30ds and rest days?

From everything I read, it states you should take a rest day every other day with strength training. Jillian makes you do it 30 days straight with no rest. Since most of the strength is arms and legs, wouldn't it be beneficial to take rest days and do it every other day and do cardio or something on the opposite days?

As a newbie this is all confusing to me.



  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    I found the answer

    Jillian had a question in a podcast about how often to do it and her answer was...
    2 days of 30DS one day cardio 2 days of 30 DS and one cardio then a rest day. She said the name was more so what her marketing people came up with since each level is meant to be 10 days (just not 10 straight) thats marketing for you!

    Great information
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    All of Jillian's DVD's are meant for 5 days with 2 rest days however you want to work it out. They aren't strenuous enough to make a difference if you did do it 30 days straight and they're all a mix of cardio and strength. You won't burn out doing 20 minutes of Jillian a day.