I need a buddy.

I'm sitting here alone in my dorm room, just guilty as hell for eating an entire bag of potato chips with garlic dip to boot.

It's so, so hard to eat healthy at university. Last year, I lost over 25 pounds in just four or five months. I counted calories and walked when I could. My lowest was 143 pounds and this was in March 2013. I haven't weighed myself all summer because I ate poorly, but I'm guessing I'm at 160 right now. Too terrified to check, honestly. I'm around 5'1" so I'm pretty short and the weight is distributed okay, but I really need to lose weight.

Basically: I'm a Canadian, 20-year-old student looking for ANYONE to be my buddy! I'm thinking we can text each other throughout the day, give daily updates as to whether or not we've eaten well, encourage each other to exercise...things like that. We don't necessarily have to be in the same age range or anything like that, but I need someone who can text throughout the day. Like if I'm in a real pickle and am about to eat a candy bar, I need someone to quickly tell me not to!

Let me know if you're interested. I really, really, really, really need to get back into shape.


  • Pbgrl04
    Pbgrl04 Posts: 129
    I'm interested I need some one like that! I'll message you and give you my number!
  • I would love to have a buddy. I know it is so much easier to lose weight when you have other people there to help you.
  • I would love to have a buddy, too! I know how hard it is to stay on track and just having someone to encourage you to make the right choices helps a TON! Add me and I'll give you my number. :)
  • meghanelana
    meghanelana Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah motivation never hurts. What are you studying?
    I'm 22 from Vancouver Island, studying criminology.
  • hospiknurse
    hospiknurse Posts: 2 Member
    I need one too. Message me and I will send my number.
  • Totally On board! Fellow Canadian....Torontonian here. Add me for sure! We can totally help each other
  • Would love to have someone on my side message me and i'll send #!
  • jennalennafur
    jennalennafur Posts: 80 Member
    As a fellow college student, who also has consumed my fair share of entire bags of chips. I would love to be your buddy! Message me and I will give you my number! :)
  • carlyngeo
    carlyngeo Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! Glad to see I'm not the only one out there looking for someone to help stay motivated!! I am also looking for an "accountability buddy" of sorts. I think you found more than enough friends to suit your needs, but I am more specifically looking for someone on the west coast (so we'll be in the same time zone). Also, I'm 29, female, and and trying to go from 200 pounds down to 150, and I'm 5'9". If anyone thinks they'd be a good fit- hit me up! Im in downtown Seattle, maybe I can even find a friend to work out with?
    Good luck to everyone reading this
    I hope we're all posting our photos on the success stories page sooner than later. I'm just so damn sick of being overweight!!!
  • ugh. i SO need a buddy. can't do the canadian txting thing though. but i wish i could just find someone in my area that would do fitness stuff WITH me. like i recently got TurboFire from beachbody and i also have insanity staring at me... but i would be so much more motivated if i had a partner to do them all with. le sigh.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    FR sent.

    Also, I basically had to stop buying chips and dip because I'd eat the whole thing every time. I don't really believe in cutting out any food as long as you can make it fit your calories for the day, but I literally cannot control myself with this food.
  • Hi I am a college student too , and I'd love to be your buddy . I am new to this as well
  • I need a buddy! I am trying to study for my boards for the second time...and sometimes I just want to stress eat. Also my mom is coming in a few weeks an I want her to see a difference!
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    heya, I really want someone to be accountable with! I am in Australia so although we are culturally sisters, we are a little TOO far away to txt :P but feel free to add me here and we can private message :)

    22 F and full-time student!
  • deeksha_s
    deeksha_s Posts: 79 Member
    Hey, I'm 29 F & could use a pat on the back or a kick in the backside once in a while. I could text but I'm on the Indian timezone. Feel free to send a private message
  • if its NOT in the house... basically you can't eat it. Keep a super yummy yet low cal water dense snack around that you can feel good about slipping. i LOVE cactus fruit (prickly pears) PLUS you have to peel it so you cant eat too many
  • jenniferrr127
    jenniferrr127 Posts: 44 Member
    I'd be happy to be friends, always looking for new people to chat with and one another!

    Anyone, feel free to message me :)
  • SapphireBlossom
    SapphireBlossom Posts: 21 Member
    I would like some more friends to keep my motivation up! The more friends the better! Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • KirbyT16
    KirbyT16 Posts: 411
    Hello I'm 26 and a teacher in Nebraska and I'm always looking for more mfp friends and could also really use someone to help keep me on track during the day. Feel free to add/message me!