
I go over in my intake for sugar every day. BY a lottt. I What are some foods that would be better?

A normal day for me would be :

breakfast: better start wheat english muffin with all natural PB or cereal(kix or rice krispies) with FF milk

snack: granola bar OR raw veggies w/ 1 tbsp. FF italian dressing

lunch- wheat arnold select bun with turkey, lettuce, onion OR salad w/ FF dressing
- FF strawberry banana yogurt
- fruit- either melon, orange, grapes, strawberry or banana (i'm allergic to most others)

dinner(mostly) : usually chicken and veggies, with either rice or sweet potato
OR 3 oz. steak with the above (minus chicken)

dessert: usually a Weight watcher novelty dessert OR popcorn/ no sugar added hot choc



  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Your sugar overage is probably from your fruit, I wouldn't worry about being over in sugar from fruit since it's natural sugars.
  • dudleyvic
    There are loads of sugar in your milk. Especially full fat. Elminate the cereal for breakfast.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    You are having a TON of wheats, grains and rices!! Processed foods like granola bars......... aren't healthy.
    Also Yes fruit is healthy but too much is too much.
  • Pandemonium
    Granola bars usually have high sugar content. True they are usually a healthy snack, but there are better alternatives. So check how much sugar is in your granola bars.

    Also, dairy, starches, carbs, any vegetables grown in the ground, all break down into sugars in your body. Which is why a lot of diabetic people cannot eat a lot of breads and pastas for example. So look at how much rice and sweet potatoes you are eating. Check your portion and how much sugar it is per serving.

    Try doing this for a week and see if it helps. And maybe think about how often you eat these foods. For example, I try not to eat a lot of carbs, but if I do, I usually have it only twice a week. A sandwich or wrap. If you're going to have cooked pasta or rice, stick to a half a cup.

    I hope this gives you ideas.

    Oh and one more thing, anything that has Glucose, Fructose and Lactose all break down into sugars. Hence, anything ending in -tose in the food world, usually means it will end up being broken down into sugars in the end.

    Good luck.
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    I agree with the Granola Bar...

    As well as the dessert.. and no sugar added means there's still sugar in there, but they just haven't added any extra... um.

    Your cereal is HUGE on sugar.. add me as a friend let me se you daily food diary :) I'm in nutrition.. and have taken many personal training courses. I can help a bunce :)

  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Also, a lot of low fat, fat free stuff just uses sugar in place of fat. Keep it in mind, expecially in salad dressings.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Where do I start? First, of course milk has sugar (lactose). The only difference between FF milk and whole milk is the fat content, not the sugar content. Please keep drinking FF milk! You need 2 - 3 servings of dairy daily. Fructose, lactose, sucrose, and glucose are all sugars. Actually Fructose, glucose, and galactose are all simple forms (they are called monosaccarides) whereas lactose comes from glucose and galactose and sucrose comes from fructose and glucose. This is where we get energy!

    I don't track "sugars" here on MFP because it doesn't differentiate between natural sugars and processed sugars. You aren't getting too much fruit! We need between 2 - 3 servings of fruit each day. Just make sure you are getting a proper portion size. Apples and oranges shouldn't be bigger than a tennis ball, select small bananas (4 - 5 inches), and portion sizes for most other fruits are about a cup. Try and choose complex carbs instead of simple ones. For instance, whole wheat instead of white bread, dinner rolls, etc. Oatmeal is a great complex carb! Store bought granola bars normally have a lot of added sugar so I would search for a recipe and see if you can make your own. You could make a batch or two on a day off and put them up for the week. I even make my own granola! Make sure you don't over do those grains though, remember portion sizes! :)

    And you wanna rethink your cereal choices. Stay away from those simple carbs. If you MUST have cereal, look at the Kashi brands as they have more wholesome choices. Read the label though and check the added sugars! I don't eat cereal so I'm not sure of that one.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Also, your choice of sweet potato is outstanding! Packed with awesome nutrients! Try to go with brown rice (complex carb) instead of white rice (simple carb). And as stated by someone above FF dressings have added sugars. If you must eat them, have them on the side and dip your fork in the dressing before you get veggies. You'll eat less dressing this way. As far as the FF yogurt check the sugar on that was well. :( Greek yogurt has more protein and less sugar....although the calories are a little higher. Its more nutrient dense!

    Hope this helps!
  • kathryn21
    Thanks everyone! very helpful!!!

    I'm going to still have cereal a few times a week but im going to try to switch it up to a better choice. It's a good way to get calcium in.

    Anyone have any idea of a snack similar to a granola bar?... something i can just grab. I bring it to work and have a very busy schedule, so dont really have the time to make my own or anything.

    I'm going to try to make better choices but it's tough for me because I'm picky. I dont like eggs, oatmeal, cheese, pork, fish, and lots of other stuff.

    Thanks again.

    p.s. im new to this. I started last Sunday with just the app on my phone which doesnt have the message boards or antyhing. I jsut came across this the other day and its way better! I was still watching what I ate but slacked at tracking it. I think this will help me and keep me going.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks everyone! very helpful!!!

    I'm going to still have cereal a few times a week but im going to try to switch it up to a better choice. It's a good way to get calcium in.

    Anyone have any idea of a snack similar to a granola bar?... something i can just grab. I bring it to work and have a very busy schedule, so dont really have the time to make my own or anything.

    I'm going to try to make better choices but it's tough for me because I'm picky. I dont like eggs, oatmeal, cheese, pork, fish, and lots of other stuff.

    Thanks again.

    p.s. im new to this. I started last Sunday with just the app on my phone which doesnt have the message boards or antyhing. I jsut came across this the other day and its way better! I was still watching what I ate but slacked at tracking it. I think this will help me and keep me going.

    You're welcome! Could you replace your granola bar with another fruit? You eat a fruit with lunch, right? Then you could stand for at least one more in your day. I can't think of a good snack to just grab and go to replace your granola bar though. A slice of whole wheat toast with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter would give you some protein. If I come up with something, I'll let you know!

    Glad you found this site! Hang in there....its worth it and you'll love the awesome people you meet here! :) Good luck!
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    What about replacing the granola bar with a Larabar? I keep them in my bag at work for the days when I'm too busy to take a break (nurse) Larabars are nothing but nuts and fruits. The one I just ate has dates, almondss and unsweetened cherries ...thats the entire ingredient list.