What to do outside when alone?

I am at work right now (at 8pm) and I really don't want to go home and be depressed over some girl and surf the web. What can I do outside alone? I already went to the gym in the morning and don't feel like working out. I already went shopping and bought a lot of stuff. I stay late at work just so I can avoid going home.

Yesterday, I just stayed in bed until it was time to go to sleep. I can't live that dreadful day again. I did the same thing on Friday.

What do I do?



  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Go for a walk?

    Grab a notebook and write furiously until your hand cramps?

    Find a Waffle House, buy a cup of coffee, and make up stories about the people who you see there?

    Go home and pick up a book instead of flipping on your IPad?

    Search the web for a "volunteer matching program"-- a site that takes your skills and interests and then tries to match you to a charity or nonprofit that needs those skills?

    Watch reruns of Gilligan's Island and Hogan's Heroes?
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Aww, you are breaking my heart.

    I would go to movie, take myself out to dinner, go to a bar and have a glass of wine and read, go to a coffee shop and read, go to Barnes and Noble and read (I like to read!)

    What do you like to do? Have any friends or family you can reach out to and spend sometime with? Volunteer somewhere?

    Keep your head up, it will get better.
  • NinjadURbacon
    NinjadURbacon Posts: 395 Member
    scare kids?
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Go see a movie. I love going to movies by myself. It's so cathartic. Otherwise I would make a plan for things to do, make a list, hobbies you like and how you can integrate them into your evenings.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You should go to the nearest animal shelter and pick out a dog. Then, go outside and walk the dog. Now you won't be outside alone:)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Take a night class at a local community college. Something you'd never think to do, like pottery, or choir!
  • Being happy alone is an acquired trait. The first thing you need to know is that you can anything alone. Eat in restaurants, go the movies, skate, rollerblade, talk to people smoking outside of bars, go the special interest meetings, go *in* the bar and have a red ale, wander the aisles of the bookstore and check out you favourite authours newest books. Take yourself on a date.
  • 3X173
    3X173 Posts: 40 Member
    Go for a walk?

    Grab a notebook and write furiously until your hand cramps?

    Find a Waffle House, buy a cup of coffee, and make up stories about the people who you see there?

    Go home and pick up a book instead of flipping on your IPad?

    Search the web for a "volunteer matching program"-- a site that takes your skills and interests and then tries to match you to a charity or nonprofit that needs those skills?

    Watch reruns of Gilligan's Island and Hogan's Heroes?

    I don't know why, I can't get myself to watch shows, movies nor play games. I think walking is a good idea. I don't know, I've never walked just for 'fun'. I just don't like staying at home. When I was in Uni, I purposely came home at 10pm despite my class ending at like 4pm because being at home is so boring.

    I definitely have go out of my comfort zone. I never went to get a coffee just to get a coffee. Like, if it's on the way, I grab it or to meet people for a meeting or something.

    I also have never a book from start to finish my life, ever. I tried to read many times, I just can't.

    I have never volunteered but I am totally willing to try it out. I can meet amazing people there. Who knows? Better than staying at home and meeting no one.

    Thank you.
  • 3X173
    3X173 Posts: 40 Member
    Aww, you are breaking my heart.

    I would go to movie, take myself out to dinner, go to a bar and have a glass of wine and read, go to a coffee shop and read, go to Barnes and Noble and read (I like to read!)

    What do you like to do? Have any friends or family you can reach out to and spend sometime with? Volunteer somewhere?

    Keep your head up, it will get better.

    lol, I did that and I realized that I would just binge on food. I always regret it afterwards. Like, soo much calories.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    I try and lose myself in TV, being sad over guy issues, so I feel your pain. Sometimes though nothing helps. Right now I'm watching Game of Thrones. A friend and I saw the entire second season in one day! A lazy Saturday, that's for sure. I realized though, until I'm ready to let go, nothing will help, just distract for a bit. Goodluck.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Hiking, fishing, running, people watching or reading a good book at an outdoor cafe, farmers market trip...the list goes on.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Sit on a bench and make fun of people walking by.
  • I walk for a mile everyday with an mp3 player, rode bicycle when weather permitted, ride motorcycle in summer and snowmobile in winter. I got as free elliptical for winter since I hate walking in fresh snow...

    walk somebody's dog and/or your own
    get an exercise machine and do that while watching the tube ( people will give them away if you pick them up, I found lol)
    volunteer at a shelter, old folks home, youth outreach etc.
    go to the library
    teach your self something, programming, sewing, woodworking , painting
    get a part-time job
    get a hobby
    shovel walks
    deliver papers
    I personally steer towards things that give me a bit of a workout as well to aid in me reaching my fitness goals
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Try short stories :) Or non-fiction. Or an audio book! Then do it at a cafe, preferably with your new dog :D Heaven, I tell you!
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Sit on a bench and make fun of people walking by.

