SO NERVOUS for tomorrow

missgalaxy Posts: 24
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section!

I start my new job tomorrow and I literally feel sick with nerves! Any tips/advice on how to get a decent nights sleep and keep the nerves at bay?? x


  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    No advice, but I just wanted to say good luck to you. I'm sure you'll do fine. Take some deep breaths. (((hugs)))
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219 Member
    Ambien. Just kidding...kind of :)

    Get in a tough workout and work off that nervous energy!
  • Good luck! It will be fine -- they would not have hired you if you couldn't do it!

    When I'm nervous I usually just admit it to the people I am meeting, and they are usually very nice about it, maybe nicer than they would have been!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    workout, clean, have a glass of wine.. read?! lol I'm kinda with you.. I'm super nervous for an interview I have tomorrow.!!!

    Here's my thought.. obviously they hired you b/c you are able to do this job and do it well... just go in, be yourself and do your thing and you'll be fine! Good luck!
  • I would always have these weird dreams on the night before a first day (school, new job, etc). That I would show up and then find out I forgot to wear pants. But, no one seemed to notice but me.

    Good luck tomorrow. you'll do fine.

    p.s. Don't forget your pants.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Best of luck to you!

    Put in a long workout and burn off some of those nerves. Calm your brain by reading until you're ready to fall asleep. You can also download an audio book into your iPod and have the story teller and story occupy your mind as you drift off to sleep.

    Let us know how it goes :)

  • sarahleelee
    sarahleelee Posts: 79 Member
    Oh, I'm SO there with you! I start my new job in a new, HUGE city (NYC) in Jan and I'm constantly anxious! I find that going for a long walk or to the gym for a while helps - I also like a good, slow movie to calm me. "Meet Joe Black" works well ;) GOOD LUCK! You're going to be amazing!
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