What would YOU do?

I just want to what factors to consider when making a judgment whether to suck it up and workout or just rest when you're getting a little sick.

I was starting to get a little congested and sore throat (no fever) on Friday but didnt want to use it as an excuse so went ahead and did my workout anyways. On saturday (not feeling any better) I practiced badminton for an hour (which is not too viogrous of a workou t- can be considered a light cardio while my usual workouts are much intense).
I knew I should rest but I have a tournament coming up which I am preparing for so no time to waste! Sunday I took a break but seems like too late now, I have worsen my situation already - more sick now.
What should I do.... keep practicing or should I rest? I really do not want to gain weight, as I have worked really hard to lose and keep it off.... I have exactly eight more pounds to go in next four weeks so really NO TIME TO WASTE! What would you do?


  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    A normal cold last 5-7 days. Get plenty of rest, and liquids. I read an article once that said symptoms from the neck up, continue to workout, for chest symptoms, rest the body. But you know your body, listen to it and go from there.
  • rileygsd
    I would keep working out but be sure to get to bed early so you can get enough sleep. Sleep is what really makes me feel better when sick... not just resting.
  • saimabhaidani
    saimabhaidani Posts: 145 Member
    I would keep working out but be sure to get to bed early so you can get enough sleep. Sleep is what really makes me feel better when sick... not just resting.

    darn it!!!!!! so thats what made me worst not my workoout...... I couldnt get much sleep last few days(my younger one sick and wakes up at two-hour intervals). So I guess I am working out today. thanks guys.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I would have continued to work out. If you get a bug, it's not going to make it worse or better by working out. Just make sure that you get sleep, healthy food, and plenty of water. A bug is a bug, you gotta let it run it's course.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Go ahead and workout....just not around others where you can spread the bug. Keep the workout at home if possible. Drink plenty of fluids, take your vitamins, hot shower or bath and get some sleep. I would suggest something like Nyquil or one of the PM pain killers if they work on you.

    Edit: could it be allergy or sinus related and not a bug? I know the last couple days my sinuses have been going nutz! Sinus issues can cause sore throats and congestion....??
  • Pandemonium
    It depends on how you feel. If you are sick and you feel like not working out, then don't. You shouldn't have to "force yourself" if you're not feeling it. This is more for the fact that you would be making working out a "chore" rather then a goal or objective for the day.

    When I am not in the mood, (too sick, too tired, too sore) I just eat very clean and make sure when I do feel better, to work out as if nothing had happened. I recently hurt my back and was out of cardio for nearly 2 weeks, but I still managed to loose 3 pounds just by eating properly.

    For me, if I can't breathe properly for my cardio, then I will not do it.

    Good luck!