Thanksgiving gameplans?

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I'm trying to decide how I want to approach that holiday before it actually gets here.

My plan is to still count my calories, eat in moderation, but not necessarily restrict myself to my normal 1,500 calorie diet. A month ago I decided I was not going to eat sugar for the rest of the year save for one piece of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving and Christmas, which I am really looking forward to.

What about you? How are you going to get through Thanksgiving?


  • rlotze
    rlotze Posts: 29 Member
    I'm going to pig out, guilt free, and get back on track once it's over.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I'm going to pig out, guilt free, and get back on track once it's over.

    What he said.
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I'm going to do a cheat day but still count the calories as best I can
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    I'm Canadian so mine has come and gone, but I fasted until dinner then had my fill my turkey, cheeses, cured meats, salad, and more turkey. I eat keto so it was a pretty typical meal for me haha, just bigger.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    We are having turkey, baked sweet potatoes, fresh green beans, prepared with onion and bacon, brussel sprouts with balsamic glaze, macaroni and cheese for the grandmunchkins and rolls. We are still trying to decide whether we are going to make stuffing or not. Also trying to decide what we will have for dessert. So, almost there!
  • ReikiLove
    ReikiLove Posts: 26 Member
    I have to stick to my program because I tend to sabotage my diet when I say, "Oh, one piece of pie won't hurt..." Conveniently, I am the only vegetarian in my family, so I'll be bringing food I can eat. I'm going to eat vegetables and rice or a potato so I'll get full and won't feel deprived. If I want something sweet, I'll just have an apple or something.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    cooking lots and eating it too :D

    I see no problem with me having what I want that day.. I usually don't eat anything else that day but that dinner lol It will be a nice break make me feel normal :)
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    I'm going to pig out, guilt free, and get back on track once it's over.

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I've been thinking a lot about this and I believe I have an optimal plan for ME. But please if you don't have anything nice to say about my plan then just don't say it. We are all here for the same reasons so lets just hold hands and sing songs. Ok now that I have that out of the way here's the gameplan.

    First, I'm going to bring some whey protein with me to the thanksgiving feast. When my relatives aren't looking, I'll sprinkle some whey into their milk to hopefully help blunt their appetite so that they don't eat as much. Not for their sake, for mine. I really hate when we run out of turkey.

    I've also decided this year that when I take four or five massive scoops of mashed potatoes, I'm going to use my spoon to mash the middle of the potato mountain to create a big cavern so that I can pour the gravy into the cavern and it will sit there like a gravy swimming pool. If I were more comfortable I'd take my shirt and pants off and dive into the gravy pool but I think it might be a bad impression to give my son since he can't swim yet, and that's pretty unfair.

    I'm also going to sit in the chair nearest the back-counter where we keep the pie so that I can position myself closer to the pie and minimize travel time between my plate and the pie. This, combined with the potential hunger blunting effects of whey protein that I used on my relatives, may result in more pie for me.

    Finally, I'm wearing my gym pants instead of jeans, and bringing a towel in case I get the meat sweats.

    Thanks for reading my gameplans and remember this is just what works for me and we're all different.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    The key to thanksgiving is to find the highest level of fullness without throwing up
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    lol sidesteel :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    ROFL you made me laugh... my boss is looking at me now lol :drinker:

    I think I shall join you in your gameplan.... only since I am cooking it - I get to "Taste" it all first to make sure it won't kill anyone :bigsmile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've been thinking a lot about this and I believe I have an optimal plan for ME. But please if you don't have anything nice to say about my plan then just don't say it. We are all here for the same reasons so lets just hold hands and sing songs. Ok now that I have that out of the way here's the gameplan.

    First, I'm going to bring some whey protein with me to the thanksgiving feast. When my relatives aren't looking, I'll sprinkle some whey into their milk to hopefully help blunt their appetite so that they don't eat as much. Not for their sake, for mine. I really hate when we run out of turkey.

    I've also decided this year that when I take four or five massive scoops of mashed potatoes, I'm going to use my spoon to mash the middle of the potato mountain to create a big cavern so that I can pour the gravy into the cavern and it will sit there like a gravy swimming pool. If I were more comfortable I'd take my shirt and pants off and dive into the gravy pool but I think it might be a bad impression to give my son since he can't swim yet, and that's pretty unfair.

