Gym newbie - help!

Hey all

I'm 31yrs old, weigh about 230lbs so need to lose some weight. Coupled with this, I also want to get fit

I used to play football every Sunday until about a year ago, which used to keep my weight managed and fitness up

I'm going to start going to the gym but I wonder if anyone had any tips for the best routine in terms of me being out of shape and wanting to work initially on fitness and stamina but longer term on weight.

And one other question - my legs don't seem to cope well with cross trainers, I don't know if it's because of previous shin splints or if it's something I can work on?

Thanks team!


  • bhamcitylad
    bhamcitylad Posts: 9 Member
    Just to clarify - when I say 'football', I'm talking about 'soccer'
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    I'd suggest looking at some of the HIIT type stuff, mixed in with some lifting.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Lifting n HIIT on the bike has helped me with fitness, stamina, and weight loss.
  • Imracing
    Imracing Posts: 4 Member
    Does your gym have a pool. The Aqua Jog class has been good for me. Low impact and a great workout. I use it once a week.

  • bhamcitylad
    bhamcitylad Posts: 9 Member
    It doesn't, Josh. I wouldn't go in anyways lol
  • If you are looking for a specific weight lifting regiment, Strong Lifts (SL)5x5 is often recommended. Supplement that with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), going all out (Running for your life) for 30 seconds, then slow down (walking speed) for 1-2 min, repeat for 10 minutes.

    Personally, I don't have the focus to do structured weightlifting. Waiting 1-2 minutes between sets, just kills me. I'd much rather do a class (Boxing, Kettlebell etc) or body weight exercises (Burpees etc) especially because I have a lot of body to work with ;).

    The world's greatest exercise is the one that you will do. It doesn't matter if Running helps weight loss more than walking. If you never run because you don't like it, walking is infinitely better.

    Good Luck!

    *Edit - Forgot to add: Frequency > Duration > Intensity.

    Frequency For the first 4 weeks, Just get your butt in the gym. Go for 10-20 minutes. Make it a habit, make it a part of your planning. Just go. Do light cardio/circuit training/stretching etc.

    Then go for duration. Up it from 10-20 minutes to 30-45 or an hour. Do this for 4-5 weeks. Get a routine down, show up, change, light cardio for 5 min, lift, then HIIT. Make this a part of your life.

    Then go for Intensity. Increase loads/performance etc. A lot of people go with this first, and this is how you injure yourself and won't be able to go back to the gym.
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    I'd invest in a consult with a personal trainer. You need a good solid program to commit to and focus on and would really benefit from a program designed specifically for your needs.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Hey from one shin splinty footie player to another. First find shoes that are cushy, this really helped me. I can't do high impact or I have major issue with the splints (sometimes even walking). So change up the shoes, try and strengthen your ankles (just google shin splint exercise - I like the toe and heel walks, they seem to work the best for me.). Then for cardio, try ellipticals, they were too much for my legs at first and I had issues with the splinting but I was able to do a recumbent elliptical and then the stationary bikes. That's just my experience. I weight train too and I'm sure you'll get lots of responses about that. :)

    Just wanted to add I can do normal elliptical trainers now that I've built up strength.
  • bhamcitylad
    bhamcitylad Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for replies so far guys :)