Thanksgiving gameplans?



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I missed my goal of 10k last year...just barely. This year I plan on hitting my 10,000 calorie goal.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    My game plan: be appreciative for all the provisions (and life in general)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I won't have any trouble getting through Thanksgiving. It will just be my hubby and I, and we'll kill the Pekin drake the day before and dress him out, then stuff him with wild rice, mushrooms, and garlic. That's basically it.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    For thanksgiving, I will probably only be eating one meal: the meal. In this meal, I load up on a pile of turkey to cover my protein needs, then eat whatever else I can fit in my stomach. I estimate this meal will be a good 3000 calories covering my daily needs and more, but I may not even track it. To each his/her own.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I'm cooking, and I plan to make a meal with more veggies and fewer super-caloric side dishes. And I'll fit a couple long walks into the day.

    Beyond that, I'm just going to enjoy myself ... it's only one day a year, and you do *not* want to come between me and stuffing.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    It'll look something like this...


    except my family looks less douchey...
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Well, every year my dad's side cooks and eats about 11 am. My mom's side about 1.

    That's two dinners side by side. We're in the South so instead of roasted turkey, it shall be fried at both locations in order to continue our goal of making healthy choices as unhealthy as possible LOL There shall be lots of sweet potato casserole, dressing and giblet gravy, mashed taters, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens (all greens cooked with bacon grease of course), homemade mac n cheese, red velvet cake, pecan pie, sweet potato pie, buttermilk pie, banana split cake, and probably an 18 layer chocolate cake. My husband will probably beg for a strawberry short cake that is basically a white cake with seven minute icing on it and sliced frozen strawberries and I'll probably cave in and make it for him and then fight to ignore it until he consumes it all.

    This year, I'm doggie bagging one for the evening, spending time with the family, and just eating at the other. I am not going to feel guilty in the slightest and am looking forward to that day very much! It's just one day. I probably will not eat as many sweets as I used too however, which was at least one piece of them all over the course of the weekend. In fact, I probably will not eat as much as I normally do because my appetite is just not as big as it once was.

    Thank God we don't do much for Christmas. :D Well, we do, but it's seafood so that's not nearly as bad as Turkey day.
  • mybonnieliesovertheocean
    i hope i can gorge on salad, load up on veg, and eat just a little bit of meat and carb.
    i love eating and i'm a binger but eating in the presence of family should help keep me from pigging out too much.
    i've let them all know about my diet so hopefully they will remind me of that if i try to go for too much of a good thing.
  • mammakat0830
    mammakat0830 Posts: 117 Member
    Probably decrease cals significantly day before and after, eat lots of turkey and take it easier on the carbs but try it all...log as best I can, and try not to feel guilty... its part of the marathon because this is not a sprint :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I missed my goal of 10k last year...just barely. This year I plan on hitting my 10,000 calorie goal.

    I remember this...and it reminds me of my annual holiday speech on how people should log (or at least estimate) because the actual count will almost certainly be less than they think it will be. It truly takes a herculean effort to exceed 10000 calories. Yes, it can be done, but it isn't easy. So at absolute worst, if you EAT ALL TEH FOODZ!!1!!eleven!!1, you'll be 7-8000 over, which is at absolute worst TWO POUNDS. Unless you have some kind of condition that precludes it, enjoy your one day, and then get back to it after...and even if you have several days of foodsanity, you won't completely undo months of successes.


    It truly saddens me to see people freaked out about one day (or several days)...because the biggest risk to your ultimate success isn't that you'll "break" your diet in that one day, but is instead that you'll *believe* you did and as a result give up after that one day.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I'm going to eat as much as I can, let my food digest for a few hours, and repeat. Thanksgiving food is my favorite, I can work off the damage later!

    This will be my 3rd Thanksgiving on MFP and this is exactly what I did for the first 2!
  • cbmae
    cbmae Posts: 19
    Our family doesn't do Thanksgiving, so we're going to Golden Corral since our daughter is only 2 months and doesn't know what's going on yet. Thanksgiving won't count for me. It's my second favorite holiday (next to Halloween, which I've managed to barely have candy even though there is literally $100 worth in the kitchen right now) and I didn't cook last year either. So I'm getting in on the festivities at GC ;) Plus there won't be carb-filled leftovers. So that's good.
  • cbmae
    cbmae Posts: 19
    It truly saddens me to see people freaked out about one day (or several days)...because the biggest risk to your ultimate success isn't that you'll "break" your diet in that one day, but is instead that you'll *believe* you did and as a result give up after that one day.

    Love this!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't bother logging on holidays. A few days out of the year doesn't make a difference to my weight or overall health. It's my normal day to day habits that matter.

    But just to ramp up our appetites so we can eat more of all the good stuff, my sister and I usually do one of our long training runs in the morning while the bird is baking.
  • LivviLosing
    LivviLosing Posts: 34 Member
    I've been thinking a lot about this and I believe I have an optimal plan for ME. But please if you don't have anything nice to say about my plan then just don't say it. We are all here for the same reasons so lets just hold hands and sing songs. Ok now that I have that out of the way here's the gameplan.

    First, I'm going to bring some whey protein with me to the thanksgiving feast. When my relatives aren't looking, I'll sprinkle some whey into their milk to hopefully help blunt their appetite so that they don't eat as much. Not for their sake, for mine. I really hate when we run out of turkey.

    I've also decided this year that when I take four or five massive scoops of mashed potatoes, I'm going to use my spoon to mash the middle of the potato mountain to create a big cavern so that I can pour the gravy into the cavern and it will sit there like a gravy swimming pool. If I were more comfortable I'd take my shirt and pants off and dive into the gravy pool but I think it might be a bad impression to give my son since he can't swim yet, and that's pretty unfair.

    I'm also going to sit in the chair nearest the back-counter where we keep the pie so that I can position myself closer to the pie and minimize travel time between my plate and the pie. This, combined with the potential hunger blunting effects of whey protein that I used on my relatives, may result in more pie for me.

    Finally, I'm wearing my gym pants instead of jeans, and bringing a towel in case I get the meat sweats.

    Thanks for reading my gameplans and remember this is just what works for me and we're all different.

    Hahahahaha omg. Definitely the best plan.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I don't have any game plans. I'm fortunate enough to have a good metabolism. My maintenance is 3625 calories, so I don't have to worry about over eating.
