Starting Insanity this month???

DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
Anyone starting insanity this month I started today fit test below :

Looking for others maybe start a support group my start weight is 162 and I'm 5'3 following meal guide

Switch kicks 60
Power jumps 32
Power knees 45
Power jumps 21
Globe jumps 8
Suicide jumps 10
Push up jacks 17
Low plank oblique 19


  • TheSwiwi
    TheSwiwi Posts: 16 Member
    Hey i started yesterday :} we are in pretty similar shape except for pushup jacks!
    Switch-Kicks 60
    Power-Jacks 36
    Power-Knees 41
    Power-Jumps 14
    Globe-Jumps 9
    Suicide-Jumps 10
    PushUp-Jacks 0
    Plank-Oblique 20
  • Pbgrl04
    Pbgrl04 Posts: 129
    I'm starting tomorrow! I have also started a insanity Facebook group to help with keeping motivated with others! If you or anyone is interested contact me for me for details!
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    I decided to dig mine out of the moving boxes and to start tomorrow you can add me as a friend if you would like and we can bug (i mean motivate lol) each other.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Those are great fit test results we are starting pretty much the same great to know I was cursing out Tania lol hopefully get to have her fit test results by the end and I don't have a fb but we could start a group in mfp I will be posting before pictures today also
  • Please let me know if you create a group in mfp. I would love to join.
  • Pbgrl04
    Pbgrl04 Posts: 129
    I've actually been thinking about creating one on here. I'll go create it now!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member

    I started one pb but ill gladly join yours too the more the better =)
  • Conniehysell
    Conniehysell Posts: 4 Member
    I started my Fit test Yesterday as well
  • sarabee0405
    sarabee0405 Posts: 25 Member
    Those are great fit test results we are starting pretty much the same great to know I was cursing out Tania lol hopefully get to have her fit test results by the end and I don't have a fb but we could start a group in mfp I will be posting before pictures today also

    I hated Tania so much in the beginning, but I like her now haha

    I'm on my second round of Insanity in week 2, feel free to add me :)
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    that's great sara bee I will add u and u should join my group
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Anyone starting insanity this month I started today fit test below :

    Looking for others maybe start a support group my start weight is 162 and I'm 5'3 following meal guide

    Switch kicks 60
    Power jumps 32
    Power knees 45
    Power jumps 21
    Globe jumps 8
    Suicide jumps 10
    Push up jacks 17
    Low plank oblique 19


    #1 FiT TEST NOV.04,2013

    Switch kicks 60
    power jacks 30
    power knees 45
    power jumps 19
    globe jumps 7
    suicide jumps 8
    push up jacks 15
    low plank oblique 17
  • Speazzy
    Speazzy Posts: 79 Member
    Those are great fit test results we are starting pretty much the same great to know I was cursing out Tania lol hopefully get to have her fit test results by the end and I don't have a fb but we could start a group in mfp I will be posting before pictures today also

    I hated Tania so much in the beginning, but I like her now haha

    I'm on my second round of Insanity in week 2, feel free to add me :)

    Hilarious!!! I am also on my second week. I feel the exact same way....well, I hated her for a brief moment today during my 2nd fit test, but then went back to liking her! :)
  • Hi! Just stared insanity today! Hoping to stay motivated through out the 2 months :)
    Nov 6:
    Switch kicks: 50
    Power jacks: 38
    Power knees: 53
    Power jumps: 21
    Globe jumps: 6
    Suicide jumps: 11
    Push up jacks: 11
    Low plank oblique: 10
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow.
  • LibbyCaramia
    LibbyCaramia Posts: 69 Member
    Woo! I just started too, did my second day today. You have all done so awesome! Feel free to add me as a friend here :-)
    My Fit Test -

    Switch Kicks - 85
    Power Jacks - 50
    Power Knees - 75
    Power Jumps - 29
    Globe Jumps - 6 cycles
    Suicide Jumps - 10
    Push-up Jacks - 25
    Plank Oblique - 65
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    I'm planning on starting Monday.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    great fit test u guys I have a group I started your welcomed to join I will be posting a few topics and my progress through this workout
  • sarabee0405
    sarabee0405 Posts: 25 Member
    Those are great fit test results we are starting pretty much the same great to know I was cursing out Tania lol hopefully get to have her fit test results by the end and I don't have a fb but we could start a group in mfp I will be posting before pictures today also

    I hated Tania so much in the beginning, but I like her now haha

    I'm on my second round of Insanity in week 2, feel free to add me :)

    Hilarious!!! I am also on my second week. I feel the exact same way....well, I hated her for a brief moment today during my 2nd fit test, but then went back to liking her! :)

    I just hated the faces she made when the camera focused on her haha.. Plus she did everything so effortlessly I just wanted to punch her. But I believe she had a baby after Insanity and before T25.. and she looks GREAT. So I have to give credit where credit is due :)
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Really I didn't know she had a baby well great for her I can't wait to be done and see my results this time around