40 Something Women.... with no kids

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for friends that sort of "fit" me. That would be women in their 40's with no kids. I can't abide the "kid", "pregnancy" chit-chatter. My husband does have a 12-year-old daughter, but I hardly ever see her and she is not a part of my "daily" life or thought for that matter.

I'm still on my weight loss journey and would love to offer support where I can as well as draw on others for support.

Any takers?


  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Me! :flowerforyou:
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Will send invite as I definitely qualify :happy:
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    That's me!! I'm 48 with no kids- but three dogs. I am divorced and live with my new partner. I have about a stone to lose but have been trying for years. I'm very up and down with exercise. At the moment i'm doing nothing but have toyed with running, dumbells and DVDs. On the one hand I moan about being fat but then don't do anything about it!!
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    Count me in. I'm 44, single, no kids (2 cats that I call my babies though!). I'm finding my weight loss has stalled since I met my boyfriend. I'm always looking for new friends (I think it gives new perspectives and ideas). Please feel free to add me.
  • Super Duper! I :heart: having friends.

    Just a little about me.

    I did a sprint triathlon last year and no sooner had I finished, I packed on the weight. I am back down to where I was this time last year, but still have a bit to go.

    I am still trying to figure out my eating plan and have only averaged net cals of 1074 (about) per day over the past nine weeks. My goal is to get that up to 1100 for next week to see how it fits in with my new macros and then increase again the week thereafter.

    I can be a little obsessive compulsive and point blank refuse to go over my macros, that's why I'm battling with correct calorie intake. I could easily reach my calorie goal if I included three light beers a day..... but I love beer so much... three is never enough. :drinker:

    I have just started lifting, and even though I have "New Rules of Lifting for Women" have not read it yet. It's tough going because I am still eating in a deficit and am really just trying to maintain some muscle whilst the weight melts away.

    I have entered a one mile swim race which is in February so I have been doing a lot of "swim" training. My goal is to beat my husband.

    I am a sailor.... for fun and my husband and I are hoping to do our Day Skipper next year. We have completed inland waters skipper and sail every second weekend.

    I also have a cat. Timothy. He is the boss of the house.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I've sent friend requests to the others who have posted so far. Anyone else is welcome to add me. (Please just include a note regarding this topic/where you found me.)
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I am almost done...I have a senior ! I am also 22X 2 ! and can run like the wind !
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member

    43 and married with a 27 year old step daughter who is all grown up and is a midwife.

    With my husband for 11 years and married for 3 of those.

    Doting Aunt to 2 nieces and a nephew - but quite happy childfree.
  • bluedown10
    bluedown10 Posts: 26 Member
    Can I please join in?? I am extremely active and am ALMOST 40. My husband also has a daughter who I see a few times a year so I consider myself childless. Would love to participate.
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    I'm in! I'm 41 and child-free. I knew by about the age of 12 I was just *not* interested. :)

    I generally accept friend requests, if they come with a note about why they were sent or where I posted that triggered it. So long as you don't mind the occasional long-winded rant, or a small bit of nerd rage, or grammatically and orthographically oriented jokes. Or random commentary about food- and fitness-related things... Or... or... or... or a documented overuse of the ellipsis.

    I think my profile is viewable, anyone can look at what I've written before or what my situation is or my progress pictures. I'm generally around in the very early morning (Pacific Time), but I try to check in at least once a day, and drop encouraging comments where I can.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I am in...no kids and 44 and having a blast in life!
  • Im in my early 30's but don't plan on having children, I have 2 cats and a dog and I love it! I hope I can qualify for this group as I would love to be in the "no kids" and it's ok category for inspiration and support!
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    Though I've also just learned that I can't accept friend requests via the Android app? Silly. I'll try again when I get home this afternoon... Anyone else run into this?
  • kahays
    kahays Posts: 17 Member
    I am right here with you! 33 and a dog and boyfriend that lives in another town. I am surrounded at work with new moms/pregnant women who could wear my clothes as maternity clothes and they woud still hang off. If I have to endure one more event where the topic du jour is poopy diapers and breast feeding I might pop! I was actually told "You don't understand what being busy is like because you don't have kids". Needless to say I could use some non-mama support. Add me if you like!
  • beatlesfan31
    beatlesfan31 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi. I'm 43 with no kids or husband. Realized in my 20s that it just wasn't in my future and I haven't looked back. I have spent the last year working on strength and now I want to focus on losing the pudge. Anyone in this thread is welcome to send me a friend request. Thanks!
  • OneFluffy
    OneFluffy Posts: 8 Member
    Hi!! I'd like some new friends too. I'm 45 and my son just turned 18 and moved away. I have about 50 lbs to lose --I log all my meals; I love this website-I'm addicted!! :bigsmile:
  • Hey, don't exclude the guys. I never had any kids, and it makes for an interesting life.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    I'm 42. My husband and I are both in the teaching trade, so REALLY don't have the energy or interest to have children of our own. :wink: We do have a lot of 4-legged children, though - 3 dogs, 2 cats and 3 horses.

    I find the weight loss journey increasingly frustrating and hard since turning 40!!

    You're welcome to add me.
  • Me :) 42 and no kids. By choice!
    Have two stepsons every other weekend and that's hard enough already.
    HEATHERACU73 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey! Right Here!

    I'm 40 and I never wanted kids. I'm still happy I don't have kids. =D=D=D