    I'm also going to sit in the chair nearest the back-counter where we keep the pie so that I can position myself closer to the pie and minimize travel time between my plate and the pie. This, combined with the potential hunger blunting effects of whey protein that I used on my relatives, may result in more pie for me.

    Finally, I'm wearing my gym pants instead of jeans, and bringing a towel in case I get the meat sweats.

    Thanks for reading my gameplans and remember this is just what works for me and we're all different.

    Wow...great plan. Just don't bother with the pants. And pics....lots and lots of pics please.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    I'm currently in 3 games on Dietbet that end right around Thanksgiving. Then on Dec. 3rd, I'm joining a 6 month dietbet that ends in June. I'm not getting fat this Holiday season. Yes, I will also have a piece of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving but I am winning these games. Losing is not an option.
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    Ive got a brilliant game plan... I live in the UK so no thanksgiving! Turkeys just for Christmas here!

    Hope you all enjoy though... responsibly of course!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I plan on being drunk the entire day, so I doubt I'll remember what I ate. :-p
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I am not so worried about the day itself, but I am hosting family for almost a week during the holiday. I think for me I will eat what I want, try to keep portions reasonable, and hit the gym after. I will not track that day, but I am going to try to track the rest of that week, even when we are going out to eat and have lots of goodies around.
  • neskapolita1978
    neskapolita1978 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm going to visit family where it is rude if you don't eat what they serve. I'll go to the gym if it's open in the morning, eat early like we always do, take a walk with my kids and cousins after dinner, and Friday morning be right back at it.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I've been thinking a lot about this and I believe I have an optimal plan for ME. But please if you don't have anything nice to say about my plan then just don't say it. We are all here for the same reasons so lets just hold hands and sing songs. Ok now that I have that out of the way here's the gameplan.

    First, I'm going to bring some whey protein with me to the thanksgiving feast. When my relatives aren't looking, I'll sprinkle some whey into their milk to hopefully help blunt their appetite so that they don't eat as much. Not for their sake, for mine. I really hate when we run out of turkey.

    I've also decided this year that when I take four or five massive scoops of mashed potatoes, I'm going to use my spoon to mash the middle of the potato mountain to create a big cavern so that I can pour the gravy into the cavern and it will sit there like a gravy swimming pool. If I were more comfortable I'd take my shirt and pants off and dive into the gravy pool but I think it might be a bad impression to give my son since he can't swim yet, and that's pretty unfair.

    I'm also going to sit in the chair nearest the back-counter where we keep the pie so that I can position myself closer to the pie and minimize travel time between my plate and the pie. This, combined with the potential hunger blunting effects of whey protein that I used on my relatives, may result in more pie for me.

    Finally, I'm wearing my gym pants instead of jeans, and bringing a towel in case I get the meat sweats.

    Thanks for reading my gameplans and remember this is just what works for me and we're all different.

    Winner Winner Chicken (turkey) Dinner
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I've been thinking a lot about this and I believe I have an optimal plan for ME. But please if you don't have anything nice to say about my plan then just don't say it. We are all here for the same reasons so lets just hold hands and sing songs. Ok now that I have that out of the way here's the gameplan.

    First, I'm going to bring some whey protein with me to the thanksgiving feast. When my relatives aren't looking, I'll sprinkle some whey into their milk to hopefully help blunt their appetite so that they don't eat as much. Not for their sake, for mine. I really hate when we run out of turkey.

    I've also decided this year that when I take four or five massive scoops of mashed potatoes, I'm going to use my spoon to mash the middle of the potato mountain to create a big cavern so that I can pour the gravy into the cavern and it will sit there like a gravy swimming pool. If I were more comfortable I'd take my shirt and pants off and dive into the gravy pool but I think it might be a bad impression to give my son since he can't swim yet, and that's pretty unfair.

    I'm also going to sit in the chair nearest the back-counter where we keep the pie so that I can position myself closer to the pie and minimize travel time between my plate and the pie. This, combined with the potential hunger blunting effects of whey protein that I used on my relatives, may result in more pie for me.

    Finally, I'm wearing my gym pants instead of jeans, and bringing a towel in case I get the meat sweats.

    Thanks for reading my gameplans and remember this is just what works for me and we're all different.

    ^^ This is a solid plan.

    ***furiously takes notes****