    Ok now I want to go do this. LOL! Brings to mind the scene in Big Daddy where he teaches the kid to puts sticks down for the rolls bladers to bust their *kitten* and then laugh at them.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    HI I'm a board game geek. http://fungamescafe.com/fgcIndex.php is in your town and looks like it has some events. These kind of places are a great way to meet people.

    If you go for a walk try to make it interesting. Really take in what is around you, look at shops, maybe try something new.

    Find a swing dance studio! I love swing dancing, I wish we had something that wasn't 45 mins away around me.

    Good luck, buck up, and put yourself out there!
  • 3X173
    3X173 Posts: 40 Member
    Being happy alone is an acquired trait. The first thing you need to know is that you can anything alone. Eat in restaurants, go the movies, skate, rollerblade, talk to people smoking outside of bars, go the special interest meetings, go *in* the bar and have a red ale, wander the aisles of the bookstore and check out you favourite authours newest books. Take yourself on a date.

    I was happy being alone. Now, since this girl, I don't want to stay home because I think about her.

    And also, I don't know, I have never been to a bar alone. Is it normal to go to a bar alone?
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    I really enjoy being outside and alone.

    I highly recommend getting a book or two on the flora and/or fauna of your area. You can then learn about the natural world around you. It's very amazing when it's not taken for granted. There are so many things to observe. If it's a night time activity...owling can be fun for some, full moon hikes (make sure you know the trail first) or learning about astronomy.

    Best to you and have fun!:bigsmile:
  • cbmae
    cbmae Posts: 19
    I just read a post about an app called Ingress. It's only for Android but will be released elsewhere soon. It makes you walk to landmarks in your city to play the game. I know you said you don't do games or walk, but maybe if you put them together it'd keep you busy enough :smile:
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    I just read a post about an app called Ingress. It's only for Android but will be released elsewhere soon. It makes you walk to landmarks in your city to play the game. I know you said you don't do games or walk, but maybe if you put them together it'd keep you busy enough :smile:

    I've had Ingress for awhile, i belive you have to be invited to play...but i could be wrong. I still have 4 invites left if anyone wants on. It's pretty awesome, "portals" are popping up all over the place now. When i first got it there weren't that many out there, but now they're EVERYWHERE!! :) It kinda reminds me of stuff like Geo cashing...but not as 'hard' because you just walk to a portal instead of having to actually find where something is hidden lol
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    Look at meetup.com there are millions of people in the same situation as you. Too much isolation isn't good for your mental health. Most the groups are free to join and range from meeting for coffee to parachute jumps. Whatever your interests they'll be a group for you.
    Good luck.
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    I walk and listen to audio books. I got started listening to them on long drives when music got boring, but if you get a good long book, it can keep you captive longer than your drive, and it feels silly to just sit in a chair listening to it, so get out and walk.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    Being happy alone is an acquired trait. The first thing you need to know is that you can anything alone. Eat in restaurants, go the movies, skate, rollerblade, talk to people smoking outside of bars, go the special interest meetings, go *in* the bar and have a red ale, wander the aisles of the bookstore and check out you favourite authours newest books. Take yourself on a date.

    I was happy being alone. Now, since this girl, I don't want to stay home because I think about her.

    And also, I don't know, I have never been to a bar alone. Is it normal to go to a bar alone?

    You sound like the male version of me.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    I just read a post about an app called Ingress. It's only for Android but will be released elsewhere soon. It makes you walk to landmarks in your city to play the game. I know you said you don't do games or walk, but maybe if you put them together it'd keep you busy enough :smile:

    I've had Ingress for awhile, i belive you have to be invited to play...but i could be wrong. I still have 4 invites left if anyone wants on. It's pretty awesome, "portals" are popping up all over the place now. When i first got it there weren't that many out there, but now they're EVERYWHERE!! :) It kinda reminds me of stuff like Geo cashing...but not as 'hard' because you just walk to a portal instead of having to actually find where something is hidden lol

    I want an invite!! I wanted to try Geo Cashing but yeah.. I'd never find anything.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Find a book you want to read. Go for a walk. Go see a movie. Find some TV shows to watch (that pretty much keeps me busy 2-3 hours a night, lol). Start playing an online game.