New and need some friends!

Hi everyone,

My name is Danielle and I'm a 26 year old female from Portland Oregon. I have a lot of weight to lose and am looking to make some friends for the long haul. I have given up so many times but I HAVE to stick with it this time. I was always a chubby kid but in high school I did lose quite a bit of weight but unfortunately have gained it all back plus some which I'm very ashamed of. I promised myself I wouldn't let that happen because it felt soooo amazing to finally be at a healthy weight. Well here I am and I want that feeling back. I want to feel healthy and not have to worry about having health problems in the future due to being overweight. I'm finding that losing the weight the second time around is a lot more difficult especially now that I'm a bit older, married and not as active. I know I can do this with with a little support and encouragement so please feel free to add me as a friend and I will return the favor.


  • mochi365
    Hi, Danielle! My name's JB and it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm new to this site as well and definitely open to meeting new people and especially meeting my fitness goals. I was doing fine for a bit and fell off the wagon since I was dealing with many stressors in my life but I know I can't take on the world if I'm not taking care of myself. :wink:
  • Lenamarie1979
    Lenamarie1979 Posts: 19 Member
    Friend request sent! We are all on the same journey!
  • HayloKitteh
    Hey we can be friends :) I just joined a couple days ago and haven't met anyone yet. I'm 19...20 next Tuesday and I've been struggling with my weight since I was 12. Though now at the weight I am at (240) I look back at myself in High school and wish i was more confident because I want to be that weight again! I put in that I want to loose 30lbs but in reality I want to loose more than that, I just thought I should start small first.
  • dancephysics
    Hello, I am also 26, who has also tried and given up many time. Friends request sent!
  • alloy1028
    alloy1028 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a 31 year old female and I live in Portland too! I have been trying off and on to lose weight and get in shape for several years, but I've had a hard time exercising consistently and being disciplined with my food choices (desserts!) However, I am SO ready and I know that both of us can do it if we commit and put in the effort.
  • Herbie2004
    Hi. I am Vicky. I live in Cape Town. 37 year old mom struggling to lose 37kgs. I joined MFP on Monday (always a good day to start a diet) :-) Haven't cheated yet, but also haven't lost any weight. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I am doing this without my family or friends knowing what I am up to, as I want to see if they notice a change in my appearance without me having to point it out when and if it happens. I have a heart condition and that combined with my weight problem is stopping me from having a baby. I am recently married and my husband has no children of his own. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I find it is better to speak to people who are going through similar experiences (my family and friends are all lean, muscular fitness nuts).
  • AnneFroel
    AnneFroel Posts: 22 Member
    Hi :) I'm Anne, I am 28 and living in Ireland. I have just joined myself and looking for some motivation to loose some weight! I have always been overweight and finally taking my life into my own hand and to be healthy :)

    I have sent you a friend request :)

  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me