Weight gain after exercise

Hi guys

I have been on the following regime for 1 month now.

- 1200 calorie diet a day
- Running on the threadmill for 30 minutes on average, three times a week
- Light weight lifting (5kg per arm, 3 reps of 10)
- Crunches

It has been a steady weightloss of 1kg a week until today. I was 71.6kg last week and 71.9kg this week. I have upped my exercise and my clothes are definitely not as snug as before. My stomach has significantly shrunk and I have had some people tell me I lost weight.

My question is why did i gain weight this week unlike the other weeks? Am i hitting the "plateau" period I have read about? How do I overcome this period and progress on with my weightloss?

I am a total newbie at this. Starting workout to lose the baby weight. Appreciate your help :)


  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Have your measurements decreased? Make sure you're measuring yourself. It could be water weight. Don't worry too much and focus on the NSVs (non-scale victories) like your clothes fitting better.

    Also, did MFP give you 1200 calories or did you chose that amount? Depending on your current weight/height etc., you probably could be eating more, and you probably should be eating back your exercise calories.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    A plateau is 6 weeks or more of no weight loss/gain when one is consistent with diet and exercise. Weight loss isn't linear. Meaning you can do the same exact diet and exercise regimen from one week to the next and get different results due to small variables (stress, rest, sodium, etc.)
    It's only been a week.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • keler1
    keler1 Posts: 7 Member

    I was having the same trouble when I added in exercise after pretty good weight loss without it.
    I was doing 5 - 6 days of cardio per week and after about 9 weeks nothing had changed but I had gained a couple of kilos (no change at all with my measurements, so at least you have some change there!!)
    I made a couple of changes, I switched to 40 mins cardio (running, bike or both) 3 days per week and 45 mins (roughly) of strength training on 3 alternate days per week, I also upped my water intake by quite a lot. I eat back some but not usually all my exercise calories as I don't know really how accurate the calories burned are. I also changed a couple of the things I was eating, I had been staying under my calories but I don't think all calories are created equal so I think that wasn't helping. Since then my weight has started to slowly move again. It has definatly taken some time though which was a little disheartening in the beginning but I am finally seeing results.
    I know that doesn't really answer your question but maybe you just need to try jigging with a couple of different things and see what helps and what doesn't, it appears to be different for everyone. :-) Good luck!!
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Had you had a high sodium meal the day prior? That can put your number up on the scale temporarily due to water retention. I'm assuming (sorry, if I'm incorrect) by your calorie goal that you are female. Are you expecting your period or do you have it currently? This is also a reason the scale can go up. Depending on when you had exercised prior to weighing in, water to the muscles for repair can also throw your number off.

    Don't worry too much about it, just keep on going how you have been and see how you go next week. You may find the 'anomaly' has righted itself in good time.
  • junindra
    WOW, thanks for the encouragement guys.

    i definitely HAVE not measured although my arms fit better into the sleeves of a dress which used to be tight.
    thanks for recommending that i will definitely start measuring myself.

    yes, i am a woman and no, its not that time of the month yet. im sorry but what is a high sodium meal could you give some examples?

    and yes, MFP gave me that 1200 calorie diet. i must admit i have not been eating back my exercise calorie. maybe thats where things went wrong?
  • candiceh3
    Eat at least 1200 net or the MFP anti1200 crowd will skin you and eat you for breakfast.

    I generally gain weight from high sodium when I've consumed more than 3-4000 mg of sodium the day before. Also before and during my period. Also just after I've started a new exercise routine.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    A high sodium meal would be a meal with a lot of hidden or not-so-hidden salt in it. Restaurant foods, pre-packaged foods to just name a few.
  • thatdude3
    Most likely water retention. If you consume more sodium that you typically do, your body will hold onto extra water. For me this happens with even a small increase in sodium intake because I typically consumer very little sodium. I wouldn't fret over it too much, just stick with it and the weight will come off.