Wanting to make progress this time!


I'm Hannah, I'm 23 and I'm looking to lose about 20lbs altogether...Pretty sure i've said this about 100 times, and started dieting/exercising more and then given up because it's not happening as fast as i'd like it to. I'm not a massive fan of vegetables so try to eat a lot of fruit, but looking for people similar to help motivate me! I really want this to time to actually work and for me to stick to!


  • Hi Hannah!

    I'm 24 and looking to lose around 25 pounds...I just started MFP as well. Feel free to add me! I'm not a huge fan of veggies either but I've been trying to slowly find ones I like and add them into my diet.
  • oh cool! glad there are people on here with similar goals! I've been trying some and so far I can handle a few carrots and courgette in pasta...not great but better than none! What type of exercise are you planning in doing? I'm useless at the gym but may as well give it a go!
  • casyb360
    casyb360 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello Hannah! I'm Cassie, and I'm 23 and looking to lose 30-40lbs. I'm in the same boat, I've tried and tried again, but after not seeing fast results, lost faith and quite. Feel free to add me as well!! Veggies weren't always my thing either, but I've been experimenting more and more, and I've been finding that I enjoy a lot of RAW veggies! Still can't have many cooked... lol
  • Hi! I'm the same - I've joint MFP ages ago and have been dieting on and off.. I did manage to lose some weight for my goal (a beach holiday) but since coming back to university I've gained it all back.. and more! I just can't keep myself away from junk food but I'm hoping this time around I'll get the weight down and maintain it!
  • Hi Hannah!

    I'm 24 myself and am currently ~20lbs lighter now than I was at my heaviest. I will state however that most of the journey was quite awhile ago. I discovered MFP just recently and have been using it to lose a final few lbs before maintaining. Mostly, I love it for motivating me to make healthier decisions and to hold me responsible for exercising regularly :]

    I think you'll find there's really awesome support here for all sorts of people and goals - whether they be to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain.

    I hope you find the motivation and support you need here. And if you want some friendly words along your journey, feel free to add me. We can motivate one another to live well :]