Late night snacking!!!!

I am the worst for wanting to snack late at night I have tried everything I know of to stop this habit with no luck so I have just changed what I snack on but still sometimes I grave that sandwich or delicious cookies..... Help....


  • VAGirl2BFit
    VAGirl2BFit Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a sucker for GoldFish!! I swear they call my name and it's only ever after dinner. :)

    It helps me to hold my water bottle in my hand at night and just drink thru those cravings b/c you fill up and forget. If that doesnt work for me I go upstairs to watch TV before bed so I'm farther away from the kitchen and less likely to come down to snack on something.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Pre-log a snack and make it fit in your day. As long as it's not interrupting your sleep (acid reflux), you're ok.
  • Trissyboo
    Trissyboo Posts: 69 Member
    I know what you mean! Late night snacks for me are popcorn and chocolate covered butter cookies. I have done three things to stop the cravins:
    1. I drink lots of water to see if I really want a snack or if I am just thirsty
    2. I plan for it with my calories during the day. If I know I want popcorn with my favorite show (Scandal!!) I will plan for it in my calories for the day.
    3. And if that does not work... I just go to BED. Sometimes I find that I eat because I am tired.

    I hope that these help some.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Leave some calories for that late night snacking!

    That's my fav time to eat :smile:
  • BlindHog25
    BlindHog25 Posts: 14 Member
    I drink water as well when I get the cravings but honestly, since I usually eat all my carbs at breakfast, and don't eat much fat, the cravings went away after a few days. I never eat carbs after 3 PM and stop eating three hours before bed time. I have noticed that when I do get a craving, it is usually for something salty which is hard to satisfy without carbs!
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    I snack on dill pickles they are 0 to 5 cals :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I drink water as well when I get the cravings but honestly, since I usually eat all my carbs at breakfast, and don't eat much fat, the cravings went away after a few days. I never eat carbs after 3 PM and stop eating three hours before bed time. I have noticed that when I do get a craving, it is usually for something salty which is hard to satisfy without carbs!

    You don't have to restrict carbs at night. If I can find the study again, I will link it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    so plan those late night snacks into your day.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I can't help snacking. After dinner I like to have a little snack! But I make sure to stop snacking after 8pm. And if I can't control myself, I put myself to bed!! That's just me though. :)
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I agree, plan your snacks. If you know you'll want a cookie, budget it in.

    What I do to avoid roaming around the kitchen searching for something to eat out of habit is to go up to my room as soon as I'm finished with dinner/necessities. I may temporarily think about wanting something to eat but then I'd have to trudge on downstairs and why do that if I'm already comfy upstairs? Whatever works, right?

    What I've discovered about me after being in this new lifestyle for 10 months is that I don't crave anything, ever, but I still find myself wanting to eat because that's been a lifelong habit. Bored? Eat! Sad? Eat. Happy? Eat. TV is on? Eat! It's not because I really want Doritos, it's because I'm used to eating them in response to my slug lifestyle.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Have you tried something low cal like celery or carrots? Also, I drink something before I eat something if I have a craving, and it usually goes away! If I want something besides water, I'll make myself a hot tea with stevia in it. Tazo Baked Cinnamon Apple with some stevia tastes just like apple pie!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I drink water as well when I get the cravings but honestly, since I usually eat all my carbs at breakfast, and don't eat much fat, the cravings went away after a few days. I never eat carbs after 3 PM and stop eating three hours before bed time. I have noticed that when I do get a craving, it is usually for something salty which is hard to satisfy without carbs!

    You don't have to restrict carbs at night. If I can find the study again, I will link it.

    This is the abstract from the study.
  • Snowthorn
    Snowthorn Posts: 6 Member
    Water and an early night are great to take your mind off snacking however I find if I really can't help myself, I have a mug of options hot chocolate, it's 40 calories per mug (with only water) and it gives you a chocolatey fix :)
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    Me either! Cracked pepper and olive oil triscuits are killer. But if I have to have something, I'll go for a little fruit or snap peas. I can't eat past 8 because I have to take my thyroid medication at night on an empty stomach but trust me, there are days I wish I could eat all night!
  • LynneMarie1773
    LynneMarie1773 Posts: 8 Member
    I so feel your pain. Plus, I seem to want that which I shouldn't have. It's ingrained in me. I'm going to read this thread for suggestions, too.