay Posts: 84 Member
    hubby uses the jawbone with a samsung s4, in terms of interface its pretty much the same as the iphone. the data syncs automatically so ur UPband app will show your meals/activity as entered in mfp.

    They are however not waterproof! definately dont go swimming with it or take it in the shower. (i have once - it was fine as the tech part a head phone jack is covered by rubber but definately wouldnt do it on purpose) has no problem with sweating or washing hands though.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    It seems like most people have jawbone over fit bit.

    Good to know they are not water proof. I have ruined good electronics with that mistake before.
  • I have a jawbone up that I "almost never" take off (except occasionally when typing a lot). I wear it in the shower, hot tub and even while swimming. Although it does not tract steps in the water (including walking in the pool) I have never had an issue with it ue to water (in nearly a year of use). While it is not technically designed to be submerged, it is waterproof up to like 10 feet (check the specs on that) and it definitely IS designed to be worn in the shower.
  • bird_3_lee
    bird_3_lee Posts: 64 Member
    m glad u asked this question, I was just looking into these two products today. The jawbone up is sounding promising. I have a nokia N8 I have no idea if its an android. its obviously not a iphone. I wonder if it would sync with my phone? More importantly does it sync with ur pc?
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    I am definitely leaning more towards the Jawbone Up at this point, but I think the Force is so new many people do not have it yet. The UP has a more slim design so it would be more comfortable I would think. If any body has a Force yet, I would LOVE to hear about your experiences with it.

    And I am so glad to know Jawbone is shower proof!
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    They are however not waterproof! definately dont go swimming with it or take it in the shower. (i have once - it was fine as the tech part a head phone jack is covered by rubber but definately wouldnt do it on purpose) has no problem with sweating or washing hands though.

    I have the UP too. It is waterproof in the shower. I take it in the shower with me everyday. It's says right on the website that it is. Why i got this band. However you cannot submerge it, so no swimming or like dunking it completely. I like it a lot actually. It seem to be pretty accurate. More accurate now that I calibrated it. Definately do that if you get it. My only problems with it is that it doesn't check heart rate but I have a separate HRM for that. The calories you burned are automatically put into mfp for me so I just plug it in and I'm all set.
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    No it doesn't sync with a pc. That's another thing I didn't like about it.
  • KValmera71
    KValmera71 Posts: 82 Member
    I got my Jawbone UP this week and on day 4. I have not used it in the shower, I just take it off right before getting in, otherwise I do not take it off. I love it a lot!! I have an iPhone4 and the fitbit said it would not sync (but it would the 4S) so that was the reason I went with the UP, but I am not disappointed at all with that!! I use MFP online mostly, then that syncs to my phone and all of my steps, activity and food syncs up when I plug it into my phone. It does everything I need and want it to do!! 5 STARS!
  • I have had the Up for almost a year, and shower AND swim with it on. I had the Fitbit initially, but don't care for its sleep tracking algorithms and stairs climbed doesn't really relate to anything.

    However, I have had my Up replaced three times over the course of the year (not related to swimming as it wasn't used for that during these periods). Replacement is free and fairly quick. The QA seems to have improved somewhat, but there are still reliability issues.

    This is a maturing technology and no single device has quite what I want. I went with the Up and haven't found a device I'm willing to switch for as yet. I applaud Fitbit for moving more towards a watch form factor! However the charging limitations (and aforementioned sleep tracking) keep me away. My ideal situation is for Jawbone to divest this division to Garmin to integrate with their GPS family.

    The Withings scale works flawlessly with my Up as well.