Looking for friends!

Hi all,

I am in need of some motivating friends. I am stationed in Germany, and it has been difficult to lose weight here, never mind meet people who can keep me motivated to do so. I have tried this before, alone, and lost interest rather quickly. I then failed; big surprise.

I am 25, 5'3, looking to lose 20-30 pounds. I thrive from diet and workout challenges. So, if that's your thing, please add me!!



  • JarrodFit4Life

    I began my journey a while ago and have suffered some of the same issues as you in the past. Since finding the programs that keep me motivated and using myfitnesspal to track my nutrition, I've lost 30 lbs and a considerable percentage of body fat. Just started plugging back in here so looking to build a community of like-minded people to help motivate each other. My fiancé is looking to get back on the wagon as well after the birth of our first child so I figured it might as well jump in again and turn it up full throttle to help her out as well! If you share the same interests and are looking for that little bit of motivation, add me!

  • amberflo143
    amberflo143 Posts: 94 Member
    I will add you if I can figure out, I need motivatino as well. 3 weeks in and feeling great!